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Two weeks later, the Bellas got in the bus to head to the retreat. Everyone piled in except Beca, who was being picked up at the studio. She had been busy producing her song, Tennessee Orange. She didn't want to show Chloe yet. Little did the red head know, her girlfriend would be performing in a concert after worlds was over. The shorter DJ planned on writing all of her songs about the love of her life, Chloe Beale.

Chloe|10:56 AM
Hey Becs, we're waiting outside. Ready when you are;)

Beca|10:57 AM
Okay. Be right out. <3

The brunette got on the bus with her laptop, Chloe had already grabbed her bag from the house, and sat by Chloe.

"How was producing your song?" Chloe asked when Beca sat down.

"So fun! It hits close to home. I can't wait til I can show you." Beca said as she cuddled up to her girlfriend.

As the bus arrived, the Bella's got out only to be greeted by Aubrey, their former leader.

"AUBREY!" everyone yelled as they ran over to hug her.

"Hi Bella's!"Aubrey greeted. "I'll show you to your tent and we can set up from there.

The rest of the day was calm. The Bella's enjoyed the company of their former leader and gossiped all afternoon. Before they knew it, it was time to go to bed.

The Bella's piled into a tent where they're heads were in the middle with bodies alternating ways. Beca was next to Chloe. It was a very tight space, so it got hot quickly.

"It's hot Chlo." Beca complained.

"It's part of the experience." Chloe smiled at the grumpy brunette.

"I just want to go home and cuddle." The brunette grunted.

"We will in a few days. Let's just enjoy the moment until then." Chloe said as she kissed the brunettes forehead. "Goodnight Becs."

"Goodnight Chlo."

The next morning, the Bella's were rudely awoken by Aubrey, yelling for them to get up and ready.

They spent the rest of the day doing team building exercises. They were pushing each other into a mud pit and sliding into the lake. The Bella's were all enjoying it, even Beca. Soon enough, it was night time again. The Bella's were gathered around the campfire, talking about their future.

"I'm scared to graduate." Chloe confessed.

"Don't let it be scary Chloe. It's a really great chance to spread your wings and take on the real world." Aubrey said.

"I decided I want to graduate then." Chloe said with a smile.

"I'm proud of you Chloe." Aubrey smiled. "Beca what are you going to do?"

"I don't know. But I do know I'll be with Chloe." She smiled as she grabbed Chloe's hand and weaved their fingers together.

"Aww!" All the Bella's said in unison.

They finished off the night chatting until it was time to go back in the tent.

"Chloe?" Beca whispered as it was late and all of the Bella's were asleep.

"Yeah Becs?" Chloe asked in a sleepy whisper.

"It's too hot in here. I can't sleep."

"I have an idea." Chloe said as she grabbed Beca's hand and pulled her out of the tent quietly.

"What are we doing?" Beca asked.

"Going to the bus. It's cooler in there."

The two made their way to the bus and sat in the back row together, snugging into each others warmth.

"This was a good idea Chlo." Beca said as she wrapped a blanket around the two of them.

"I just kind of wanted to be alone with you for the night. I love the Bella's, but I love you more." Chloe said softly.

"I love you too Chlo. More than life." Beca said.

The two snuggled together until they fell asleep.

The next day, the Bella's walked into the bus to find Beca and Chloe snuggled up together. They decided not to wake them, and instead pack their things for them and let them sleep peacefully.

All of the Bella's sat on the bus as it started driving. Beca and Chloe still hadn't shown signs of either of them waking up, so the Bella's decided to prank them. Stacie grabbed two metal water bottles and slammed them together right next to the two captains.

"OH MY GOD!" Beca yelled, almost falling out of the seat.

All of the Bella's started laughing as the couple sat there in shock.

"Gotcha." Stacie said with a smirk.

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