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Worlds was just a few days away and the Bella's were working long hours trying to nail their choreography. They left the next day to go to Copenhagen. Beca had been wearing herself out completely. She was either with the Bella's or at the studio, finalizing the songs she was performing for Chloe the week after worlds. The brunette came home extra tired most days. No one seemed to notice, except Chloe.

After a long, tiring day, Beca walked though the door and collapsed face down on the couch. Amy was in the kitchen and walked over to see the little DJ slumped on the couch.

"Woah there. You okay short stack?" Amy asked.

"Mhm." Beca grunted into the couch cushion.

"Uhh i'll go grab ginger." Amy said as she walked to Chloe's room.

Chloe was busy brushing her hair when Amy knocked on the door.

"Come in!" she said in a cheerful tone.

"Hey is shawshank alright?" Amy asked, out of breath from walking up the stairs.

"What do you mean?" Chloe asked, setting down the brush and giving Amy a concerned look.

"She walked though the door and collapsed on the couch. I don't know what's wrong." Amy said.

"I'll go check on her." Chloe said as she walked downstairs into the living room.

"What's wrong baby?" Chloe asked in a soft voice as kneeled on the ground next to the brunette, rubbing slow circles on her back.

"Mmm." Beca grunted.

"Hey Becs look at me." Chloe said as she rolled her girlfriend over. The girl looked awfully tired. She had dark bags under her eyes and her face was extra pale.

"Mmm." Beca grunted as she shut her eyes.

"Beca you look exhausted!" Chloe said in a concerned tone.

"I'm fine." Beca said in a sleepy voice, eyes still shut.

"No your not. Let's go to bed sweetie." Chloe said softly as she picked up the sleepy brunette and carried her upstairs into her bed.

"Go to sleep Becs." Chloe said as she tucked in the DJ and started out the door.

"Wait!" Beca said with the last bit of energy she had.

"What's wrong?" Chloe asked, looking back at the brunette.

"Stay with me?" she asked in a quiet, raspy voice.

Chloe smiled and cuddled up to Beca. The shorter girl looked like a scary badass but in reality, she just wanted her cuddly, bubbly girlfriend by her side.

Chloe let Beca snuggle into the crook of her neck as the ginger stroked her hair softly. She gave a kiss on the brunettes forehead as the younger girl slowly fell asleep.

A while later, Beca was still sleeping peacefully on Chloe.

"I could get used to this." Chloe said under her breath as she kissed Beca's forehead. Just then, she got a text in the Bella's group chat.

Fat Amy|9:45 PM
Hey bitches! Do you guys want to go to the club?

Cynthia Rose|9:47 PM
Hell yeah! I'm in.

Emily|9:47 PM

Jessica|9:48 PM
I'm down! So is Ashley.

Chloe|9:50 PM
Sorry guys. I can't tonight. You guys have fun and be safe!

Chloe knew she couldn't leave the brunette alone, especially when she was like this. She needed Chloe and the older girl knew that.

Fat Amy|9:51 PM
Oh yeah. How's the shorty?

Chloe|9:52 PM
Fast asleep.

Fat Amy|9:52 PM
Oh good. Keep us updated.

Chloe|9:54 PM
Will do!

Chloe set her phone down and pulled the brunette closer. She kissed the top of the younger girls head, causing her to lift her head and give the red head a sleepy grin.

"I love you Chlo." Beca said as she set her head back down on Chloe's neck and closed her eyes.

"I love you too Becs." Chloe said as she rubbed the brunettes head, causing her to fall asleep.

A few days later, the Bella's were in Copenhagen. They were getting ready back stage to perform. Chloe was a nervous wreck and a beca knew it. The ginger hadn't eaten much that morning or slept the night before. Beca tried her best to make the ginger less nervous, but knew the girl was scared.

"Next up, the Barden Bella's!" the announcer said over the speakers.

Beca gave Chloe a quick peck and smile as the walked on the stage.

The Bella's performed their hearts out. At the end of their set, the audience was going crazy. The Bella's stood on stage, knowing they performed their hearts out and tried their best. Chloe pulled Beca into a passionate kiss. The two sat there for a minute before breaking apart and joining the Bella's in their celebration. They soon found out they had won and would be reinstated.

The rest of the night was spent with the Bella's having a party. They went to the bar and partied harder than ever before. They sang and danced like no one was watching. This was truly one of the best moments.

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