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I was finally able to find Billy. It took over a year, but I finally found him. Today was the day he was flying out. It was nice that Max couldn't read my mind anymore, I could have this surprise and her ability wouldn't spoil it. She's been through hell and still hasn't even gotten to speak to her brother.

Max was still asleep in our bedroom. I stood in the living room, watching out the window. I waited for the yellow taxi to pull in. Not only was Max going to get to see her brother, but there was another surprise. I wanted to ask Billy for his blessing, I probably would have done this sooner but Billy is important to Max, and knowing that he would trust me to protect and love Max for the rest of our lives.

Finally, I saw the car pull in. I swiftly walked outside to greet Billy. He grabbed my hand and shook it firmly, "You have no idea how happy this will make Max! She's missed you so much!" I said.

He grinned, "I've missed little Maxi. We haven't talked in years! How has she been doing?" It has been almost three years since they've even spoken to each other.

I didn't want to tell Billy about everything Max has been through, that was something she needed to tell him herself. "I think you should talk to Max about how she's been since you left. But since she's been with me, there has been a lot of things that have happened. She's had it rough, but this past year especially; after graduation, she's been a lot better." I smiled.

Billy frowned slightly, "Oh, was it really that bad?" I looked down, not saying anything. He knew my silence meant, yes. "Please tell me it had nothing to do with Jackson." I had no idea he knew about Jackson, I doubted it was the whole story, but clearly he knew something.

"All of it was because of Jackson, unfortunately. But, he's gone now. He's in jail and he wont be getting out anytime soon." I couldn't help but smile knowing Jackson wouldn't be in our lives anymore.

"What charges?" That was going to be the hard part to explain. I could lie and say it's just something little. But, he deserves to know.

I took a deep breath, "You're going to have to promise me that you're going to stay calm..." Billy shook his head up and down slowly, "...Sexual assault, assault, abuse, rape, aggravated assault, battery, and attempted murder." I watched Billy's eyes grow wide.

Billy was rendered speechless. "Did he do all of that to my sweet little sister?" I nodded up and down. "The innocent girl that always put everyone first, and didn't care if she got hurt in the process? That all happened to my little sister?" There was a look in Billy's eyes, I had never seen in anyone before. It seemed like maybe regret.

"She was in the hospital for a few months, I don't think we should get into that right now. Max should be the one to tell you everything. But there's something really important I wanted to ask you," I said. Billy looked at me skeptically. "I love Max, I really do love her. I want to spend the rest of my life with her, but I wanted to ask you for your blessing. You're important to her, and I know that this would mean the world to her. Can I marry your sister?"

Billy took a deep breath, "I know you love my sister, but I really need to know. Will you be the good man that she needs and protect her?"

I cackled, "I'm not a good man." I answered, still laughing. I wasn't a good man.

"Are you saying you won't protect Max? Are you saying that you won't be the man she needs? What kind of man would ask someone to marry their little sister then bluntly say he wouldn't protect her? Are you really saying that you won't protect Max?"

"Oh, no. I'm saying I'm not a good man. A good man would choose the world over her. But, I would let the world burn for her. Not only would I live for her, but I would die for her. And not to mention I would kill for her. The only reason Jackson is in jail and not a grave was because she begged me not to kill him. The only reason your father isn't six-feet underneath is because she asked me not to. So to answer your question, no I'm not a good man. But that keeps her safe, that helps her sleep soundly at night. I scare even the bed bugs away."

Billy stared at me, his mouth ajar. "Well then, I guess you can have my blessing. But, you do need to know that I would do anything for my sister. So if I find out you hurt her even remotely like how Jackson treated her, not only will you never see the light of day again, you will also wish that you could go back in time and not even be born."

"Oh, don't worry Billy. I love her more than anything. I promise that I won't ever hurt her, especially intentionally. Sure, people make mistakes and hell being a man I'll say stupid shit. But our marriage, if she says yes, will not end in hate and pain. It'll end in love and eternity. I love Max, more than anything in this world. She is my whole world, and there's nothing anyone could ever say that would change the way I see her."

Billy took a deep breath. "How did you guys get together?" This was one of my favorite memories. The day Max confessed that she actually liked me, by that point I had lost all hope but she truly did like me.

"It's kind of a long story, do you really want me to explain it all? Max might wake up soon." Though I loved the story, I really wanted Max to see Billy, I know how much she missed him. I looked down at my watch, then back up at Billy.

"Let's go inside." Billy followed me inside, he set his bags down on the ground then I lead him to the bedroom. Max was sound asleep in our bed. Sleeping peacefully, and looking beautiful as always. Billy walked over and sat on the bed next to her. He reached over and softly moved the hair out of her face, smiling sweetly.

I couldn't help but grin, there was a glimmer in Billy's eyes, it showed that he really cared about Max. I knew I could trust him with her, he would never hurt her. Max slowly opened her eyes. She looked up at Billy and smiled. "Hi Billy," She whispered. It seemed like a light went off in her head. She shot up, "Billy?" she yelled. She leaped into Billy's arms, holding him as tight as she could, he hugged her back tightly. Tears streamed down both of their cheeks. I could hear them mumble but couldn't make out what they were saying.

Tears formed in my eyes, it made me so happy to see Max like this. Ever since Jackson assaulted her a year ago, there's been something strange about the way she acted. First she was distant, she was scared of me for a while, then she always had a harder time smiling. The sparkle in her eye was gone. But she came back. The Max that I fell in love with was finally back. She was finally okay again.

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