10. The shopping

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Sorry for the delay! I didn't know how to write the chapters that followed and my 

motivation was lost but I'll get it back, don't worry!


A - Mom! Can I have some peanuts?

I turned to see Anya pointing to a packet in the snack aisle.

Nee-san told me this morning that she wanted me to go with her to the supermarket so we could spend some time together, and Anya joined us. She also wants to prepare tonight's meal... I'll help her prepare it of course! I don't want to die of food poisoning. Hey, I love my sister very much, she's a very important person in my life ! but when the subject of food comes up... Let's 

just say she's not the most gifted in this category...

Y - If you want ! 

She answered with a big smile.

- Nee-san, I'm going to the pet section.

She turned to me and nodded, telling me to join her outside when I'd finished.

• • •

I arrive at the aisle I'm interested in and choose some new toys for my snakes, as well as some food. I pay for them at the checkout and head out.

(Looks like I'm done before she is...)

I go to sit down on the bench when I feel an arm grab me and pull me towards a dead end. The stranger puts his hand over my mouth and I bite it. He grunts and pulls it away. I take advantage 

of his distraction to break free of his arms and face him.

- What do you want?

I put myself in a defensive position and spoke to him with a cold voice and emotionless eyes.

? - Tsk! I thought rich kids were easy prey...

He whispers, rubbing his hand to relieve the bite I gave him.

(So he wants money? He must have seen Eden's uniform on Anya and wanted to kidnap her for 

ransom... ! Wait, that means they're going after her! I must hurry to join them!)

Seeing that I'd understood his plan, the stranger spoke in a mocking voice.

? - It's already too late for the little one, the others went to get her! And the nurse must already 

be on the floor, fainting like an incompetent!

He laughed. My eyes darkened.

(How dare he talk like that about Nee-san.)

I charged quickly at him, he tried to hit my head by swinging his arm but I avoided him easily. I raised my fist and smashed him right in the face. He collapsed half-fainting. I shook my hand to dissipate the pain I'd inflicted on myself for hitting a good-for-nothing like him. He tried to get up but I crushed his torso with my foot. I looked at him even more menacingly than before, sending 

shivers through his body.

- May I never see you in my path again. And if you dare attack my family or even insult my 

Nee-san... You can tell good-bye to this world.

He nodded quickly. I let him up, he turned thinking he was going to get away before I lifted my leg to hit him on the head, he turned and he fell, unconscious. I get out from the alley to find Nee-san crouched in front of Anya, cuddling her while all the groceries lay on the floor. I went 

over and put a hand on Yor's shoulder. She gasped.

(She must have been really distracted not to notice me as an assassin).

Anya made a shocked face.

- What's the matter, Anya?

A - Oh no, nothing's wrong... But we should pick up the groceries.

Y - You're right.

She looked around and saw that a lot of the food was ruined.

Y - I'm a terrible mother... And to think it happened twice...

She murmured something I didn't catch.

Anya put her hand on Nee-san's head and stroked it.

A - I like having a cool, strong mother! Don't cry.

She then stood up and did a jab.

A - Killer punch! Paf! Like you showed me before!

(What do you mean, "Like before?")

Nee-san waved her hands in front of her, blushing.

Y - Stop it, I'm ashamed!

- Nee-san, why did Anya say like before?

She looked at me and stood up, starting to get the groceries spread out on the floor as she 

explained to me.

Y - This isn't the first time a situation like this has happened. The first time was before Anya 

started school.


I gasped and Anya noticed that I was a little panicked. So she reached over and tugged at my 


A - Big sister doesn't need to worry, Anya's fine now!

I nodded still unsure and began to get the food with her, we finished quickly.

• • •

I heard the front door close.

L - I'm home.

He walked into the living room to see Yor training Anya to punch, once again.

L - (the last time they did this, Anya got a tonitrus...)

He sweetdropped.

- Good evening, Loid. How was your day?

He turned to the kitchen, where my voice sounded. I was preparing tonight's dinner in Nee-san's place with my beloved snakes around me. They also greeted Loid with a hiss.

L - Smoothly. How about you?

- We went shopping, there was a bit of an altercation, but everything turned out fine.

L - Good, then.

He replied, turning to watch Nee-san and Anya continue their training.

- Anya asked Nee-san to start training again, and I think that's a good thing.

He turned toward me.

L - Why?

- She'll be able to stand up for herself if need be. And working out doesn't hurt anyone. When I 

was little, Nee-san and I used to do a lot of training together.

Loid nodded in understanding, but looked exhausted.

L - (I hope there won't be any problems in the future.)

In Mitsuko's side, her eyes darkened.

(Besides, I miss it... I should ask her if we can train together like we used to).

Sensing my nostalgia, my snakes tightened around me to give me more warmth. I smiled at the 

attention and stroked them on the head.

Well, that's the end of the chapter and thanks for reading!

Until next time!

Yor's sister (SPY X FAMILY)Where stories live. Discover now