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When dad was announced team leader, there was a new type of tension in the air. He told Penny that he had to go. I watched her smile drop and she didn't get it back the rest of the night. We were all at the Hard Deck, none of us drinking too much so that we wouldn't be hurting in the morning when we had to leave. Dad had this look on his face every time he looked at me and I knew that look. It's the look he gave me every time he went away when I was younger and couldn't go with him. It's the look he gave me every time we said goodbye when he dropped me off with Bradley and Aunt Carole. It's the look that said he was scared he wouldn't come home. And my look was the same. But now, I have so much left to lose. I can't imagine the ache in my heart if I lose anyone in this squadron. But dad, Bradley, Natasha... Jake. Their deaths would wreck me for the rest of my life. Which is why I had to be on that mission tomorrow. I knew that dad would pick Nat and Bob, because they were the better duo over Payback and Fanboy; even they knew that. And dad's wingman would most likely be Jake or Bradley. I couldn't imagine it being me. I think he was too scared to lose me and have himself be the reason. But that's what made this whole thing so unnerving. I needed to be there. I couldn't be stuck on that boat, waiting for the news.

We were at the Hard Deck, most everyone having a good time. I sat in the corner, watching Jake and Javy play darts, Bradley teaching Natasha how to play piano, the rest grouped around the pool table playing billiards. The sun was still up. We had today off to prepare, mostly mentally for tomorrow. Jake gave me a look from the dart board and I smiled over at him. He gave Javy his darts and strutted over to me. "Let's go somewhere, darlin." I sent him a smile, letting him grab my hand and pull me out of there. There were shouts from the group as we laughed. He went up to the bar, where Penny had previously been but she had left to talk to my dad, and asked for the 'thing'. The temporary bartender grabbed something from underneath the bar and handed it to Jake. A picnic basket. A happy giggle left my lips as he handed me the basket and we ran to his truck. The loose, flowery dress that I was wearing was flowing nicely in the wind and Jake rolled the windows down as he raced us to our destination - Balboa Park. We ran through the park, both of us laughing as he led me through the crowds of people. There was a cute spot in the back near the botanical building with the perfect view of the lily pond. He rested the picnic basket on the bench and placed a blanket on the ground, pulling both me and the basket to the ground next to him.

"Lieutenant Seresin, this is quite the surprise." I said as he fed me a chocolate covered strawberry. "Who knew Jake Seresin could be such a romantic?" I wiggled my eyebrows, making him roll his eyes before pecking me on the lips. There weren't many people that came this way but a few wanted to look at the pond. I didn't mind; it is a public park.

"It gets better." I shake my head at him, with a smile.

"It couldn't get better." I pecked his lips as I grabbed another strawberry from the basket. When he grabbed a blueberry, he tried to catch it in his mouth, but he missed terribly. We both just laughed and I tried tossing one into his mouth. I made it and we both cheered. As the sun started to set, I looked up at Jake. "What do you think will happen?" I asked him. I didn't want to bring it up, but my anxiety had been eating me alive. I needed to talk about it, every single possibility. His smile faltered, but he made it come back when he kissed my lips.

"I don't know." It was quiet for a second. "But I trust Maverick. He'll make sure we all come back, especially you."

"Is that something you're worried about?" I moved to look at him, wanting to have eye contact if we were going to talk about something serious.

"A little, yeah. You know you're one of the best, no one can deny that. But you're my girl and I want you to come back to me." I nodded, running my hand over his shoulder.

"If you get picked, you have to come back too." He looked back at me, with a cocky smile to hide his fear. "I meant what I said the other night." He looked at me with confused eyebrows. "I love you, Jake. And one day, preferably a couple years in the future," I laughed, "I'd like to marry you." I avoided his eyes, not sure how he'd react to that. He grabbed my chin, lifting it to his lips. I could feel the smile as he kissed me passionately.

"Promise?" I chuckled.

"Promise." We looked at each other, looking for any sort of doubt and when it came to talking about our future, there was only one more thing that worried me. "We'll be long distance after this mission. We'll be sent to different stations." The silence had settled over you like a blanket, the only noise coming from the crickets and the fish in the pond. It's almost as if speaking would break the bubble we had found yourselves in. I looked back at the sky, because the sunset from this spot has to be the most gorgeous thing I have seen in a while. And when it hits the buildings, it looks like a painting, a painting glowing with the eternal love that fills the city. I want our love to be a sunset that paints the sky like this one. It's not fair that some people get forever and we only got these 3 weeks. I haven't seen long distance work for many people before. It didn't work for my father and Penny. It didn't work for Natasha and Bradley.

"We'll figure it out." He said and we both knew he couldn't promise anything, but I've never met two more stubborn pilots, so maybe we could figure it out. Together. He's grinning at me and his eyes are looking at me with softness. I am almost certain my expression mirrors his. His eyes flicker to my lips. He crashes his lips to mine, tasting him and the chocolate strawberries. This moment is going to end, all of our moments with this man are going to be over soon so I decide to just savor this one. His lips are moving against mine in a way that can only be described as delicate and destructive. He pulls away, pressing his forehead against mine. "I love you." I looked back at the sky and it was almost dark.

"Let's go." 

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