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Tears streamed down my cheeks slowly as I watched Billy walk toward his gate. After the best three weeks of my life, Billy was leaving. He had to go back to California. He left me his phone number and address. But he was leaving, he mentioned coming back out here for Christmas, but that was almost seven months away.

He turned around and waved slightly then turned back around. He continued walking away. I turned to Noah, holding in my tears, he wrapped his arms around me and held on tight. I squeezed him tight and cried into his chest.

Soon after, I let go of Noah and we left the airport. Noah was driving, I could feel nerves radiating off of him. He was silent and fidgety. He was driving somewhere I didn't recognize, it was a beautiful view. Beautiful fields of flowers were on either side of us. "Noah, where are we going?" I questioned.

"I feel like you need something good today, there's a beautiful waterfall that's hidden from the road. Not very many people know about it. It's a really pretty place, I think you will enjoy it." Noah smiled. I looked back out the window, enamored by the beauty of the flowers.

Noah pulled into a flat area, and parked the car. We both got out of the car, Noah grabbed my hand and we started walking. His hands were shaking and sweaty. I could hear the water running. We were surrounded by gorgeous light and dark green trees. The smell was immaculately fresh. The sound of the water progressively got louder until I looked up and saw a beautiful waterfall. It was pretty small, but still beautiful. The river flowed slowly past us. The sight was beautiful, Noah was right, I needed this. I've never seen something so perfect in my life. I felt Noah let go of my hand. I looked at him, he knelt down on one knee.

My breath hitched and tears welled in my eyes. He pulled a little blue velvet box out of his pocket. "Max...Sweetheart, I love you so much. From the moment I met you, I knew that I wanted to spend the rest of my life with you. When we got together, I knew you were my soulmate. There isn't anyone else I would rather spend the rest of my days with than you." He opened the box. It felt like the air was forced out of my lungs, it was a beautiful ring. The band was black, it looked like vines wrapping around each other. In the center there was a beautiful dark red ruby and other smaller rubies around. Noah had remembered me mentioning what wedding ring I had wanted almost two years ago.

"Will you marry me?" He asked. Tears started streamed down my cheeks. "Yes!" I practically screamed. I dived to Noah, accidentally knocking him over. I kissed him, "Yes! A million times yes!" I kissed him again. We sat up and he slid the ring over my finger. It fit perfectly.

"We have Billy's blessing," He said. I looked up at Noah. I loved Noah more and more each day, I had no idea it was possible to love someone more everyday, but I do.

"Noah, have I ever told you that I love you so much? Like with my whole soul." He grinned.

"Yeah, a few times. But I can never hear it enough." He leaned in and pressed his forehead against mine. Our souls were going to stay together forever in blissful harmony. Even in the afterlife, Noah and I will love each other endlessly and nothing could change it. It was him and I against the world. There was nothing that could hurt us. No matter what happens, it will always just be him and I and our love will only continue to strengthen. Through thick and through thin. In sickness and in health. In life and in death, just Noah and me. Maybe as we go along in life some kids or pets. To grow old and love for all eternity.

A/N: I know this chapter was really short, but that's the end. I'm literally like sobbing right now because the story is over. I might do a second book, but I'm not sure. I might just leave it at that. Thank you guys for reading<3

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