Big News

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The couple got home around 11 that night. They thought the Bella's would have been asleep by now, so they barged through the front door in a heated kiss. However, all of the Bella's were sitting on the couch watching a film.

"OH MY GOD BHLOE IS REAL!" Amy yelled causing the two to break apart quickly.

All of the Bella's were freaking out and ran over to tackle the two. All of them were screaming and laughing as Beca and Chloe laid on the ground waiting for them to stop.

"When did you guys make it official?" Emily asked once everyone was off of the two.

"Just tonight. Beca asked me at the the game." Chloe said as she smiled at the brunette.

"Aww!" All of the Bella's said in unison.

"Ok ok I gotta shower bye guys." Beca said as she made her way upstairs.

"Yeah uh me too. Goodnight guys." Chloe said as she trailed behind Beca.

Once the two were done showering, they got dressed and went into Beca's room and cuddled on her her. The two were both wearing messy buns and had baggy t shirts on. Beca was laying on top of Chloe with there legs entangles together. Chloe had one arm rubbing Beca's thigh, which was bent at a 90 degree angle on top of her legs, and one arm stroking the brunettes cheek. The brunette had one arm on Chloe's chest as she tucked her head into the crook of the older girls neck. The two laid there in silence, Beca quickly drifting off to sleep at the feeling of her girlfriend stroking her head softly.

Chloe smiled at the sight of the small brunette falling asleep in her arms. Her mind was going crazy thinking about that night. All she could think about was the tiny brunette in her arms and how she was all hers now.

"Chloe I can hear you thinking." Beca sleepily said into Chloe's neck.

"Shhh just go to sleep babe." Chloe said as she pulled the brunette closer.

"It's hard to sleep when your hearts beating this fast." Beca said groggily.

"Sorry Becs." Chloe said as she stared down with a smile at the cute brunette.

"What are you looking at." Beca said with a sleepy smile and droopy eyes and she lifted her head to look at Chloe.

"Your just so beautiful Becs." Chloe said as she kissed the girls forehead.

"No you are Chlo." Beca said as she laid her head back down and closed her eyes.

"Shh go to sleep now." Chloe said as she laid a hand on Beca's cheek and stroked it until she fell asleep.

sorry for the short chapter it was kind of a filler to keep the story going. more soon to come ;)

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