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I had yet to tell dad about Jake yet. Bradley was used to avoiding dad like the plague, so he hadn't mentioned anything to him either. It's not that I didn't NOT want to tell my dad. I just wasn't sure how he'd react if he knew that out of all the men in the world, that I had chosen Jake 'Hangman' Seresin. And after all Jake had said to Bradley, I wasn't sure how much my dad liked Jake. And to add onto that, my dad seems to think that every Navy man was exactly like him when he was younger, which included sleeping around. I laid in bed with Jake, in his bed. We avoided going to my place if he was going to sleep over, knowing that Bradley and dad had a tendency to just walk into my house without knocking. My phone buzzed on the nightstand next to the bed, waking Jake from his slumber. I had been awake, just looking at him. He wrapped his arms around me, pulling me into his body and into an intoxicating kiss. "Snooze it," he murmurs, placing slow kisses along my neck. I smile, but don't move towards my phone. I didn't want to move from this bed. Jake reaches over me, grabbing my phone as he declines the call from whoever it was and tosses my phone onto the floor.

"If you broke my phone, I'll break yours." He nuzzles against my neck, trying to go back to sleep. I just smile.

"I'll buy you a new one if I broke it." His hands reach low on my hips, pulling me onto his lap. He's not trying to seduce me; he just loves being as close to me as possible. His head rests against the headboard, rubbing his thumbs over my thighs, his eyes still closed. I smile and lean forward, laying on top of him so I can kiss his lips. He has a smile as I bring my forehead against his, closing my eyes as well. "Good morning." He smiles at me.

"Morning." His smile was perfect. Mornings like this had easily become my favorite. I could imagine us laying here forever and a thought like that kind of scared me. I hadn't felt this way towards someone before. And I really like this feeling: the feeling of falling in love. But I didn't say that. Maybe I should have, if we were going to be on this death mission. He sat up, holding me tight as he started to kiss me sweetly. I giggle as I tangle my hands in his hair. He breaks the kiss to sit back and look at me. Both of us are smiling widely. I lean down to kiss him but there's a knock on his bedroom door. My face goes white as we both look over at the closed door.

"Lieutenant!" Both of our eyes go wide. It's my dad. "I would've knocked but I couldn't get a hold of you and the door was unlocked. Do you know where Nik is? I've been trying to find her." Jake and I both look at each other, scrambling out of bed. I grab my clothes, throwing them on as I rush to the closet, closing the door as I crouch onto the closet floor.

"One second, sir!" Jake calls out as he grabs a pair of sweatpants and a shirt, going over to open his bedroom door. I hold my breath. I felt like a really dumb teenager. I can picture my dad's face as I eavesdrop on the conversation.

"I didn't mean to wake you. I was just wondering if you knew where she was. She wasn't home and she wasn't with Bradley, but he said you might know where she is." I held my breath. Stupid Bradley.

"No, sir. I haven't seen her since yesterday's training." Jake lies effortlessly. "She could be with Phoenix."

"Thanks. I've been trying to call her, but she won't pick up." I hear him typing away on his phone and then my own phone starts to buzz. On the floor. Next to the open door. Everyone's eyes go to the phone. "Lieutenant Seresin. Is that her phone?" I can feel Jake's breathing stop.


"Please tell me that my little girl isn't here." My dad asks, scary enough to make anyone tremble.

"Should I lie to you, sir?"

"I think that would be best." His tone matches Jake's.

"She's not here."

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