Chapter Two

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Sonic The Hedgehog. The hero of Mobius. Constantly saving the world with his two fast feet, fighting against the evils of either Eggman, or whoever else decides to try and rule/destroy the world.

Everyone knows who the blue dash passing by is. Wind gusts through the air as he passes by the citizens, trying to get to his destination swiftly, Tails' workshop. Tails had something important to tell Sonic.

Sonic skidded to a stop in front of Tails' work shop and barged right in without knocking. He wouldn't have knock anyways, but either way Tails was expecting Sonic, he messaged him to meet him immediately, it was an urgent matter.

"What's going on buddy?" Sonic asked as he took a seat next to Tails, who was sat down in front of his computer. Sonic didn't even bother to look at his computer, he knew he wouldn't understand what was on it anyways, and he knew Tails would just simplify it to him regardless.

"Remember when I was talking about a large portion of energy my Power Meter alerted about?" Tails spoke excitedly, turning towards Sonic.

Sonic nodded, though honestly he didn't remember, but to make Tails happy he'll pretend he had. "What about it?"

"I figured out what it was! It was a portal opening!" Tails exclaimed, facing his computer towards Sonic before rambling about the evidence, which Sonic had no clue what he meant but pretended to understand.

"A portal? Do we know where it was?" Sonic questioned.

"No, that's my next step. Do you think it was possibly... Classic? I have doubt's because there's no way he'd be hanging out somewhere for three weeks, and not go and find us... unless something happened to him?" Tails then began to worry slightly.

"Maybe he's lost? If it is him, we should find out where the portal was located. We can investigate and try to find who or whatever came out of the portal, and send them back." Sonic suggested.

"Good idea. I'll keep searching for exact points. Keep a eye out well you run, just incase." Tails advised.

Sonic nodded. "On it. Message me as soon as you get any updates buddy." He smiled.

Tails smiled and gave him a thumbs up. Sonic returned the hand expression before waving and racing off out of the workshop. He had a date with an Egghead he wouldn't dare to miss.

Sonic ran into the city, arriving just in time. Eggman's robots circled around viciously, ready to attack. With no time for chatter, Sonic immediately went to action, spin dashing into the robot's at full speed. This was routine for Sonic.

Eggman and Sonic set agreeable times to fight. They used to do it periodically, but it was actually Eggman who suggested they'd set a schedule, since you've got to admit, it's a little boring when Sonic is late to the fight because he didn't know it was happening. Sonic being late, what a funny sentence.

"Is it just me or does your bots get weaker by the day?" Sonic taunted, as he spin dashed into another robot.

"Maybe I'm just warming you up for a bigger robot I have in store, that will be soon enough be ready to end you, hedgehog!" Eggman laughed manically.

Sonic rolled his eyes. "Please, no robot of yours could beat me. I'm too fast." He then finished the last robot off. "Is that all you've got egghead?"

"For now." Eggman smirked.

Sonic then remembered the thing about the portal and hummed in curiosity. He then suddenly jumped up onto a tree then onto Eggman's Eggmobile.

"What are you doing hedgehog?!" Eggman exclaimed as the Eggmobile shook from Sonic jumping on it.

"I have a question. Are you opening random portals? Tails discovered a portal had recently been opened about three weeks ago." Sonic questioned. Maybe it wasn't the best idea to question the evil scientist, but he doubted Eggman had anything to do with this considering it's been three weeks with nothing happening besides the portal opening.

"So that was the great amount of energy I was alerted about?... No hedgehog I'm not opening portals. I have more important things to do."

"Sure you do, Egghead." Sonic sneered, making Eggman shoot him a glare.

Sonic then flipped off from the Eggmobile and dashed away. He was planning to make a visit to his friend Knuckles to see if he had any clue about this portal.

Sonic sped towards the direction to the Master Emerald, where Knuckles usually would be hanging around. When he got there he was faced with the disgusting sight (at least for him) of Knuckles and Rouge eating each other's faces off. Okay that's a little dramatic, they were kissing.

"Oh, gross." Sonic gagged.

Rouge and Knuckles pulled back from each other's embrace and turned towards Sonic. Both looking upset that they were interrupted during their make-out session.

"What are you doing here hedgehog?" Knuckles glared at the blue guilty hedgehog.

"Well obviously not here to see whatever show was just going on. I have an important question."

"Can it wait, I'm busy."

"No actually, it cannot wait."

"What is it big blue?" Rouge asked, wanting Sonic to hurry up and leave.

"I wanted to know if Knuckles would know anything about a random portal opening up about like three ish weeks ago?" Sonic asked, turning his attention towards Knuckles.

Knuckles' expression turned more serious. He walked over to the Master Emerald and hummed examining it.

"It would fall in line on why the Master Emerald has been glowing so brightly these previous weeks. I assumed Classic paid a visit. It's normal when he is here... but I'm assuming since you're asking, that isn't the case, is it?"

"We thought the same thing, but it wouldn't make sense because Classic hasn't made any sort of appearance. Our two guesses are that he's in danger, or something else came through."

"Fishy, sounds like a Eggman scheme." Rouge hummed in suspicion.

"I honestly don't think it is. I asked him actually."

"And you believe him?"

"For now. Tails and I are gonna do more investigating before we make any assumptions."

Knuckles scuffed. "Everyone knows it has to be Eggman, but go ahead, waste your time. Don't come crying to me when something happens."

"Trust me, you're the last person I'd come crying to for anything." Sonic rolled his eyes. "If you guys find out anything, inform Tails."

"You've got it big blue." Rouge winked.

"Yeah whatever. Now can you leave?" Knuckles wrapped his arm around Rouge, obviously wanting to return back to what they were previously doing.

Sonic rolled his eyes and dashed off.

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