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"Yeah well--- i was just watching a basketball game and zui came and she was like getting awkward and yes of course I expected what was coming next but i let her finish. She asked me if I wanted to date her , I politely denied" , i said.

I stole the look of adhit and continued , "Then she asked me 'am i not that attractive?' . I mean she looks good and all , I have known her since childhood but i am not interested in her-- like for dating" .

"Is that it?" , Abhijeet asked.

"Yeah obviously", i told him.

Don't know what else he expected.
"Good thing you rejected." , maya said.

"Exactly , dating someone from the same friend group eventually breaks the group " , adhit continued.

I nodded.
Maya and adhit are always in sync.
It's almost like they think alike.

"This will make things awkward though" , abhijeet said.
I nodded again.

The public is looking at us.
We are being too eye catchy.
Not good for abhijeet.

Ahh fuck
A group of girls is heading towards us.

Abhijeet wouldn't like this infront of maya.
A red headed girl asked abhijeet , "Aren't you abhijeet samant ?"

He looked at her.
"OHH MY GOD IT'S REALLY YOU". ,she said.
Definitely excited.

"Can we please have a selfie?" , Other girl among them said.

Abhijeet looked at maya and then nodded.

A girl took her phone out for selfie.
They are being too touchy actually.

Ahh well
They took the selfie and talked something to him.

They left after few minutes.
I looked at maya , i thought she might be confused but she isn't even surprised.

"You aren't curious? , Adhit asked.

"Well it's his life , why would i mind?" , She said.

Oh so she isn't even curious.
That means she doesn't even think of abhijeet.
And here we thought that she is taking interest in him.

Guess not.
This is going to take so long.

"Well i am a fashion model" , abhijeet told her.
"So he's popular because of that" , i added.

She nodded.
"Alright" , she said.

Mom and dad are so fixed on their predictions.
They say that maya will love abhijeet ... though it will take time.
They asked abhijeet to have patience and that's it.
Abhijeet is doing as mom told him.



It's almost 6 in the evening.
We are walking for fun.
And ofcourse even abhijeet is here .

I love taking a evening or a morning walk.
But there are so many people around me.
We are near the beach area.
There are so many couples here.

I get social anxiety whenever i am out.
Whenever I'm around other people.


He is obviously happy seeing abhijeet.

Well , i am curious but I don't want to show it.
If i did , he'll think that i am interested in him.

Abhijeet nodded.

"Do you mind me asking a question?" , That guy said.
He is recording.
Must be influencer or something.

"Go on" , abhijeet said.
"What's your kink?" , The boy asked.
Oh well isn't that supposed to be personal?

Many people are around us.
I don't like this.
I don't want so many people around me.

Aaron looked at me.

"Maya , ask me the same question" , aaron said.
"What?" , I asked cause why would i ask him that?

He didn't answer me.
"I won't answer unless it's her asking the question" , aaron said.

Everyone is now asking me to ask aaron that question.

"What's your kink aaron?" , I asked , definitely i am irritated.
"You" , he answered.

Everyone has a spicy expression on their face.
I sighed and ignored.

"Whatever , i am going home" , i said and didn't turn back to look at them.

I am going home.
I get that his line was actually great.
It was smooth.
I like people who are smooth with everything but--




I am drinking water from the bottle.
The main door opened up.
It's sabrina.

"Yo" , i said.
"What's up?" , She asked.

I didn't answer at first.

She was sitting infront of me now.
"How is abhijeet so popular?" , I asked.
Sabrina only knows abhijeet cause he's well known.
So even if i ask her , it's not like she'll spill the beans to aaron.

"You really don't know?" , She asked.
Why is she giving me that confused expression.

If i did know the reason then why the fuck would i even ask at the first place??

"He's a fashion model" , she said.
"He has worked for so many brands , he is on magazines and what not. Infact you won't believe me but he is one who actually told me to reach you and make you stay here as a pg" , she added.

Oh so he really is a successful model.
Well not that i expected something else--not with that physique of his.

"I see" , i said cause i am speechless at this point.

So the good looks aren't wasted but wanted instead.
Atleast he is of some use.

Well sorry that's not what i meant.
I thought the only thing he can do is stalk people and creep them out.

I really don't know him.

Well it's not like i want to-- so anyways...


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