Wow, what a school!😒 [Part 1]

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Bondita: Hi guys.

Rosaline: Bro I didn't knew you were topper also the full mark scorer. Oh By the way you guys can call Rose.😊

Bondita: Well I too didn't knew that. I mean about full mark thing.

Anastasia: Hi guys. You can call me Ana.😊

Venice: Girl, you are really something.😏. Good looks with brain is really difficult to find.

Bondita: Boy, thanks fr the compliment 😏.

Alexander: Nice to meet you guys. Can call me Alex.😊

Bondita: You guys can call me Bon. Also I think we should go to take duties of ours from council room.

Venice: Who knows where it is?

Ana: Me.

Bondita: Fine take us.

Rose: Lets go.

Soon they reached to council room. All of them were excited yet nervous about their future. No only that but they also have studies to complete. So everyone was expecting what will be the future.

Council leader:😐 Okay, so you guys are the new members and leaders of the clubs, right?

Bondita: Yes, Sir.

Council leader: 🙂 Your badges. Make sure to maintain your rankings in all the tests then only you can maintain your leader position. Also, maintaining the council is not a child's play. You guys are future members of council. So remember to maintain your behaviour. Also, which club you want is your choice.
Here are the clubs:

1. Reading club
2. Planning club
3. Art club
4. Sports club
5. Talent club.

Bondita: Sir can you explain it?

Council leader: Sure.😊
Reading club maintains library. All the records like; buying books for library, borrowing books by students will be checked by leader and will be maintained.
Planning club is about planning of parties, meetings, etc by the leader.
Art club is about drawing, painting, craft and mud works. All the things like money invested, choosing people for competition and winning the competition will looked after by leader.
Sports club is all about sports. All sports competitions that is done by University is looked by Leader.
Talent club is for showing special talents. All the types talents other than art and sports are looked by this clubs leader.
You will be given an internship time of one week for each club, Or you can chose one club for internship and join it later in future.
Are all your doubts clear?

Bondita: I will choose Reading club. And only do internship in that club only. You can take turns to learn about other clubs Is it okay?

Venice: I am okay

Ana: Me too

Alex: Me too

Rose: I will take Talent club. Also will not do internship in other clubs. So other three will be your choice.

Venice: I am okay

Ana: Me too

Alex: Me too

Council leader: Okay. Your internship starts tomorrow. Make sure to come in time.

Topper 5: Okay Sir.

After listening to all the instructions, all of them went away to there classes.

Venice: By the guys, how about we know each other's schedule?

Ana&Rose: I am okay.

Alex: Maybe

Bondita: No😐

Venice: Why?

Bondita: Maybe after 1 year😏

Venice: Why the hell?

Bondita: I will tell my free periods. Don't worry we can hangout during recess also in any free period.

Everyone showed their schedule and tallied it to find a free period. Other than recess they have 2 free periods in the whole week. Like only two. After that all of them went to their departments for classes. Bondita had class in the medical department. Like this her whole day went away moving law to medicine department.

To be continued....

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