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A happy ending wasn't in the cards for me.

It all makes sense why I wouldn't get one. From a young age, I thought my time would be cut short; either at the hands of my deranged father, or myself. My father was drunk, and he liked to talk all his rage out on me specifically. He has almost killed me a couple of times, but I got out of those. Then there was the suicidal parts of me, I almost did a few times. Once, my brother stopped me before I did, he didn't know that he saved my life. I'm not going to get into all the times I've been saved, by my brother especially.

My name is Max Manson, well, Maxine Opal Manson. Not a fan of my middle name, I think when I was younger my father told me that my mother came up with it when she was high. Not a great thing to say to a child, but then again, my father wasn't going to win any Father of the Year awards. My last name was always the subject of my getting bullied. Not the greatest last name when six years after I was born the notorious Charles Manson and his forsaken cult caused chaos and panic. It didn't help that I grew up in the same area he was active in. After my mother died, my father married another woman fairly quickly after. Then, they moved us out to Massachusetts. It was me, my older brother Billy, and my step-sister Joey. Then there was my father Sam Manson, not the greatest of fathers, but we'll get into that later. Then his wife, Joey's mother, Susanna Fields Manson.

I have a boyfriend, his name is Jackson Reid. He grew up in a much better life. He was born and raised in Massachusetts. His parents always gave him everything he wanted, and he didn't even have to raise a finger. He is incredibly attractive, once voted the hottest teen in town. I never quite understood why he chose me over any girl in town, he could get any girl and yet, he chose me. I love him, but that's the hard part. I fell deeply in love with someone who doesn't care about me. The only thing he cares about is making himself look good, even if that means he hits me. I love him so much, and I hate him even more.

When I first moved here, I had a hard time finding friends. But, I found a group of boys. They were a few years younger than me, but they were funny and nerdy. Only a few months after we moved here, I went missing. I was taken by the government, 'experimental purposes' is what they told me. I had only been missing for two weeks, then was kept locked in a lab so they could start the real experiments. When I finally escaped, I was left with a few different abilities. I was able to read minds, move things with my mind, and manipulate what people can see. I know that sounds ridiculous, but, to hide it and be taken by the government again, I never actually used any of my abilities. Except for reading minds, I can hear what everyone is thinking all the time without a break. But, I quickly learned how to drown it out.

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