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The moment i opened my eyes my back was started hurting. I guess that's what one gets by sleeping in a abnormal position though now this position ain't that abnormal , i have seen many reels in which it says that many girls sleep like this i.e on their stomach. I did my daily routine and then i just zoned out for like 20 minutes. I don't even know why and what i was thinking for so long but anyways i opened my Instragram scrolled a little , while i was lauging at a reel which showed a ginger cat funnt video i got goosebumps ...which was ...weird . I mean that was sudden right? . It was 10am already so i worked out , today it was my leg day so it pretty much hurts but i am sure its gonna hurt even more tomorrow (not that bad). My phone buzzed , i picked up my phone to check and saw some number added me to a whatsapp group 'JJ year 1 - division 2' . Good thing they made the group this quick , i opened the list of participants in the group and stalked a Little. Weird ? I know but i do this everytime . Whenever a group is made i always check the participants, now it's more like a normal habit to me. Bored me , thinking i should just go and meet sabrina right now . It was 11:30am now so i made up my mind , dresses up , tied my hair up again cause it's too long for me to handle while travelling in a train. Before getting out of my house i called sabrina , yeah , i called even when i am not a call person . I asked her if its ok for me to come and meet her today and yes ofcourse i can. So after traveling for 1.5 hours i reached my PG. While standing infront of the house before ringing the bell i thought to myself i hope she is straight and finally hit the bell button , she opened the door and wow she is beautiful. "Hello , come in come in" she gladly said.
I just smiled back cause damn i am so antisocial. Before things got too awkward i said "well i was kind of free today so thought of coming here and get the work done"
"Yes yes it's fine i am free too , i am also a first year of Pharmacy " she said while indicating me to seat.
"Oh wait really? In which college?" I sat on the nearest chair.
"In PD college" she replied , excitement was visible on her face . I dont know why but every extrovert is the same for real. Though even i was excited cause ...
"No way , my closest friend is also in that college , he just took his admission too"
She made a shocking face "That means we are going to be real good friends i suppose"
"Yes ofcourse"
She showed me which room was going to be mine and the moment i entered i got literal goosebumps , the vibes that room was giving off was not so good . I bet the confusion is visible on my face but sabrina doesn't have to know. So i asked "Did anyone live here before me?"
She was definitely confused "nope , why? Didn't like it?"
I took a deep breath "can i see another room? Like don't get me wrong but ... well...." I was out of words damnnn , where the fuck is my vocabulary?? . I looked at her and she was looking at her phone , smiling ,  she started to walk towards the door and i followed her , she showed me another room which was just next to it. I entered the room , the left side to the double sized bed had a big french window and right side had a door which was obviously to the washroom. I went in the room and observed it , the room gave off a neutral vibe which was just how i like it . It was coloured in partition of off-white and brown which was good , i liked the room the moment when i saw it. I checked the washroom , cupboards , furniture the room had and i was happy. I looked over to sabrina to tell her that i like it but i guess she already knows because of my reaction. "I really love it , i am sorry to say no to the previous room but it kind off gave me creepy vibes" i told her. She was being a understanding person that i could tell just by looking at her , she started saying "Don't worry about it , i know how it is....i mean ofcourse no one should ignore their gut instincts" I nodded and said "so shall we finalize?" Her face was too happy for something this small but i guess that's how some people are so no complaints. "Sure , can't wait to have you with me"
"Is there going to be anyone else here? You know a PG?"
"No no not to worry its just us and a maid , actually the maid will always be staying here with us and she'll be doing every house hold work fron cooking to cleaning , everything."
"Ohh i see ..." She interrupted me asking "are you single?"
Well that is not needed but if she is my flatmate now she has to know
"Yes i am , you?"
"Me too , single by choice though i am now really interesting in dating right now" she said.
We both talked for a while and i thought to myself that she is an expressive person , sometimes i envy people who can express themselves but on the other end only people who have the ability to feel know how to express , not a thing for me. She asked me if i wanted to have something to drink by which she meant tea or coffee and i replied with coffee . I complimented her for her iced coffee , had our little nice time and i was ready to leave. As soon as i got out of her house i opened my phone , called arsh "yo , where are you?"
"Hostel , why?"
"Ok come down in 15 minutes , I'll be waiting" I said.
"Huhhhhhhhhhh fineeeeeeeeeeee" he barely replied while he was yawing but yes we met for few hours , had lunch , spent some time at the beach. I returned home after our meeting , he definitely charged my social battery but watching people in train drained it again. Anyways i am at my home now so i read , ate and went to sleep just like i normally do.

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