Chapter five- The lie dector test

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Me and Matt ended up doing our Friday movie nights after he apologized and we went back to normal. He was acting like it never happened, and so was I. But I couldn't stop thinking about him. I don't know what's wrong with me. I keep telling myself I don't like him like that, but I don't know anymore. I love Chris and always have, but I think I'm starting to have feelings for Matt...

                        Chris Sturniolo's POV

Lately I've been thinking of telling Alison I like her. But I feel like it's just going to be a mistake, and I don't want to mess up what we have. Maybe I can stop distancing myself from her and see what happens.
                          The Lie detector Test

Nick asked me today if I wanted to film a Wednesday video with him Matt and Chris. I wasn't so sure, I've only ever been in one of their videos. They've asked me if I wanted to be in any of their videos before but I always said no. I guess the idea of being on camera and then thousands of people watching me scares me.

I tried asking Nick what it was about, but he wouldn't tell me. He told he it was a surprise and I would know when we get there. I decided to take the chance, and said yes.

When I got there, Nick told me it was a lie detector test. Since Nick, Matt and Chris have already done a test in separate videos it was my turn.

I wasn't nervous at all. I mean I have nothing to hide, right?

But boy was I wrong.

The guy doing the test strapped me in. Ok, so I'm really doing this. I'm sure they won't ask that bad of questions.

"Hey guys! We are the Sturniolo triplets. I'm Nick, this is Matt, and this is Chris. We have a very special guest today." Nick explained, winking at me.

"Hi guys! I'm Alison, and I'll be taking a lie detector test today!"

"Since Me, Matt and Chris have already done it we thought it would be fun to have one of our friends try." Nick said, smiling.

"Ok, let's start with the easy questions." Nick said, scrolling through his notes app to find questions.

"Is your name Alison Hill?"

"Yes it is."

The guy doing our lie detector test looked over at us.

"Were you born in Boston Massachusetts?"


The guy gave a thumbs up.

"Are you nervous?"

"Nope, not at all."

"That's a lie."

Everyone laughed at that.

"Ok I'm going to ask some juicy questions because why not." Nick said, smirking.

"Oh god I'm scared."

"Hmm.. how many boyfriends have you had?"



"I have a question." Nick said, giggling

"Do you have feelings for anyone in this room?" Nick asked, joking.

I could feel my heart racing. Chris stopped fidgeting with his hands and looked up. Matt looked away. The room was silent.

"Uhm no that's crazy you guys are like my brothers!" I answered, scared for my life but forcing a smile.

"That's a lie."

I looked down. I couldn't dare look Chris or Matt or even Nick in the eyes after that. The room stayed quiet for a few minutes.

"Uhm well I guess that sums up today's Wednesday video, come back on Friday to watch our Friday car videos." Nick said, finishing the video with a fake smile plastered on his face.

The drive back home was silent. I didn't look anybody in the eyes, nobody said anything. The second I got to their house I went inside and locked myself in the bathroom. What the hell would Nick say?
"Hey Alison I know your in there." Nick said, knocking on the bathroom door.

"Please just leave me alone for a little bit."

"Ok. I'll cut it out of the video by the way.."

A few minutes later, I wiped my tears and walked out of the bathroom and went straight into Nicks room.

"Sooo.. you have anything to tell me?" Nick asked.

"Nick I'm so sorry. This situation is so complicated I don't even know where to start and I don't even know what to do about it." I ranted, holding back tears.

"Alison it's ok. Just talk to me."

"Ok. Trust me I've wanted to tell you this for forever, but I just didn't know how to. And I don't know how your going to react."

I explained everything to Nick. About being in love with Chris, but then Matt confessing to me, then being confused between the two.

After I finally explained everything Nick asked, "So your basically in a love triangle with my brothers?"Then he burst out laughing.

I couldn't help it. I started laughing too. Nick's response was definitely not what I was expecting.

"I guess so- I never thought of it like that."

"Well, what are you gonna do?"

"I don't know, and I guess that's the problem."

"Ask yourself though, who can you see yourself with? Who do you love more? Who treats you better. Then I think you'll have a clear answer." Nick said.

Nick always gave me the best advice. He was always calm with this stuff, and could help me with whatever problem I was having at the time.
                        Chris Sturniolo's POV
I can't believe what happened today. I replayed today over and over again, trying to figure what to do. But then it hit me.
I have to tell Alison I have feelings for her.

This was actually the chapter that started this whole story. Or I guess the idea of this chapter. I wanted to write a wattpad about the Sturniolo triplets, but I had no idea where to start. Then that night I watched their lie detector videos and it gave me an idea. It made me start this story. So far I haven't gotten many views lol, but writing this is really fun and I plan to continue for a while. I hope you liked this chapter! <3

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