Chapter One

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It's commonly known that Shadow has always been a hard worker. G.U.N. was basically a second home to the hedgehog, due to how often he was there working away his days. G.U.N. expected a lot from Shadow, possibly even more then he had to give; he was a machine, a weapon, a hard worker. In there eyes, there was no such thing as pushing Shadow's limit. It's not a surprise how often Shadow was forced to work during his time he was supposed to be off, he wasn't treated with any dignity. Besides, when Shadow was off in general, he'd probably just sleep through his days, he never had anything important going on.

The sleepless nights from his last mission that lasted upon three weeks was enough for Shadow to urge G.U.N. to let him take a break, a well deserved break. G.U.N. was generous enough to offer both him and Rouge two weeks off to make up for the long mission, with a promise that they wouldn't force neither of them in unless it was absolutely necessary. They didn't really ever force Rouge as much, but they constantly did for Shadow.

Both hard workers sat in Rouge's car, exhausted from there previous mission. Rouge was driving Shadow home, this wasn't anything out of the ordinary. Shadow gets so tired at times he can't bring himself to use Chaos Control. It was routine by now for him to hitch a ride with Rouge home.

"What do you plan to do during your time off?" Rouge asked, keeping her eyes on the road as she drove towards Shadow's house.

"Sleep." Shadow replied, being straight forward as usual, he wasn't lying either. Shadow's top priority was to get a good nights rest that he's been prevented from taking these past few weeks. Rouge and Shadow spent there personal time off very differently. Rouge only needed a days rest before she can go out and about, enjoying her well deserved time off.

"You can't just sleep your whole break, you've must do something enjoyable." Rouge stated as she made a turn, getting onto Shadow's road. Every time she goes down his street she can't help but smile at the weird street name; Sunadow St. It honestly makes Rouge wonder if they just make up random words and make them street names.

"Sleeping is enjoyable, I plan to enjoy every second of it actually." Shadow replied with a grin. If he wasn't sleeping, he was eating ice cream and binge watching Netflix, but he wasn't going to admit that to the bat.

To say Shadow was glad to see his house after this long would be a understatement. He couldn't wait to climb into bed and hibernate. To feel the softness of his blanket wrapped around his body like he was the meat in a taco.

Rouge pulled into his driveway, in front of his grey, two story house. Shadow couldn't wait to walk through his yellow painted door, take off his air shoes neatly onto his red rug by the door, throw on his favorite fuzzy pj pants and a baggy tee shirt to sleep.

Rouge parked the vehicle and turned towards Shadow before he could get out, sighing at his stubbornness. "Promise me that you'll at least text me. We have to do at least one thing together during our break. I don't want you hidden away in your house the entire time." She urged, giving him a stern expression.

"We spent three weeks together isn't that enough? Can't you hang out with Knuckles?" Shadow whinged.

"That doesn't matter, I want us to do something enjoyable out of work and your doing it whether you want to or not." Rouge insisted, ignoring Shadow's comment made about Knuckles.

"Fine, but only one day." Shadow sighed in defeat. Rouge was a great friend, but sometimes Shadow couldn't help but feel annoyed by her, she's very pushy, and extremely nosy.

"See you soon handsome." Rouge smiled in victory.

Shadow huffed and exited the vehicle then, taking his bags from the trip with him. He packed lightly, so he didn't have much to carry, unlike Rouge who brought like four suitcases too many. She really came prepared with outfits for any occasion.

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