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Someone knocked the door again.
"Yeah?" I asked.
Ajinkya opened the door. Adhit followed him.
"Thankgod you . Take this idiot with you" i requested them pointing towards aaron.

Ajinkya somehow convinced abhijeet to get out of the room for now.
But he again changed his decision.
"First promise me that you'll go on a date with me" aaron said.
He is a damn stubborn kid.

"I cannot do that" i said.
"Why not? , Dates are dates , you get to know people by that" he started ranting about it.
"Dating stuff isn't worth the time , look i don't mean to disrespect you here but I don't date" , i explained.

"Why? Scared of getting emotional damage?" Should i just kill him right now?
Ajinkya interrupted "Hey that's not a good way to ask"
Adhit reminded aaron something in his ears.

"I am not going to let go of you so easily though" aaron said and adhit dragged him out of the room.
I followed them cause now i have to lock the main door of the house.

They got of the house and aaron turned back and said "I'll see you soon".
I showed him a middle finger "In your dreams"
He smiled. "Mine's almost thrice than that". I rolled my eyes. Ajinkya and adhit started giggling.

They started to walk away from me.

"Is it?" , I heard  adhit asking while he was trying to control his laugh.
"Yeah it definitely is , i have seen it with my own two eyes" , Ajinkya said.

I locked the fucking door. How the hell did he come in anyways?

I wonder though. Why can't i date?
No one knows that i am a assasin. No one would care.
Don't have much friends. Technically, no one knows me.

The guys together are funny , that's for sure.

I might actually give him a try , but then again I don't want him to know that i have killed so many people by now. He might be a mafia but he never killed someone. Mafias just orders someone else to do this kind of works.

Mafias never get their hands dirty.
That is unfortunately true , though if i think about it . It's just normal human psychology , no one ever wants to get their hands , image dirty.

Everyone wants to be clean and naive but the world doesn't work so easily. Ofcourse there is a worse side. I had a taste of it too.

If aaron gets a little easy with me , i might give him a chance. Only if he decides not to be such a asshole.
I do like him though. Anyways , this liking shouldn't reach to the level of love.

I don't have anything to do today , my hairs are still wet. Let's just read something. I grabbed a suspence book and started reading it.


It only took me few hours. Suspence novels keeps me engaged , i like that.
I had my lunch with sabrina , she asked me if abhijeet is bothering me too much for which i said yes he does , a lot .

She told me that she knows abhijeet cause he is too popular in the city. Well i guess that's just because he looks good and he is rich too so yeah  , ofcourse many people would know him.

I got myself in the room . Sat on the bed and the lamp caught my attention again. So if i am being watched by aaron , he probably knows a lot about me and my body.

If that contractor who was with aaron that night knows Aaron personally . He would reveal my identity to aaron. Mafias don't know the assasins but their contractors do.

Cause contractors are the ones who handles  assasins under them.

I wonder if he remembers me or not. Though if he does remember me , he would spit out every information of mine like a talking parrot.
Now when aaron visited me , he was looking quite normal . So i can assume that he doesn't know anything.

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