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It all seemed to be working out for everyone. Dad took a permanent position as a teacher at Top Gun. This meant he was staying in San Diego, permanently. It had potential. I could visit him for holidays and it would be a full house. Bradley had proposed to Nat and we couldn't be more excited for the news (especially the ring, which had been Aunt Carole's). Payback and Fanboy had been shipped out again after the mission, along with Fritz, Halo, Harvard, Yale, and Omaha. I wasn't sure where they were sent to but in due time, I was sure we'd see each other again. Coyote, Bradley and Natasha asked for some time off. They were given a month. Coyote went home to his family. He has a little girl waiting anxiously for him. Bob also took a position at Top Gun, so we made sure to spend time with him at the Hard Deck while we were still here. Dad took Bradley to his hangar and was showing him the plane that he was fixing up. That's when Penny came back from her boating trip with Amelia. When dad took Penny out in his plane, Bradley told me that Nat was showing my future sister air-to-air combat and Amelia couldn't have been more hooked. I think Bradley only told me this because he was starting to think about a future with Nat, a future that included children. And if that were to ever happen, I couldn't wait for a bunch of tiny Bradshaws running all over the place, creating havoc all over San Diego.

I was packed and ready to go. Ready except for one very small, very big, important detail. Jake. The two of us stood in my now, very empty house. There was nothing to do except say goodbye. "I'm gonna miss you ya know?" It was the first words I had spoken since we had sat down.

"I know darlin, I'm gonna miss you too." He had a small smile on his lips as he kissed my hand. "But we'll figure this out."

"You better not forget about me, Seresin." I half joked, but I didn't know what would happen while we were apart. He lets out a laugh not sure how I think he could ever forget me.

"Darlin, there's no way I could ever forget you." He kisses my temple. "I told you, Nicole. I'm going to marry you." I look over at him, finding his green eyes already on me.

"You'll write to me?" He smirks, making me roll my eyes.

"No, but I'll call. I love that voice of yours." His eyes are sparkling and my heart is beating wildly. I didn't want to be separated from him. But eventually it was time and after dropping my car off at my dad's and saying our last goodbyes, Jake dropped me off at the airport. He wrapped his arms around me, kissing me with passion and love.

"I love you."

"I love you too, darlin." My flight was called and soon I was in my seat and the plane was taking off. The seat next to me was empty for a little while until someone sat down. When I looked besides me, I saw Jake and my frown was replaced with a smile.

"What are you doing, Seresin?" I asked him as I kissed his lips again.

"I saved two aviators, baby. I've got a free ticket anywhere and I'm going wherever you are. I'd follow you till the ends of the Earth."


5 Years Later

The San Diego cold night breeze hit me before anything else did. I had yet to miss it, all these years later. With Jake's hand in mine, our Uber pulled up just in time. We threw our bags into the back, making sure that there was enough room for all of us. It was days before Christmas and I knew that we were lucky to have even found a plane ride home. Everyone was waiting for us at the Hard Deck. Penny had closed it for the night, just for our family reunion. It was beginning to become a large family. Bradley and Natasha had two rambunctious boys and the sweetest little girl. I had never met them and I had wanted to for so long. Penny and dad finally tied the knot last year and Amelia was getting ready to leave the nest and go off to college. Jake and I had felt bad about how long it had been since we visited, but because of where we had been stationed, it was just too much travel. Plus, I wanted to visit even more now that we had news - big news. It had been so hard keeping this a secret from my dad and the rest of the family, but Jake and I thought that it would be fun to see their faces in person. Jake and I had gotten married 4 years ago, which had been the last time we got to see our families. We will be visiting Jake's family for the New Years in a couple of weeks and I couldn't be more excited to finally get to see Texas and where he grew up. When the Uber stopped at the Hard Deck, Jake and I grabbed everything from the car, thanked the man, and went inside. When I opened the door to the Hard Deck, I saw the most beautiful tree in the corner, near the piano, which is where Bradley and his little girl sat, as he played a Christmas tune. Dad was playing with the two boys, as Nat, Penny, and Amelia watched from the bar. I couldn't help but smile as I watched the craziness of my family. I loved it and I had missed it so much. "Nicole!" Natasha shouted out, making all eyes look at me. I wondered if I looked different to them, since it had been so long. My dad ran to me first, hugging me tightly. He kissed my forehead before I was bombarded with a hug from Bradley.

"Darlin, I think these Christmas presents need your help." I felt all eyes shift from me to my husband and our two bundles of joy in his arms.

"Surprise?!" I almost asked as I grabbed my three year old from his dad. Jake wasn't allowed to let go of the 2 year old, who was currently a daddy's girl.

"Nicole Seresin. You did not keep this a secret from us for 3 years?" Natasha yelled at me, but I just smiled as I looked down at my little boy.

"Dad..." I looked over at him and he had tears in his eyes. "Wanna meet your grandkids?" He nodded as he sat down on a chair. The little boy that was attached to me, let me put him down. "This is Thomas, but he likes to be called Tommy right now." Tommy saw the other little boys and instead of hugging his grandpa, he ran over to them, excited to play with kids his age. Jake walked up behind me and my little girl looked brightly at her grandfather, reaching for him.

"And this is Elizabeth, Lizzy." I watched as dad held her close to him, not wanting to let her go. I think Jake was happy that his tired arms were finally free.

"We actually have another surprise for you all." I told them with a smile. "We just got transferred here. Jake and I will be teaching at Top Gun." Both Nat and Bradley let out cheers, happy that we were joining them. They had been discussing for weeks how horrible their students were and now we would be in the same boat with them, literally. Their kids came running over to see what the commotion was about, Bradley introducing them to us.

"This is your Aunt Nicole and your Uncle Jake."

"Make sure you call him Bagman." Nat jokes, but it was too late for her to take it back. Her sons were laughing their heads off, calling Jake nothing but Bagman.

"Thanks." Jake whispered, sarcastically, before giving Nat a hug.

"Hi, Aunt Nicole." The twin boys said in unison.

"I'm Benjamin."

"And I'm Brady." I smiled at the two boys, bringing them in for a tight hug.

"Aunt Nicole! That's too tight." I laughed as I let them go and they ran away to drag their sister over to me. "And this is Carole." I looked up at Bradley with a smile.

"Hi, sweetie." She hugged me, sending a smile to her Uncle Jake who she also hugged. I think Bradley was a little disappointed with how much his daughter seemed to like Jake. When I looked over at dad, he was still holding sweet Lizzy, who had fallen asleep in his arms. He wasn't going to let go now. I hugged Penny and Amelia, chatting for a second about where Amelia was going to college and what she planned on doing. Later on that night, Bob joined us, having stayed in San Diego for Christmas. Soon all of the kids were trying to dogpile on Uncle Bob, while he pretended to be a dinosaur. Bradley started playing a familiar tune on the piano and we all started singing along to "Great Balls of Fire". His kids knew it by heart and mine enjoyed dancing to it. Jake pulled me against him, whispering in my ear.


"I'm perfectly happy. Happy to be home. Happy to be with my family. And very happy with you."

"I love you."

"I love you too, cowboy."


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