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Adhit and i had a deal which clearly states that he would talk to his brother and let me in the council and in return i just have to socialize once. Kind of weird? Yes , but works for me.

Usually , The first day is always about introductions with and teacher and between the students . It was the same for us today. So they didn't teach us much they just introduced us to the subjects we'll be having.
All the teacher seemed pretty friendly to me. Infact one of the sir asked me about the fresher's party. He said that even he was present and yet he did not see me. I just made an excuse of personal reasons and got away with it.

I touched my phone and it showed 4:35pm. Adhit was looking at me while i was a bit busy drinking water and said , "Were you serious when you were apologizing for being rude on the text?"
"Apologies are meant to be serious" i said while i was putting my bottle back in the bag.
He nodded. We both left the classroom and started walking towards the stairs.

5th floor is here. Adhit leaded the way , ofcourse he did cause i fucking cannot.
Whoa the room has a sliding door huh. I can see bit japanese traditions.

Adhit slided the right door to the left and...
Ajinkya was also here. He waved his hand to me and i smiled naturally. I don't know why but i like this boy , he's sweet.
But the real problem here my ex.
My recent one.
Though my recent one is still almost 2 years old.

We both entered the room and adhit was searching for someone . He asked while looking at the people present in the room "Where is the head?"
Someone walked through the already opened door.
WAIT , aaron??
Aaron is my favourite male character. He is from a book series which i love.
The person's eyes are literally so green that i can see it even from standing 2 meters away from him.
Blond hairs , unique for someone who is indian.
He ain't that tall though . Gives some grumpy vibes .
Sharp jawline . Definitely a athlete . Body is having some great shape .
He is in a red jersey and black shorts . Football . Yes , ofcourse football .

I finally looked at adhit and ajinkya who were standing to my right and left . Ajinkya broke the silence "He the head of the student council and the captain of the football team"
I don't know what to say , i looked at ajinkya.
He looked at adhit.
I can feel adhit's eyes on me.
I looked at adhit.
Everyone was looking at us. And we started laughing.
Adhit , me and ajinkya.

Finally someone broke the silence , unfortunately that's my ex though "Never expected you in this college"
I nodded.
He ignored. The captain looked at ajinkya.
"You guys know each other?" Ajinkya asked with curiosity.
Soham stared at me and locked eyes , "yeah , she is my ex"
The captain finally started speaking , "Shut the relationship stuff , why are you here?" He said while looking at me.
I was thinking about what to say , adhit interrupted " "Everyone , She's maya" adhit looked at the captain and continued "the person i told you about".
The captain was staring the shit out of me and guess what , I DO NOT LIKE BEING WATCHED.
"Trying to scare me or what captain?" I said with straight face .....AND REGRETTED INSTANTLY...AHH DAMNN HOW IS HE SO GOOD LOOKING ?? PLASTIC SURGERY????
"Will you be scared if i try to?" He said.
"It would be wasted"
"True" he said. He started nodding.
He looked at me again and asked "Why student council ? Aren't you the type who would rather like to spent the entire day in a library?"
How does he know that.....
"Student council is always beneficial" i replied.
"Is that it?" He cocked his eyebrow up.
"Just because i am joining the student council doesn't mean that i cannot spend my time in a library" we locked eyes "right?" I continued.

Ajinkya moved from standing beside me to standing behind the captain who was sitting on the chair. Ajinkya put his hand around the captain's neck in a friendly way and said "Abhijeet , chillax. She is adhit's friend" they both looked at me "Go easy" ajinkya continued.
The captain stood up and walked towards me. Put his right hand in the air wanting a handshake. I gave him that. He said when i shook his hand "Abhijeet samant , the head of the student council and the captain of the football club." Abhijeet huh . A masterpiece he is.

I am going to call him aaron from now on.

My phone started ringing. One piece theme song is so great. Ajinkya asked in excitement "heyo you a anime fan??"
I pressed the volume button of the phone and nodded.
Abhijeet said "Go on , pick up ... whoever the person is ,don't make them wait......."
Soham interrupted while definitely being nosy " Let me guess , arsh is it?"
Fuck this shit .
I choose rudeness.
"Yes , it is the person you were always so jealous of" i replied.
Everyone had a smile on their face except this nosy brat here.
Abhijeet had a smirk on his face.
Shit that is something ....what i would call sexy.

Abhijeet said ,
"Welcome to the council , there are some rules though .... especially for the first years.
1. After college you'll have to spend half hour doing work here.
2.If you aren't able to come at someday you have to inform one day prior.
3. I did not see you at the fresher's... EXPLAIN".He ordered.

He may be handsome but who the fuck is he to order me ?????MEE???
"Well I don't like parties" i said , keeping myself as calm as possible.
"Tomorrow and day after tomorrow you'll be having a holiday from the college. Student council is going to a camp. You better be there kid , i don't like non-social people." He said.
I instantly replied "You don't have to like me" i looked at him and continued "I would think about it"
Abhijeet looked at adhit. Adhit grabbed my upperarm and dragged me out of the room . "What do you think you are doing?" I asked.
"We had a deal , in which you said you agree to socialize once. Now is the chance. You cannot upset him. You don't know him." He freed my arm and continued "Camp or the council?"
"Fine. Council it is. Message me the information and stuff. I'll be off now. I said.
I turned and started walking .

I heard someone running and heading towards me. I turned and "yoo" ajinkya is here.
"Sorry about that , kid" he patted my head. "He was too rude right? , I know . But don't worry that's just how he does things" he said.

He kept me company till we reached the college gate.
"You rejected my instagram request huh?" He asked.
"Yeah , unfortunately I didn't knew you then . So yeah i did. But send the request again and now I'll gladly accept it." I said.

And someone hit my head from behind. "Noob atleast pick up the calls" oh that would be arsh. I introduced both of them to each other and parted our ways.
Arsh and i spent some time and i told him about everything. He started laughing at me the moment i told him that my ex was there.
Not his fault though.

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