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It was 6:48pm i was laying down on my bed after too much of socializing. I still cannot stop thinking about abhijeet. I wonder about his blond hairs. He was perfect for real. My phone buzzed , message from the college :
'Students will have holiday on september 17 and 18.
Regular lectures will be held on September 19.'

"I don't like short notices" i said to myself looking in the mirror. Which was beside my cupboard. I was looking at myself when i noticed my acne has been reduced so much now. All thanks to the treatment. It's just gone.

Another notification :
'Camp is a secret place , only ajinkya and abhijeet knows the place.
We will leave at morning 8am'
Adhit's text said.
I replied 'How are we going?'
'Bus . Not for you though '
Huh whatt?
'??' i asked.
'My car is free. Join me.'
Great. I replied 'You sure?'
'Ofcourse don't worry , we are friends afterall.' he replied after few minutes.
Oh so we are already friends? Are we?
I guess even if we aren't, we'll soon be.

I opened instagram and saw ajinkya's request to follow and i accepted it and followed back.
He has over 2000 followers what the fuck . I mean yes he is definitely popular. Especially with girls.
I texted him 'What are the essentials for the camp?'
After half an hour he texted back ,
'Just clothes and your skin care stuff . Rest of the things would be available there.'
'okk okk' i replied.
'What's your number kid?' he asked
'xxxxxxxxxx' i trust him so i gave him the number.

It took me some time to pack the bag.
It was almost 9 now.
Sabrina and i had our dinner and i told her about the camp and she told me it would be a amazing experience to star gaze at night.
We chatted for sometime and then i went back in the room.

I opened my Instragram and searched for 'Abhijeet samant'. Top most account showed that this account is followed by ajinkya so i opened it and damn even after being private it has 3708 followers , DAMNNNNN. Following? Barely 200.
I see.

Anyways who am i to stalk him. I closed the app and set a alarm for 6am. Talked to arsh for sometime and told him about everything that happened today as he did too.


I barely slept. Got a bad dream again. A repeated one. Now the entire day is ruined. Anyways gotta hurry , i did my usual stuff and had coffee to keep myself a little energetic.

It was 7:08am. A unknown number texted me saying :
'Adhit and ajinkya are busy loading essentials in the bus and and they would be a little late. Plus adhit's car is full. He asked me to take care of you.'
Who is he though?
Don't tell me he is......
'Got some manners to introduce yourself?' i said.
'Abhijeet , your senior. You should be the one who must behave here.'
I ignored his text and told him my address so that he'll pick me up. He just left me on seen though. Hope he isn't going to ditch me.

It was almost 8 now. I was waiting near my building.
I saw a LAMBORGHINI AVENTADOR heading. Ahh shit a lambo was always my dream car.
The car stopped infront of me. The door opened. And abhijeettt???? Whatt??
He walked out of the driver's seat and opened the passenger door. "Go on" he said.
So many people are recording right now. Damnn ofcourse they will.

We are now travelling for almost half an hour , i was on my phone. He was driving. We both didn't talk to each other. I locked my phone. Reminded myself some manners and said "Thanks for having me here"
He ignored.
"Which year are you in by the way?" I asked.
He wasn't even looking at me but he answered "you seriously know nothing about me?"
"What are you? A celeb?"
"Somewhat" he said. Cocky bastard.
"No i don't know you" i said.
"Third year" he looked at me in the eyes.
Those green eyes remind me of nature. Of forest. Of earth. They are beautiful. He must be so loved for that.
"Is your father rich or what?" I asked even though it's none of my fucking business.
He ignored . *Sob* he again ignored me.
(Maya being dramatic)

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