Chapter Five

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- Sonic's Point Of View

It's been a week now, and we've gotten no answers about this "mysterious portal". I can tell Tails is getting frustrated, and I completely understand. I feel bad I can't do much to help.

I'm currently in Tails' workshop, watching him concentrate on his computer, looking at some sort of data I assume. It's hard not to appear bored, because I'm literally deathly bored, but I'm here to support him so I'll push through. I can't let down my little brother.

"Find anything yet?" I asked, kicking my feet up on his couch and lying back.

"For the fifth time now Sonic, no." Tails replied, obviously annoyed because I've been repeating the same question for the past twenty minutes.

Not my fault, I just need something interesting to happen. Looks like my luck came just in time, I jolted up when I heard a knock coming from the door.

Finally, something to do. I dashed to the door and opened it. Never thought I'd be so happy to see a knuckle-head and his girlfriend. I'm a bit taken back though, I've never seen Rouge look so distressed. I wonder what's wrong, I've known her long enough to know she doesn't get upset this.

Knuckles probably said something wrong, no surprise. I wouldn't put it past him to say the wrong thing.

Knuckles lets himself in, leading Rouge in as well. He doesn't make more than just a glance at me, they're probably here for Tails. Maybe they found out something about the portal?

They sat down on the couch and so I move over to a spiny chair next to Tails. Tails had banned me from sitting on it because of the amount of times I've spun right off from it, but there's no other seats and it's way too awkward to stand. I ignore the side eye coming from Tails, he can deal with it.

I won't be spinning, not for now.

"What's going on?" Tails asked, thankfully being the first to speak up.

"It's Shadow, I haven't heard from him in a week and his location is turned off on his phone." Rouge frowned, clearly worried about her best friend.

I guess if it was Tails, I would be worried as well, but this is Shadow. Shadow isn't Tails, not saying that Tails can't take care of himself, but Shadow is stronger, more powerful, and just smart enough to get him out of situations with ease. He doesn't need help.

Thinking back, very off topic, but I bet Rouge got Shadow those pajama pants, I can't see him buying pink on purpose. It's Rouge's signature color so it makes sense doesn't it?

"I was just over there a few days ago, he was fine when I seen him. Did you even look to see if he was home?" I reply without much concern.

I had seen the grumpy old man. He's fine, well capable of taking care of himself. He's probably ignoring Rouge on purpose.

My stomach twists thinking about our last encounter, something was off and it surprisingly wasn't about what he was wearing. Yeah I'm used to him pushing me out but this was different, it felt like he was hiding something (other than his pajamas). Maybe I just caught him offer guard.

Why is this bothering me so much.

"I promised him I wouldn't come and bother him, so I was hoping you could help?" Rouge gave me the biggest puppy eyes.

Curse her blue beautiful bat eyes... but I'm not falling for it. I advert my eyes away from her.

"Rouge I'm not going over there, he's probably just ignoring you. If his locations off he probably doesn't wanna be found either." I scoffed, crossing my arms.

"I thought you were supposed to be a hero, not a legitimate asshole." Rouge huffed.

"Rouge you're worried about absolutely nothing. This is the self-proclaimed 'ultimate life form' we are talking about, he can take care of himself. Why don't you send Knuckles over." I glared over at Knuckles, who was sitting lazily on the couch.

"Shadow would know immediately I sent him, he wouldn't know if you went. You always go to bother him." Rouge clearly isn't going down without a fight, isn't she?

I don't think her last sentence is valid. I don't go over to his house to bother him. I go and ask him to race, or try and include him in group outings. Not my fault he thinks I'm annoying by trying to make him feel less lonely then he miserable is.

Do I really bother Shadow that much for her to say that?

I groaned. She's not going to drop this until I agree, I can tell. I understand why she needs someone else to, they work together so she doesn't need him being any more crabby than he normally is. I guess I'm going to have to take the loss on this. Shouldn't be that hard just to check if someone's alive.

"Fine, I'll go over tomorrow." I sighed in defeat.

Rouge then smiled happily, pleased with my agreement. Eventually later, Rouge and Knuckles left after making sure I was actually going to go over there, I promised to text Rouge immediately after I'd leave his house. I really only need to make sure he's in his house, that requires zero interaction. Perfect.

My stomach twists again at the thought of going back. I've never been nervous before about going to Shadow's house, why would I be now?

I hope I don't make a fool out of myself again, chaos what was wrong with me? Part of me hopes he doesn't answer the door, or that I could just see him through his windows and then leave. The over half kinda wants him to open the door. I don't want him to see me as any more of a fool when I already am to him.

I can't place my thoughts properly, and it doesn't help with Tails going back to rambling nonsense. Right, my focus should be about the portal, not Shadow.

He's a problem I can deal with tomorrow, for now I've got real issues to focus on.

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