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I was vibing by listening to phonk with my headphones on . I looked at the time it was 7:13pm. Should have attended the party ... but then again if i actually did , i would have regretted it. Loss in either ways so i convinced myself that my decision is right. The phone was on silent so I didn't realise that i have some notifications of whatsapp. Oh , i already know his number it's obviously adhit.
The text says :
"So you really didn't show up , i was expecting you."
I clicked at the text and started typing.
"Are your eyes working properly?"
I got a reply in few minutes.
Why do you ask?"
"Cause i can clearly see the text where i told you that i  don't want to attend it"
Was that too rude for someone that i don't even know?
He started typing. Then he stopped. He started. He stopped. Then he typed : "yeah i guess i am blind"
I left him on seen as I don't know how to reply to this.
But then i thought maybe that was too rude. To i replied : "enjoy"
Now he left me on seen , yeah, great. No worries . Him leaving me on seen is the bare minimum he can do when i was so rude to him.

Today even sabrina isn't home. I am literally alone. The maid cooked the food and she left the house. The food is good i give her that. I miss my mom's food though. I decided to call her. And yes the call went way too long. I did nothing for the next hour , i was just spaced out thinking about i don't even fucking know. I texted arsh to ask him about his party but i didn't expect him to reply me quick cause that boy enjoys himself and i am sure late night i am gonna get a text from him saying 'i made so many friends . People here are good . We enjoyed a lot' kind of thing.
Good for him.
Now it's past 11 , i cannot sleep cause my mind is way too busy thinking about my first day.
Tomorrow it starts.
Huhhhhhh just sleep you idiot.

I can hear the one piece main theme song (anime).
That would be my alarm , it was 8am. My eyes can barely open themselves. I need more sleep , definitely.
Cannot , its the first day bruhh wake upppppp.
I took a look at my phone it was 8:04am . I forced myself to wake up. After some time , i grabbed my towel and put it on the hanger that's located on the back of my bathroom door. Took my time to bath which is usually half an hour cause i love to bath , i mean who the fuck doesn't?.
Wrapped the towel around me and walked out.
Chilled vibe passed through my body. Opened my wardrobe , wore my clothes even after getting goosebumps.
The bedside lamp still looks a lot creepier to me.
After dresssing up , i sat down on my bed . The lamp grabbed my attention. I took it in my hand and flipped it , took a look at the bottom more like i was checking it. That's cause today was the third time i thought that this lamp has eyes. Like someone is watching.
Found nothing bruh , not even near the bulb of the lamp.
Anyways it's 8:43am. I went out and knocked sabrina's door. She opened it after few seconds. She said she was wearing clothes which was unnecessary to say but ok. "Iced coffee?" I asked.
She smiled and said "oh yeah sit , I'll make it"
"Yeah ofcourse you will , cause you can . I cannot"
"You don't know how to make ice coffee?" She asked and the curiousity was clear on her face.
I nodded.
Her eyes were fixed on the thing she was doing. She said without looking at me "Do you not like parties?"
"Yeah , I don't"
"Is that the only reason why you did not even attend your fresher's party?"
"Ofcourse" i said.
She nodded and bought two glasses with her.
"Where did you buy the furniture of the house?" I asked.
"Why? You didn't like it?" She asked after sipping coffee.
Damn it just answer the question.
"Where did you buy it?"
"My mom bought all the furniture when i was a child. So i don't actually know" she said.
"I see"

It was 9:07am. I was on a call with arsh , we were talking about the how the first day might go. I was on the negative side and he was at the opposite one.
"I should get going now" i said.
Looking myself in the mirror , checking myself out.
"What are you wearing ?" He asked.
"A biege cargo and black crop top"
"Then I'll wear the same too , thanks"
"Yeah byee"
We ended the call now it was 9:10am. As i have no choice but to go to the college. I forced myself out of the house , Walked my way towards the college. It's only 15 minutes away from my house. But i want to buy a book on my way so my first stop was the book stalls. They have so many books with cheap price. Just how i want it.
Hmmmmmmmm , smut or physics? Well technically , my last 3 books were pure smut so probably physics.
No hold up but how can i reject smut??
Hold the fuck up , i don't have to choose when i can buy both of them.

It was 9:38am when i reached my college. I entered the college and i can feel the adrenaline rush in me. Too many people. I don't like this.
After looking at few people , i thought i hope i am not in a fashion school. Why the fuck do people wear makeup in a college???
After some time i finally realized that I AM LOST.
I was at the third floor searching for my classroom. And the numbers displayed here are literally 330 and so on . When i was still searching for my classroom someone patted my left shoulder.
But i looked back and ooh a sweet boy , it's ajinkya fron that day. I smiled and said "yoo"
He smiled in return. I am not a simp . I do not have any interest in being committed right now but i appreciate good looks or anything really. If i think something is good then i compliment it. Ajinkya started laughing. My face showed confusion. He said , "i can clearly say that you are lost , aren't you kid?"
I laughed too "yupp"
"302 right? ....come with me" he leaded the way for me. I can feel too many eyes on me.
Almost every person is looking at me.
"Adhit is in your class so i know your class too" he cut the silence.
"I see , is adhit close to you?" I asked . Though i regret asking it cause that is none of my business.
"Yeah" he stopped before my classroom. I looked at him. He was looking at me. "Thanks" i said. He smiled and asked "which club are you going to join?"
"No club actually. Just the student council" i said.
"Well then after your first day come to 502 , adhit will be there too so come with him" he said. Good then I won't get lost.
"Alright" we parted our ways.
I headed in the classroom and adhit was already sitting in the extreme right corner.
I sat at the bench beside him. He saw me but didn't say anything . Oh yeah , i was too rude on the text. Right.
"Sorry for being rude on the text , that was not my intention. I just said what i wanted." I kept my voice low.
He finally looked at me. "So you interested in student council huh?"
(Did he just ignore my apology??)
I nodded.
"I can get you into it." He said.
"Do they not allow anyone anymore?"
"The head of the student council does not let anyone enter the council. He interviews them and then decides to have them or not." He took a pause to look at me and continued "He is strict when it comes to the council and sometimes even ask personal stuffs in the interview" he said.
Stupidity. He is just the head of the student council not a principle.
"That's stupid" i complained.
"Yes for you it might be , that's why i said i can get you in even without a interview" he said.
"The head is my older brother , if i say that you are my friend then he will let you in with just few normal questions" he said.

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