Chapter Nine

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Sonic's Point Of View -

I never knew Shadow had a soft spot for kids, though I should've assumed he did when thinking back to what I've heard about him and Maria. Regardless that doesn't excuse him for being so careless and not bringing Classic to Tails and I immediately... but he does look like he's in quite a good mood since Classics been around, not as grumpy as per usual.

I find it funny he'll wear pajamas so comfortably around Classic, but when I've seen him these previous times he gets so embarrassed and startled as much as he tries to hide it (his flushed face gives it away immediately). He does look quite cute when he's not in his normal state of being such a hard ass. Despite how much Shadow seems to be enjoying Classic's company, I'm feeling quite the opposite. His sly glares and smirks irritates me worse than when Shadow does it when we race. I feel a heavy pressure in my chest of unwanted jealousy, but I'm not sure why I'm feeling this way and how to get rid of it. Maybe it's because Shadow has never treated me nicely once like he's been treating Classic. Maybe because I oddly wish he'd treat me that way. I've always wanted to be friends with Shadow considering we're quite alike when it comes to speed. Now it seems more possibly since Classic became a larger rival than Shadow is.

Currently we are in Tails' work shop. Tails was typing endlessly on his computer with things I'll never be able to decode. Shadow was leaning against the wall with his arms crossed, and Classic immitated him from his left, well Rouge was on his right. I tried my best to ignore them, putting my focus on Tails (despite how boring this was to watch.) It felt like we werent acomplishing anything just sitting around playing on a computer, I know it's probably important but this was taking forever. I want Classic gone as soon as possible, was that too much to ask for? To save the world of course, not just for my own sake... that would be selfish!

"Sonic I swear if I hear you sigh one more time Im going to throat punch you." Shadow threatend, snapping me out of my thoughts.

I didnt even realize I had been sighing, but you can't blame me since this is boring! I rolled my eyes and glanced at Tails, who seemed to be holding in his laughs, nodding in agreement. I then glared towards Classic, immediately getting annoyed upon seeing his stupid smirk. If it wasnt for the way Shadow was seemingly gaurding him, I would've strangled him to death by now. What a joke, he can't even fend for himself but still chooses intentionally provokes me? I swear if he continues IM going to be the one to throat punch someone.

"Calm down everyone, I've got good news and bad news. Good news is that I know how to get Classic back to his time, but the bad news is it's going to take me a while to gather the parts I need to build it." Tails explained, getting up from his stool.

"How long exactly?" I questioned, praying it was an reasonable time.

"Well, It depends. Most of the supplies I already own, but I surely need chaos emeralds and a few other things. The chaos emeralds will probablly be the hardest to find." Tails replied, walking over to his work bench. "So far I've only got two chaos emeralds here and I'll need the other five as well to power the machine. I guess you can call it a time traveling machine." He explained further.

"Is there a possiblity that another portal could open on it's own? I mean considering that's how he got here in the first place." Rouge asked.

Tails looked down in thought for a moment before replying. "Well yes, it is possibly but not reliable as many things could go wrong. For one they could take from two weeks to two months to spawn again which we simply don't have the time for if we plan on saving time and preventing anything from happening before it's too late, then if one did spawn within a resonable time It's possibly he could end up in a timezone that is not his own. With my machine, I should be able to choose the exact time to send him back to and prevent any underlying issues from occuring."

I nodded, pretending to understand what Tails was yapping about. Sometimes he speaks so fast everything becomes incoherent, but it's better to just smile and pretend then have him go into depth about whatver nonesense he's talking about. I'm not a bad friend, I at least can pretend to listen and be intrested rather than say straight to his face that I don't care! I care, to some extent. Honestly I couldnt care less where Classic ended up, as long as it's not anywhere near me or Shadow.

"What would happen if he stayed here?" Shadow asked, repostioning himself to stand up straighter.

"The world could end." Tails replied back bluntly, making everyone uncomfortably shift.

"Then we should get him back right away! The sooner the safer right?" I dismissed the akward silence, sending another glare towards Classic, which he gladly returned.

"Correct..." Tails replied, giving me a side eye seeming concerned about the way I was acting.

"I also think Shadow deserves a break, we should keep Classic here." I suggested, forcing a convincing smile.

Classic smirked towards me and grabbed onto Shadow's leg, making my glare intensify by thousands. That little shit was trying to spend more time with Shadow! There's no way Shadow would want him living at his home any longer especially since he'll be returning to work soon anyways. He'll probably agree, and go and sleep for the rest of his vacation well I fling Classic's body into a whirling portal to never ever see him again! It was a great fantasy I must admit. Unfortunately Shadow showed no signs of accepting my offer...

"I don't need a break, if he wants to stay at my house he may." Shadow replied, patting Classic's head.

I gritted my teeth, watching Shadow be all way too affectionate towards the smaller blue pest. Of course Classic choose to be with Shadow, surely just to piss me off more than I already was. It killed me that Tails couldn't come up with a reason Classic would have to stay, and that he simply agreed so easily. I couldn't come up with anything either but that's not what's important. What more important is Shadow's change of demeanor when it comes to Classic, it drives me nuts that he's just on his hands and knees doing everything Classic wants. It's unfair and outrageous.

Maybe I'm over reacting I'll admit, but can you blame me? Everything Classic does is for the sole purposes of antagonizing me. He's trying to make me jealous and unfortunately he's doing one good hell of a job at it! The minute that little bastard stuck his tongue out at me once again, I ran after him fuming. He ran away from me giggling, well Shadow trailed behind us yelling about us running in Tails' workshop. I didn't care though, the only thought in my head was wrapped both my hand's around Classic's neck and squeezing as tight as possible until his head exploded.

Narrator -

"Damnit you guys, not again! Get back here!" Shadow hissed, following the two blue idiots.

They all went out of Tail's workshop, and ran towards the city. Rouge and Tails glanced at each other both drawing a deep breath. Tails placed his pencil and notepad down onto his workbench. Both Tails and Rouge had the same thought in mind.

"We should follow them in case Eggman is lurking around." Rouge suggested in worry, knowing what Eggman is capable of.

"I was thinking the same. If Eggman sees Classic's here, god know's what he'll do." Tails replied before they hurriedly left after the others, both not even bothering to shut the door to Tails' work shop behind them.


Updating because @chara_z12 reminded me that this book exists LMFAOOO (THANK YOU!)

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 02 ⏰

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