Splitting Shins

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The next day was cloudy and freezing cold in the cabin. Beca woke up around 7 feeling like she was frozen. She reached over to her side, trying to reach the blankets. When she couldn't grab it, she rolled over to find her girlfriend all bundled up in the comforter.

"Thanks a lot, Red." Beca grumbled, knowing it was no use trying to get comfy since she didn't want to wake Chloe up.

Beca brushed a strand of Chloe's hair back out of her face before pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead and getting up. She tried to stretch her muscles quietly, keeping her dinosaur noises at a minimum as she shook off all remnants of sleep. She immediately pulled a hoodie on and left the room, determined to get the cabin warm.

Walking in the living room, Beca realized no one else was awake yet. She looked out the window, seeing the clouds outside were darkening rapidly. She knew it was going to rain soon, so she hurriedly put her shoes on she headed outside to chop wood for their fire.

"Why can't this cabin have a normal gas fireplace instead of a shitty fire pit that involves manual labor." Beca muttered to herself as she picked up the cold axe by the front porch and set out to the pile of big logs in the distance.

She grabbed one of the logs and stood it upright on the ground, carefully positioning it before swinging the axe over her head and chopping it. She repeated this a few times before she heard a slight rustling in the forest behind her.

She stared into the trees for a moment, but eventually brushed it off to just being a squirrel or something and continued chopping. As she was on her last log, she swung the axe over her head and as she was about to slam it down, she heard a loud fall from the tree. She jumped instinctively at the noise, causing the axe to swing down by itself and smash into her shin.

"Oh shit!" Beca exclaimed, immediately grabbing onto her shin.

"What's going on?" Chloe's voice called from behind her, still raspy from sleep.

"Shit um, nothing. Just heard a noise from the trees." Beca said, sucking in a breath as she let go of her pained leg.

"Are you okay?" Chloe asked, looking down to see her girlfriend barely putting weight on her leg as she stood.

"Yeah, I'm fine." Beca said, blinking back tears.

"Hey Lilly!" Chloe called out, waving at the person in the distance.

"God dammit it's just Lilly." Beca breathed out in relief that it wasn't an animal or dangerous creature. Lilly send a creepy smile back their way before disappearing in the distance.

"What are you doing out here?" Chloe asked, face dropping a little when she saw Beca's face begin to pale a little.

"Just- chopping wood for the f-fire inside." She said, trying to shift onto her leg and immediately regretting it and almost falling.

"Beca, sit down sweetie. You look like you're going to pass out." Chloe ushered as she guided her down to the log behind her.

"I'm fine, Chlo." Beca said shakily, glancing down at her throbbing leg to see a dark spot through her black sweatpants.

"Don't lie to me, baby." Chloe said softly, cupping Beca's cheeks. "What hurts."

"M-my shin." Beca whimpered out, eyes beginning to water again. "From the axe. When Lilly jumped out of that tree it-"

"Shh I know baby, I saw." Chloe cooed. "Can I take a look?"

Beca nodded and rested back on her hands as she felt Chloe's hands wonder to the bottom of her pant leg. She bit her lip as Chloe pulled it up, trying not to cry out in pain as the material brushed against it.

"Oh my god." Chloe whispered to herself as she saw the big, bloody, and bruised gash on her leg. "Becs, I think this needs medical attention."

"It can't be that bad." Beca said, looking down herself and immediately regretting it.

Chloe noticed Beca's face pale even more as she stared wide eyed at her bleeding leg.

"Hey, Becs. Don't look at it. Look at me, okay?" Chloe said firmly, grabbing her head with both hands and locking eyes. "I'll call Stacie to come out. Since she's a med student, if this needs stitches she can do it."

Beca nodded, closing her eyes tight to try and ignore the stinging in her leg while Chloe pulled one hand away from Beca's face to call Stacie.

Moments later, Stacie was already outside examining Beca's wound.

"Shit, this definitely needs stitches." Stacie determined before looking up at Beca and Chloe.

"Does she need a hospital?" Chloe asked as she rubbed Beca's back from beside her.

"If we get this washed and treated properly, probably not. Let's get her inside so we can clean it up real good."

Chloe nodded and helped Beca to her feet. Chloe and Stacie both wrapped an arm around her waist and instructed for her to sling her arms over their shoulder. She slowly made their way inside the cabin, blood steadily trickling down Beca's leg as they did so. When inside, they were met with several pairs of eyes that immediately turned concerned as they watched their friend be hauled inside with a bloody leg.

"Is she okay?" Emily asked as they walked past the headed for the bathroom.

"She will be." Stacie said as they slowly opened and closed the bathroom door.

"Sit on the edge of the sink. I'll go grab some things to clean this up." Stacie said before exiting the room and closing the door softly behind her.

"You okay sweetie?" Chloe asked after a few moments of silence, seeing the pain etched on Beca's face as she sat uncomfortably on the sink.

"Yeah." She said, her voice cracking slightly.

"You'll be okay, baby. We'll get you some medicine for the pain in a minute once you're all better." Chloe said, hopping up on the sink beside her and rubbing her back softly.

"Good." Beca said as Stacie walked in with stuff to clean the wound and stuff to stitch it up.

"Okay. This is going to feel unpleasant and probably sting, but it's to wash it out and numb it for when I stitch it up." Stacie said as she popped open the cap on a bottle and put it on a cotton ball.

"Look at me, Becs. Focus on my voice." Chloe cooed as she reached for Beca's hand and squeezed it tightly.

"Ow fuck!" Beca screamed immediately as the cotton ball touched her bloody leg.

"You're doing great baby." Chloe cooed, even though her heart was breaking for her girl.

Once they were done, the three of them sat in silence for a minute while the stuff numbed her leg. Chloe held Beca's head tight into her chest and stroked her hair while Stacie watched the cute exchange between the two. Eventually when Beca was numb, Stacie began to stitch up her leg.

Chloe continued to hold her head close to her chest while she whispered sweet nothings into Beca's ear. The job wasn't the fastest in the world, but when it was done, Stacie bandaged it and pulled her pant leg back down.

"You're all done Becs." Stacie said as she packed her supplies away.

"Thank you." Chloe said sincerely with a soft smile.

"No problem. It may be a struggle to walk for a few days, but it'll get better." Stacie said as she opened the door and walked out.

"You're all done sweetheart." Chloe whispered into Beca's ear.

"Can we get the pain meds now?" She said quietly.

"Of course. Let's get you comfy on the couch and i'll grab your medicine."

Chloe all but carried Beca to the couch where the rest of the girls were and laid her down, a pillow under her leg before she grabbed some of the medicine. The girls were all concerned, but knew the girl would be just fine. Especially with Chloe by her side.

Another update!! Tbh I had way different intentions for this chapter but the words were kinda just flowing. It was going to be a little longer but my left thumb started cramping a ton lol. Anyways, let me know if you guys like this chapter and if you guys have any suggestions on future events that could happen in the story :)

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