Movie Night

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After eating, the Bellas made their way home to their house. Once home, everyone went their separate ways working on homework, music, dancing, or anything else a Bella would normally do on a Sunday.

Chloe needed to go get more groceries for the house and Beca was at the studio working on new mixes.

Beca spent most of her free time at the studio as she loved making music. She wanted to be a music producer when she finished college. She was busy trying to come up with ideas. She hadn't had any idea of what to write about for weeks now. She was getting very frustrated and put her head down on the desk as her phone pinged.

Fat Amy|5:45 PM
Hey Shawshank! Could you pick up some pizza on your way home? It's movie night and I need food ;)

Beca hated movie night. She could never finish a movie because she always fell asleep during them. They only thing that made them tolerable was Chloe. Her and Chloe would always cuddle during movies. Both of the girls enjoyed this and made it the best part about movie night.

Beca|5:47 PM
I guess so. I'll be home in a bit.

Beca packed up her things and ordered the pizza for her to pick up. She drove to the pizza place where she sat in the parking lot waiting. She knew Chloe wasn't home yet so she texted the ginger.

Beca|6:12 PM
Hey, Chlo! Movie night tonight. There's some pizza and a spot next to me on the couch with your name on it. ;)

Chloe|6:12 PM
Yay I can't wait!! See you soon, Becs <3

Beca smiled and put her phone away. She loved how fast Chloe always responded to her. Her phone pinged again telling her the pizza was ready for her.

At home, all of the Bella's dug into the pizza and started eating while they picked a movie to watch.

"Let's watch Die Hard!" Fat Amy exclaimed.

"Um lets not. There's a child in the room." Cynthia Rose said while glancing at Emily.

"Hey!!" Emily said

Eventually the Bella's settled for Titanic, except Beca of course. She never liked any movies and would probably sleep though them anyways.

Once the pizza was finished, the Bella's got out mattresses, pillows, and blankets. Beca and Chloe sat at the corner of the couch where they would be unbothered by the rest of the Bella's.

"This is stupid." Beca grumbled as the movie began to roll.

"It's not stupid it's cute." Chloe said as she wrapped her arms around Beca and pulled her in closer.

"Im going to die of boredom." Beca mumbled as she wrapped her arms around Chloe's.

"Don't be so dramatic Becs." Chloe mumbled into Beca's hair.

"Shut up lovebirds we're watching the movie." Fat Amy said.

Chloe noticed Beca fell asleep rather quickly so she alerted all of the Bella's who looked at the sleeping brunette and laughed. Chloe quickly quieted them all down so Beca could sleep as she laid a kiss on the brunettes head.

When the credits rolled at the end of the movie, every Bella was crying, except Beca who was still fast asleep. The Bella's made their way to bed except for Chloe.

"Are you coming to bed, Chloe?" Emily asked.

"Nah i'll stay here. I don't wanna wake her up." She whispered.

"Alrighty then." she said as she walked upstairs to bed.

Chloe pulled Beca in even closer as it was cold downstairs where they were. Beca then grunted and rolled over to face Chloe where she grabbed the gingers hair and snuggled her face into it. Chloe laughed quietly and kissed Beca on the forehead before falling asleep.

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