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The cold wind blew against my body, causing me to shiver. I probably freaked her out, a stranger knocking on her door at midnight. Even I thought it was weird, to show up on her doorstep in the middle of the night when she barely knew me. But, I knew what Jackson was doing to her. I prayed that he wouldn't be the one to answer the door. I needed to get her out, I didn't understand this feeling; it was like I felt a strange sense of protection over her, and I knew that to be able to protect her, I would have to get her out of that relationship first. I wasn't exactly sure of everything that was happening. Even if what I saw at school was the first time, it wouldn't be the last. No one should feel the wrath of a man's uncontrolled anger, especially by his hand. Max didn't deserve him, I'm not saying I'm what she deserves but I know he's definitely not what she deserves.

Once the door opened, I stepped away, prepared to run if it was Jackson. But I saw Max standing there. She was still wearing the same clothes as what she wore to school. When I made eye contact, I saw the massive black eye. Then the gash in her eyebrow and another in her lip. "Max," My breath hitched. My stomach did flops. That's when I saw the maroon and purple bruises around her neck. "What happened?" I knew the answer, but I wanted her to say it. If she fully understood what happened, it would be easier to get her out of the relationship.

"Oh, umm," She paused and looked down, "I fell, I'm okay." Her voice was soft, she was groggy and tired. "You need to go, Jackson might wake up," she whispered.

Her protecting herself so subtly made a switch go off in my head, I wasn't mad at her, I was furious with him, "I was trying to be respectful of his ego, but now I really don't care. You don't deserve to fear for your life with every mistake you make. He's crazy and he'll hurt you, that's not okay. Regardless of your feelings for him, you need to get out of here."

"N- No," She stuttered. "I need to stay. Please, let me stay." Her eyes filled with tears. "I love him."

"He doesn't love you, he loves the idea of having someone under his grasp at all times. That's not love. At some point, maybe he did truly love him. But now, there is no love in his body. He's abusive and he manipulates you. This isn't healthy, Max."

She contemplated for a moment. Still staring at the ground, she still hasn't made eye contact. I could see her trembling shoulders. "Okay," She said, I smiled but hid my excitement, "But, there is something I need to do first."

"Is there anything you need from me?" I asked. The hope that I had lost for a split second was burning in my chest again. Hope for her safety and hope for our future.

"I need to break up with him, I have to do it face to face. It'll have to be alone as well, you can't be there. I'm going to need a few days to do this though, I can't just break up with him." There was a hint of vengeful happiness in her voice, like she was imagining hurting him in the worst way possible.

"What if he doesn't let you out?" I questioned.

"I don't know," She whispered. Her voice is almost like a tiny mouse. I just wanted to wrap my arms around her and make all her problems go away. I would suffer forever if it meant she would live even a day without pain.

"I'm always willing to help you, no matter what it is. Just call me and I'll be here. Please be safe." I could feel tears well in my eyes but I forced them down. She nodded slightly and closed the door. I stood there, lingering. Hoping that she would open the door again. I stared at the doorknob. My heart sank when it didn't open. So, I turned around and left.

Anxiety filled my chest. Music blasted, trying to drown out my thoughts. I watched Jackson's spot. It was empty. But it was nowhere to be seen. Max wasn't in first period either. I grew concerned that maybe Jackson found out about my late-night visit. Max was terrified of what he would do if he found out about my presents.

Max's absence grew to be a large worry in my mind. I couldn't bear the thought of her being hurt. It wouldn't be anyone else's fault but mine, I was the one that interrupted the slight peace. Everything was quiet, even if it was just for a few hours. Jackson could have quickly figured out I was there. She was almost safe, but I let her convince me to let her stay just one more day.

I was drowning in my thoughts. The thought of her being hurt, or worse, made my body shake. I popped my knuckles and tapped my feet, but nothing was enough to calm me down. The sounds of people laughing and talking in the lunchroom made my ears ring. I wanted to make rash decisions, but at what cost? I could go check on Max to soothe my anxiety, but her safety is at risk if I do.

I grabbed my backpack and left. There is the slight possibility of her not getting hurt, that she would listen and sneak out and run away with me instead of getting herself hurt. I had to see her, it would at least put my mind at ease to know that she was living and breathing. 

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