Chapter Four

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- Shadow's Point Of View

"You've got flour all over you." I grumbled, grabbing a washcloth and wiping off all the flour off of Classic's fur.

Classic scrunched his nose up in protest and tried to push me away, but I successfully cleaned him up. I'm not sure how he's managed to get flour everywhere but on his apron.

Classic woke up this morning with a craving for chocolate chip cookies, so now we're baking them. Don't ask me how I agreed to this, I don't even remember. I forced him to wear an apron, which was hilariously too large for him, it dragged to the floor making him trip on his feet. I propped him up on the kitchen counter so he could reach everything.

Once again we shared room on the couch for sleeping last night. He agrees my mattress isn't very comfortable, I should really buy a new one. Once I get him outta my quills maybe I will.

The smell of chocolate chip cookies filled the air as I pulled the batch we made out from the oven. Classic licked his lips on anticipation. I slap his hand away before he could grab a steaming cookie. Impatient hedgie.

"You can't have any unless you're going to Tails." I furrowed my brows when he shook his head at me.

I'm not sure what I'm going to have to do to make him go Tails. I honestly don't have the energy to drag him out. I could like call someone, but I hate talking over the phone, causes so much unnecessary anxiety. Also, we can't forget about the fact I lied to Sonic...

Who cares though, he can get over it.

"How long do you plan to stay at my house" I asked well putting the cookies on parchment paper to cool.

Classic shrugged, not an answer I want.

My phone rang, I assume it was Rouge, I've forgot to text her, not that I've really had time to. I reached to grab my phone, but Classic beat me to it, hanging up the incoming call.

"Hey! That could've been important!" I growled, glaring at the blue brat in front of me.

I should've turned him into Sonic.

Classic gave an unapologetic shrug. This cannot be the same blue hedgehog that made me breakfast yesterday.

No way in fucking hell.

"Give me back my phone." I walked towards him, glaring daggers through his skull.

Classic smirked and ran. I don't have the patience for this.My ears twitched when I heard a loud crash come from the living room.

I stomp into the living room, pissed. Classic looks filled with guilt, surrounded by broken bits of glass from my phone that seemed to have fallen, along with a few books that had fallen off the shelf he ran into. It's hard to be angry at a face like that. I breathed out my anger, reminding myself this is technically just a child.

"Stay still, I don't want you to get cut." I try my best not to lose control of my temper.

I picked him up from the ground and walked him over to the couch and sat him down, I then examined him to make sure he was okay.

I could've just ask him if he's okay, but this is technically Sonic, which means he's definitely not going to admit if somethings wrong. I can tell he felt really bad. He might be a pain in my ass, but he's just a kid.

"I'm not mad at you, I know you didn't mean to do it." I force out well, gritting my teeth.

Self control, it's hard not to just lash out.

Classic stood up on the couch, and wrapped his arms around me. I was taken back by this gesture. A hug? I thought Sonic hated physical contact like this, the way he dodges Amy like a bullet every time she pulls him in for a forced hug, but I also didn't know Sonic personally when he was a kid, so maybe he was more touchy back then.

I pat his head two times. "You just need to be more careful."

Classic nodded with a small smile, not releasing me from his one sided hug.

"I'm not hugging you back."

Classic furrowed his brows and hugged me tighter. I sighed and wrap a single arm around him.

He reminds me of Maria at times, especially when it comes to getting things he wants. Maria was a very determined little girl, she made sure things went the way she wanted, and if not she'd make best of those situations.

A lot of what Classic and I are doing now are activities Maria and I would do at the Arc.

It's hard to be mad when I see her, even though I know it isn't her. Maybe a little longer wouldn't hurt. I haven't felt this kinda happiness for a long time, and maybe this is why he was brought here.

We both were in need to be allowed to be selfish for once, and now it is our chance.

No one's gonna know, right?

Eventually Classic and I get to enjoy the fresh cookies we baked, after I cleaned up the mess he'd made. In return he did the dishes. I guess he isn't so bad.

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