Chapter Three

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When Shadow woke up that morning, he was greeted with a delightful smell roaming the living room air, which made his eyes flutter open in curiosity. In front of him was Classic, standing on the couch in front of him with a tray of food, which included fluffy pancakes, bacon, and eggs with a side of fresh orange juice.

Shadow was quite shocked, he didn't think Sonic could cook, so Classic doing so was sure a nice surprise. All Shadow has ever seen Sonic eat was chili dogs made by other people, and he's aware Tails does all of the cooking at home. Maybe Sonic forgot how to after all these years of being fed by others. Ha, or he just chooses not to on purpose.

"Did you make this?" Shadow asked as he took the tray from Classic.

Classic nodded, giving him a thumbs up.

"Did you eat already?" Shadow asked, as he placed the tray in his lap. The pancakes steamed on the plate, signaling they were just made.

Classic shook his head and reached down, grabbing another tray. He sat down on the couch, placing his tray in his lap.

"Don't make a mess. I don't need a stain on my couch." Shadow said sternly, before picking up his fork and began eating.

Classic just smiled before digging into his own food. To Shadow's surprise, Classic didn't make a mess, like Sonic does every time he eats a chili dog, or honestly anything. How could Sonic be so mature when he was younger, and now he's just sloppy. Shadow was convinced Sonic aged backwards, only explanation. The Sonic he knew would never be nice enough to go ahead, and wake him up with homemade breakfast. Not that he would expect that, they are rivals after all. That would just be weird, which is also why he was confused why Classic would do this, considering he knows better than anyone that Sonic and him didn't get along. They are rivals, not best friends.

This made him suspicious. "Are you being nice because you want something from me? Are you trying to bribe me?" Shadow raised his brow in suspicion.

Classic shook his head, as he stacked together his and Shadow's finished trays together to go bring back to the kitchen. He then ran into the kitchen from the couch, impressively managing not to drop anything.

Shadow didn't believe the little blue hedgehog. He got up from the couch and followed him into the kitchen. "You're not staying here, I'm bringing you to Tails. You're not spending more time here then you already have." Shadow made clear.

Classic didn't reply and immediately started hand washing the dishes, which was a nice gesture Shadow had to admit, but he knew better then to trust Classic was just doing this out of kindness.

"I'm not falling for it, no matter what you do. You're not staying here any longer. That's final." Shadow argued, but basically to himself since Classic had no interest in listening to him.

Classic finished up the dishes and began putting them away. Shadow was annoyed realizing Classic wasn't listening to him at all. Classic turned to Shadow and smiled.

"Listen to me hedgehog. You're not staying here. Understand me? I'm going to get dressed, and then you're going to go to Tails' to become his problem, well I go back home have no responsibilities. Understood?"

Classic smile turned into a grin. This turned into a challenge. He picked up his foot, signaling he was about to run off. Basically saying, 'Catch me if you can!'

"You better not run off..." Shadow growled angered.

Classic stuck his tongue out and floored it out of the kitchen, pissing Shadow off. This is not how he wanted to spend his well deserved break. Shadow dashed after him, being slower then usual since he hadn't put on his shoes.

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