Chapter Eight

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- Shadows point of view

I'm not gonna lie, that new mattress was extremely comfortable, and I'm pretty sure Classic would agree. I'm glad I finally went out and got it, it wasn't all too terrible. I hate social situations (having no social skills), so I've put it off for quite a while. I think the worst part was when they made me test out the mattress, it was awkward to have strangers watch me lay down on a bunch of beds but it was worth it. I didn't wanna get stuck with an uncomfortable mattress again, so I'm thankful that pushy worker made me test them out, despite how many times I declined.

Currently Classic and I are working on breakfast; waffles with strawberries toppings, and of course with whip cream. I left Classic in charge of cutting up the strawberries, while I worked on making the waffles. When I finally got some batter in the waffle maker, I went over to Classic to check how he was doing with the strawberries.

I couldn't hold back a laugh, seeing Classic struggling to cut the strawberries. The one he was working on looked like a complete mush of jam. Next time I want to make jelly I know who to call for help. I made my way over to the struggling little hedgehog.

"You should've told me you needed help little blue." I took the knife from Classic's hands and grabbed a fresh strawberry. "Any longer and you would've smashed enough strawberries to make a full jar of jam." I joked so he wouldn't feel bad.

Classic giggled, he sat crossed legged on my counter, then watched me contently so I could show him how to correctly cut the strawberry. I held the strawberry and walked him through on how to cut it, then I let him try. He did a decent job, I'm quite the good teacher.

"Good job little blue." I patted Classic's head which earned me a cute soft purr.

I hate to admit this, but I'm really gonna miss him once he has to go back to his time. It was actually pretty nice to have some company around the house, I've never been so active while being home. Typically I wouldn't ever eat all three meals a day, and if I had anything honestly it was probably just junk like coffee. I'd also never be up this early, I'd sleep as much as I could, staying in my pajamas as long as possible. I won't lie, I've been pushing back the thoughts of bringing Classic to Tails, and honestly it's to the point I forgot about it.

I know once he leaves I'll return back to my old habits, bed rotting until I'm forced to return but to the outside world to work. I'm already dreading it, and I'm not even nearly close to the end of my vacation yet.

"Do you want strawberries and whipped cream on your waffle?" I asked the smaller hedgehog, to which he nodded.

Once we were done making breakfast we sat down at the table and I helped Classic make his plate. I hummed tasting the delicious waffles, perfectly cooked and portions. I glanced at Classic to see the same smile upon his face I had on mine. Undeniably, this was definitely one of the best breakfasts so far during his time here.

Nearing the end of our meal, I looked towards Classic to ask him if he'd want a second portion or if he was full, but I noticed he appeared to be zoned out. He stared in front of him, his brows narrowing down with anger. Confusion spread across my face, as I wondered if I possibly had done something wrong.

I was startled when Classic dashed out the kitchen; a race at this time was odd for us. I raced after him, struggling since I didn't have my shoes on, obviously I wasn't prepared. Classic run was uncoordinated, almost as if he didn't know where he was going. It was odd, when didn't normally run towards the front of the house due to how many obstacles were in the way.

Classic looked back and stuck his tongue out at me, trying to taunt me. Instead I flushed with panic noticing he was about to collide with the wall. I choked on my words as my finger pointed towards the wall.

"Classic watch out!" I yelled too late, because by the time Classic finally turned around he had already smacked head first into the wall and fell down with a soft thud.

I gasped and ran to him in worry, he looked up at me with a dazed look, as if a flock of birds were flying across his vision. I helped him sit up and checked his head for any injury. He rubbed his head as his eyes flickered around in attempts to focus on me.

Before I was able to ask if he was okay, my attention was grasped from two gasps behind us. I froze at the sound, my expression going from concern, to stern. Slowly I turned my head, to identify the possibly threats whom decided to break into the wrong persons house. Instead of it being a threat, it was worse.

There stood Rouge and Faker, face's paled with confusion, gazing back and forth between me and the smaller hedgehog who's still trying to regain proper eye sight. Once again, faker caught me in my pajamas and off guard, only this time he figured out the reason why.

When Lil-Blue regained back his senses, his expression played out a vicious glare towards the bigger blue, who not so kindly returned the look. I found it ironic how much this guy preaches for kindness among all, but the second he's faced with himself he's filled with hatred from each side. I could tell he didn't have the best history with his younger self, and I could see why, he's an obvious trouble maker. 

"Is that Classic Sonic?" Rouge asked, breaking the awkward silence that filled the dry air.

"Forget about that, what the hell are you two doing here? You better have one hell of a damn good excuse for breaking into my house!" I growled in anger.

I was used to Rouge abruptly breaking into my house, but doing it with Sonic crossed the line. It wasn't necessary. Theres already one blue in the house, no need to add more.

"Maybe I wouldn't have had to if you learned how to answer your phone Shadow! You promised you'd respond, and I warned you if you didn't I was gonna break in, did I not?" Rouge snapped back, placing a hand on her hip.

Unfortunately she had a point, so I kept quiet which effectively pleased her. I didn't want them to know Classic broke my phone, since there's no reason to make him feel more bad about it than he already did. Though, Classic's face looked about as guilty as sin.

"How long has he been here? Why didn't you bring him to Tails and I? Did he come through a portal, Tails detected one opening a few weeks ago. And why is he here?" Sonic rambled on and on.

"You seem to have answered most of your own questions, Faker. To make simple enough, the reason I did not bring him to you guys is because he didn't want me to." I replied, a small smirk creeping on my lips as I watched Sonic's expression twist into one of rage.

Before Faker could make a cocky response, suddenly Lil-Blue made a run for it, my quills flying back from the wind he caused. We all looked a bit stunned for a moment before I got up from my kneeling position.

"Not again." I grumbled, running after the blue demon, praying he doesn't run into more walls.

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