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He got out of the car and stood opposite to me.
"Come with me in the house" , he said and stared the shit out of me. So i had to follow him.

"Though it doesn't mean that i am convinced". He continued.

"You don't have to be convinced" i reminded him.
Cause he is no one to me and I don't love him or whatsoever....well i do like him but love??


We climbed to the first floor , and what the---. So many guards here. Well of course it's a house of mafias.
We climbed another floor and-- not many people here.

The interior is good , expected with someone with a background of an architecture.
He leaded the way towards a group of people. I can hear them , giggling and talking. Family?
There's no way i am meeting them now.

It's the dining table , two female and three male. Oh and that person--that's my contractor.
He said , "sorry" and got out of the kitchen.

I just nodded at him cause it's not his fault , he was just acting on the order of his boss.
I understand.

Ajinkya looked at me.
He stood up and patted my head
"Did he bother you too much?" .
I nodded my head to indicate no , even though he did annoy me with his endless questions.

I--I always feel warm when i am with these boys but....I SHOULD BE AVOIDING THEM.

Abhijeet whispered in my ear "Shut up and sit".

I did. Aaron pointed to a lady , she is young , pretty too. Looks kind.

He said , "Meet my mom"
Fuck--she is young to be a mom of 20 year old son.

I-- i don't know how to meet her though. Handshake is inappropriate. I bent my neck down a little to show respect. Ruha is sitting beside his mom.

Ajinkya is sitting to my right side and aaron to my left.
Adhit was there too , he said , "Don't be so awkward".
I looked at him. "What do you expect me to do?"

"Get together with us" , ruha said.

I don't know why they think I'll involve myself with them. I don't know why they think i want to be here.
I looked at aaron cause i am too tired for this shit.

I want to go home.
Aaron's mom asked , "When was the last time you talked to your parents?".
She was asking me.
I don't even remember.
"Few days ago" , i answered.

"You know , biologically ajinkya is not my child. His parents were killed." ,  She took a pause and continued  , "Ajinkya was just 6  and since then he is living with us as my third child"
She said.
I see. But--

"Why were ajinkya's parents killed?" I asked. Even though i am never nosy as i am today i asked cause she is giving me information that I don't need and i don't want to be too rude to her.

"His father was a assasin who passed some important information to other mafias and-- some personal reasons too" Aaron said instead of his mom.

I didn't react to this but is that supposed to be a threat?
"Just let me go home already" i said.
I am too tired , i need some sleep. I wasn't able to sleep last night , nightmares won't let me.

Ajinkya asked aaron , "You forced her again ?"
"She is too stubborn" aaron said.
Look who is saying. But-- i just want to-- i don't know-- be alone maybe?

I looked at the window , his mom said ," you love books right? I have a library here , wanna see?"

BOOKS ARE AMAZING- but i really shouldn't right now.
I just nodded my head from left and right.
"Go home then" adhit said.

Finally , i got up and---
"You are always getting away from me" aaron said.
"I already rejected you twice , you cannot expect me to spend time with you" ,  i reminded him.

"I don't want to see you going away from me" , Aaron exclaimed.
Did i already damage his little heart? I wasn't even that rude to him.

I smiled , "That's what you'll get by loving me" i warned him and continued ,
"Ajinkya , drop me home" he got up and we both started walking. I remind myself of the cameras i have in my room.

I stopped and without turning back said , "I hope you won't put cameras again in my room , I'll be removing them now" , i took a pause , "Hope this won't affect my work " and continued walking.

What a fucking drama this is , i just want my mental peace.

I got that by moving out of my parent's house by getting away from them and now he is bugging me like i am some kind of criminal.

He brought stress in my head again.
I don't like when my head isn't in my control.

Now , if he doesn't love me much , he wouldn't think of me much unless he is an egoist and even if there is a slightest chance of his love being real which i hardly think is possible , then he will continue try me.

Possibility , can go other ways too.
So that means that his entire family knows that i am an assassin .

I sigh.

"What made you a ruthless assasin?" Ajinkya asked while he was driving.

"I made myself an assassin" i said.

Ajinkya took a deep breath , "His love might actually be real for you" , he said.

"He is just curious about me as i am the first person who doesn't give a fuck about him" , i reminded him.

"Well--" , he cleared his throat and continued , "that is unfortunately correct"
We both didn't talk for the rest of the ride.

I reached home. The first thing i did was to remove those damnn cameras. Two on the lamps. One of my table lamp. One on top of my mirror.
Microphones , one near the drawer of the table , one below the bed , one in the window.

Fuckk this kid .
Now i am not getting any creepy vibes. Finally i can call this my home.

Though is it actually?

I am too tired , not physically but mentally.
I got myself here in a new city so that I'll be away from my parents. They are my main reason and now I don't want anyone to bother me so much.

Why did he even took me to his home?
Agh i wanna fucking torture someone right now.
Tonight , I'll go to the dark club. I'll get some new one time contracts there.


It was 8:30pm when i was wearing full clothes i mean i wasn't showing any skin yet i was looking damn pretty. Had my hairs down too.
I am currently sitting in a corner and looking at phone doing nothing.

Someone was approaching. "Want some work?" He asked.
I nodded. He sat down beside me.
Opened his phone and showed a photograph.

It's of a female.

"She is waiting for a boy in a room for sex , finish the work and get this cheque" he showed the cheque which was in his pocket.

"Shall i trust you?" I asked without looking at him.
"If you can finish the work then yes , you can" he said.

He is right , if he dares to deny the deal afterwards , i could just kill him too and he knows that.

He showed me the directions towards the room.
"Meet me at the drink counter in 8 minutes" i said.
And started searching for the room.

After walking for 1 and a half minutes , here i am.
I can hear no one though. Is she actually in?
I knocked on the door.

"Cominggggg loveeeee , i was waiting for sooo longg" , she said , anyone can tell how excited she is for what-- just sex.

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