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A few weeks later


"Mmm" Beca grumbled, burying her head deep into Chloe's neck.

"Wow no swearing today?" Chloe giggled as she stroked the back of Beca's head.

"Mmm" Beca grumbled again, this time pulling the blanket higher over her and her girlfriend.

"You're usually more willing to get up. Not feeling it today huh?" Chloe said, kissing her girlfriend's head softly.

"Mmm" she groaned again, this time followed by a cough.

"Are you feeling okay Becs?"

"Mhm" she groaned once again followed by a cough.

"You feel pretty warm" Chloe said, feeling the heat radiating from the girls forehead onto her cheek. "Can you sit up for a sec? I'll be right back."

Chloe went down the stairs to grab a thermometer, water bottle, cold towel, and medicine for her girlfriend.

"What's this for Chloe?" Stacie said, noticing the ginger searching for supplies.

"Beca's not feeling well. I need to take care of her."

"Poor thing. I'll leave you to it." She said as Chloe walked up the stairs.

When she got back up there, the brunette was under all the blankets, shivering while trying to sleep.

"Hey Becs, can you sit up for me baby?" Chloe said, placing a hand on the brunettes thigh.

Beca sat up and Chloe placed a hand on her cheek and took her temperature.

"101.5 is pretty high Beca." Chloe bit her lip as she gave Beca some medicine and water. "You're staying in bed today."

"Stay with me?" the brunette said in a raspy voice.

Chloe laid back down as Beca quickly made herself comfortable on Chloe's body, laying on top of her and tucking her head into the crook of her neck. Chloe softly drew patterns on Beca's back, sending her quickly to sleep. She looked at the sleeping brunette under her, wondering how she got so lucky. She closed her eyes and dozed off, only to be startled by Beca's voice.

"I'm gonna be sick Chlo." she said, sitting up off of Chloe.

"Run to the bathroom Becs. I'll be there in a sec."

Beca ran to the bathroom across the hall while Chloe grabbed the brunettes water bottle and followed shortly after her. As she walked in, she was met by the girl leaning over the toilet. Chloe immediately put the water bottle on the sink and ran to Beca's side, pulling her hair back with one hand and rubbing her back with the other.

"Shh it's okay baby i'm here." she reassured quietly.

Once she was done, her forehead was sweaty, clothes wrinkled, and hair a mess.

"Beca sweetie, come brush your teeth. I'll grab some clothes for us and run a bath. Get undressed, i'll be back in a minute."

Chloe went back to her room where she grabbed sweat pants and a t shirt for herself and a hoodie and sweat pants for the brunette. She went back into the bathroom to find Beca, lazily slumped over the sink without clothes on. Chloe took a second to admire her body before removing her own clothing and starting the bath.

"Come here sweetie." Chloe said, opening her arms wide for Beca.

The brunette slumped into Chloe's arms, pressing her head deep into her neck. Chloe softly stroked Beca's head and back as they swayed back and forth slowly. They sat like this until the tub filled up. When it did, Chloe slowly got in followed by Beca, who sat between her legs and rested her head on the older girls chest.

The two relaxed in the bath for a little while before hopping out when the water got too cold. Chloe wrapped Beca tightly in a towel before grabbing one for herself.

The redhead turned around to get dressed, expecting Beca to be doing the same. When she turned back around, however, the brunette was still in her towel, staring at the ground while swaying side to side sleepily. Chloe frowned at the sight of her sick girlfriend and immediately placed her hands on her shoulders to keep her steady. Beca rested her head against Chloe's shoulder as the ginger pulled her in for another tight embrace.

After a few minutes, Chloe helped Beca get dressed and they headed back to bed without a word exchanged between the two of them. Cuddling up closely to the redhead, Beca quickly fell into a deep sleep. Chloe laid a soft kiss on the girls forehead before drifting off herself.

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