30 16 1

Aaron's alarm rang and now i cannot sleep again. It's around 5:30am right now. I only got sleep of just few hours. Usually , i sleep for 9 / 10 hours , needed for me. Aaron was out of the tent working out. I am in the bus taking a bath. The bus luxurious, definitely. It even has a small kitchen. Well it's expected they are rich afterall.

While bathing i heard noises from outside. Like outside the bathroom. I Wonder who woke up , that somebody just knocked.
"Who is it?" I asked.
"It's me , you are taking too long"
That's aaron. But i just got myself in like 10 minutes ago.
"I just got in , you idiot , I'll take time. So have some manners and wait" i said while my shower was still on.
He didn't say anything. I was hearing no footsteps , no  nothing. So i continued to enjoy the shower.

After taking a long shower. I opened the door of the bathroom and he was ....ah well he looks good. Having all that pump and stuff. Aaron is half naked . Not wearing a shirt is basically known as being half naked. Isn't he cold?

"I thought i told you to wait" i said. He shouldn't be waiting so near to the door.
"Exactly what i did" he said while locking his phone.
Aghhh he is irritating.
"Waiting near the door , not good"
He nodded. Why did he just nod? He should say something like oh my bad or maybe something like oh thanks i would remember it from the next time.
I walked passed him.

He grabbed me by my wrist and pulled me back.
What the hellllllll is he doing?
I looked at him. "I thought i told you that I don't like to be touched" i said.
He slowly let go of my hand and asked "Do you by any chance like ajinkya?"
Ooooo ajinkya huh , yeah well i do like him. Should i tell him or not. Though i am not interested in him if that's what he is asking but i should play along a little.
"Ofcourse i do" i said.

"Oh well
1. He is super cute , beautiful and unlike you he is polite." I confirmed it to him.

"Do you like nice people?" He asked like it isn't obvious.
"Everyone does"

He ignored what i said and went inside the bathroom.
Huh idiot. I sat down on the chair near the kitchen and started reading a boys love manhwa (korean comics).
I heard footsteps again so i looked back and what the fuck he is too quick to bath.

I ignored and continued reading manhwa. He came into the kitchen and drank water.
He was standing behind me , he whispered into my ear "Pervert , why read a gay manhwa when you are straight" he said.
Shit he is too close. I didn't look at him.
"I hope so" he added.
I ignored , cause we always fight . Thanks to his foolishness.
"Don't ignore" He said.
I ignored.
He placed his hand on my head and turned it towards himself. His face is too close.
Oopss i did it again , i almost slapped him.
"Your hands work a lot" he grabbed the hand that was supposed to slap him by now.
"Your fault" i said.
He moved and sat infront of me.

I completed the short manhwa , it was almost 6:30am. Ofcourse no one would wake up this soon. I locked my phone and looked at aaron. He was already watching me. We stared at each other for few more seconds but he broke the silence.

"Do you love someone?"
I didn't answer. "So you don't" he said.
"Why not?" He added.
"I don't think i am made for it" i replied after being annoyed.
"Love is made for humans , not the other way around" he said.

Well i am the poet here , he doesn't have to tell me that. But reality is reality.
"You ignore me way too much" he said.
"You annoy me way too much" i said.
"Are you always this rude?" He asked.
I am definitely irritated now.
"Especially for you" i gave him a flying kiss just to mess around and he ignored. See that's why i ignore him too.

"Why do you think that you aren't made for love?" He asked.
Are you fucking kidding me bruh , is he not going to shut up even for a second??
"Look , do not irritate me , I don't like talking too much , so don't force me to" i warned.
"I know"

He opened his phone and started typing. Finally , now he won't talk to me.
Phone buzzed , i opened it . What the hell . I looked at aaron . He looked at me and said "you don't like to talk so now you type"
I blocked him.
Yeah ofcourse i did , too annoying.

"No use , i can unblock myself from your phone" he said.
Wait , that doesn't sound like a joke. Don't tell me he has my phone hacked or something. Well technically he can thanks to his richness but I don't know. A possibility, yes.

Anyways , i am missing that waterfall. I headed out of the bus. Took my phone with me ofcourse, i cannot trust him. No one is awake yet. The waterfall is heavenly.

I opened my camera and took some good photos.
Every photo i take is perfect (everytime , cause i am a good photographer). I switched to selfie mode and tried to take some selfies. To be honest , i do have many selfies but i only look good in real life. Not much in photos i think.

Aaron is here again . I don't believe in gods but if there is a god that i would like him to remove aaron from my life. He is being too annoying.
"Here" he said. Giving his phone to me.
It's me in the photo. Damnn i am looking great. Wait when did he-- i looked at him.
"You were busy taking photo of waterfall so you didn't notice me" he said.
"Thanks just send it to me" i said.
He nodded.

Though he is rich himself , he looks good so---
"Why are you single?" I asked.
"Every girl i've ever met are only with me because of my good looks or money" he said.
Oh right , i thought so too at first.
I didn't say anything to him , i just looked at him.
"How are you so rich? Father's money?" I asked.
He looked disappointed.

"That's what everyone thinks" he said.
"Then tell me what nobody thinks"
He took a deep breath and said "i have a real estate business. My father is the CEO of the architectural digest india."
"What , architectural digest?? Really?"
"Yupp" he confirmed.

I lifted myself , being on my knees and kneeling towards him , patted his head "It's a great achievement to have a successful business in such a young age"
He got up and walked away.

It was past 9. Everyone was awake and busy making breakfast. I told adhit that I don't have breakfast so early in the morning so not to prepare for me.
The student council members don't talk to me. Why do they not like me?

Ruha was also making the breakfast so i asked her "why do the council members not talk to me?"
She looked at me and raised both of her eyebrows. Clearly thinking about it.
Adhit interrupted "oh don't worry it's just because you were rude to abhijeet."
"I see , then it's perfectly fine" i said.

I am too tired. I am done socializing. My battery is out.
I am still amazed to see that my battery lasted more than a day. But not anymore .

It was finally the time to leave from here. I am only going to miss the waterfall. That's fucking it.
I was in ajinkya's car and i told him about everything that happened to me from yesterday which just had aaron in it but i told him anyway.

"Aaron might tell you about everything but i will too" i said.
"Yeah he does tell me about everything , but that doesn't mean that you cannot" he said.
I smiled at him and nodded.

"He isn't that annoying though , he is just an asshole" he said.
"Bruhh that's the same thing isn't it?"
We both laughed and enjoyed each others lame jokes.

He dropped me at my home and i laid down on my bed as soon as i got in the apartment. My bed!!! "I missed you too much"

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