Chapter Six

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Today for Shadow and Classic, it went as normal. Like the last previous days, they would eat breakfast, play a few board games, chase each other throughout the house until they both gained tired of it, eat lunch, watch a movie with a bowl of ice cream, eat dinner, then go to bed.

Shadow hadn't put much thought recently about sending Classic to Tails, he's been distracted lately (for obvious reasons). From what used to annoy him, he began to enjoy. This was what Rouge wanted technically, for him to be proactive during his time off from work. Though, he still hadn't gotten a new phone yet, so he had yet to message her, he's sorta forgot about it. He has a landline, but the only one who contacts him from that is G.U.N. because who still uses landlines.

Shadow's back started to become sore from sleeping on the couch though, to the point Classic pretty much pushed him out the door to go buy a new mattress. Shadow didn't really want to leave the comfort of his home, but it wasn't really comfortable at the moment due to this mishap.

"Promise not to destroy my house while I'm gone." Shadow said well standing at the door way, In front of Classic who was ready to shut the door when he'd leave.

Classic rolled his eyes, he didn't destroy it when Shadow was gone for three weeks. So, what would be the difference now? He held out his pinky. Shadow was amused with the childish expression and wrapped his pinky around Classic's.

"You better not be crossing your other fingers kid." Shadow furrowed his brows.

Classic raised up his other hand, showing he wasn't being dishonest with his promise. Shadow accepted that Classic wasn't lying, and released his hand.

"I'll be back soon." Shadow then finally left, Classic closing the door behind him.

First thing Classic did was turn off all the lights, then he ran to the couch and jumped up onto it, covering himself in a blanket. He fiddled with the remote to find something good to watch. He was content for the next thirty-ish minutes watching Netflix.

In the corner of Classic's eyes he seen a figure pop into the windows, making him take his attention away from the TV. Classic quickly rolled over the couch and behind it to not be seen, turning off the TV just in time. He knew it wasn't Shadow. Classic wasn't Amy who couldn't tell the difference between black and blue.

He peaked and watched as emerald green eyes pierced through the window, scanning the inside of the house. The house was dark, it looked like no one was home. Classic probably wouldn't have noticed the peeper Sonic if he had the lights on.

Sonic's face twisted into a worried expression, he reluctantly went to the door and knocked on it. No response. He knocked again. No response. Third times the charm right? Guess not, no response.

Multiple scenarios ran through Sonic's mind he quickly made a run for it, needing to find Rouge. This isn't something he could just tell her over the phone. Shadow doesn't normally leave the house unless danger's lurking, or something worse. (At least normally.)

Classic sighed in relief. He came out from behind the couch and sat back down on the couch once he knew for sure the coast was clear. He was glad Shadow wasn't home, he knew they'd been getting along but if what if he wouldn't had lied this time? What if he told Sonic the truth and Classic was sent back home? Classic wasn't ready to go home, as selfish as that was.

Eventually Shadow chaos controlled right back into the house, along with the large mattress ready to flatten the poor hedgehog. Shadow was thankful for the ability to teleport at that moment, it would've been a bitch to haul that mattress out the store.

"Mind helping me up the stairs?" Shadow asked, struggling to keep the mattress off from the floor.

Classic jumped off the couch and went and helped pick up the other side of the mattress. They then proceeded to take the mattress upstairs, then switched out the mattress's, placing the old one up against the wall. Shadow placed a sheet on the new mattress and threw his pillows on it.

"Well, why don't you try it out. Let me know if I made a good choice." Shadow suggested, looking towards Classic.

Classic smiled widely, accepting the invitation without a second thought. He jumped right up onto the new mattress to test it out. It was so much better than the last, a perfect mixture of being soft and firm. Classic gave Shadow a big thumbs up, giving his approval on the mattress he picked out.

"It took multiple trials to find the perfect one. I even tried the water beds, they were comfortable but I couldn't swallow the fear of them popping then flooding my bedroom. They take alot of work too, which I have no effort to do. I also wouldn't be able to do this." Shadow smirked like a little kid and jumped onto the bed next to Classic, making him fall back due to the force of the bed.

Classic let out a very small, quiet laugh.

"Oh, so lil Sonic can make some noise huh." Shadow hummed at his discovery, brushing his fingers through Classic's quills, providing him with the sweet sound of a soft purr.

Classic smiled like a fool when he heard the nickname Shadow gave him. He liked it, it wasn't a degrading nickname like Shadow normally makes. Even his affectionate touch was a nice change.

Shadow then looked at Classic, with curious glint in his eyes. Classic tilted his head to the side, seeing Shadows thoughtful expression.

"Can you speak?" Shadow asked.

Classic looked to the side, pursuing his lips together, this was enough gave Shadow an answer he was looking for. Classic could speak, it wouldn't make much sense if he couldn't considering Sonic seemed to have a degree in yapolgy.

"Dumb question, of course you can. What I should've asked is why don't you speak?" Shadow asked another question.

Classic bit the inside of his cheek as he debated with himself on how to respond to Shadow. Shadow noticed Classic's nervous expression and felt bad, instantly regretting asking.

"You don't have to tell me." Shadow assured Classic. "It's not my business."

Classic swallowed down his nervousness before looking back up at Shadow. He made his decision, just for this once.

"Shadow." Classic whispered shyly.

Shadow couldn't stop himself from smiling from hearing Classic's premature voice. He brought his hand up and patted Classic's head, making Classic smile, earning another adorable purr.

No other words needed to be said, Shadow put the pieces together on his own.

Classic will eventually grow more confident with his voice, and he knows better than anyone that it'll be heard. For now though, Shadow appreciated being able to hear his voice at all even.

It was adorable hearing his name from the squeaky small hedgehog. Shadow would've never guessed that Sonic was such a shy child, insecure about being heard, but not about taking action.

Shadow let Classic sleep next to him for the night, tucking him in right beside him, though Classic somehow managed to find himself snuggled against Shadow's chest fur later that night.

It's how every night went.

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