Chapter Seven - Our own Little Secret

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Since I had realized I was in love with Matt, I knew I had to tell him. I had been putting it off for days, and I hadn't talked to Chris or Matt and hadn't even been to their house since they had both told me about their feelings.

I decided to go to their house and just do it. I know he feels the same way, but it's just hard because of our history. We had known each other for nine years, and been close friends.

It's weird because I had never thought of him like that, and the last few days if Nick mentioned his name I would immediately get butterflies.

I knocked on the Sturniolo's door.

Chris answered. "Oh hey Alison! How have you been?" He tried making conversation, but it was kind of awkward.

"Uhm I've been good. Is Matt home?"

Chris's smile faded. "No he's not. Do you need something from him?"

"Oh I just needed to talk to him but never mind then if he's not home."

"Ok well I'll tell him you came. Are you staying here?"

"No I better go.. it was nice seeing you though."

Chris looked slightly hurt. "Oh alright then, you too it was nice seeing you."

I felt bad for not staying, i probably should have. But it would have just been awkward with Chris, and I knew Nick wasn't home either so it would have been just us.
Chris Sturniolo's POV
I feel like something's going on between Matt and Alison. Why does she randomly want to talk to him? She also didn't want to come inside my house.

I'm already starting to feel like me telling her about my feelings for her was a mistake, and I should have never done it. There's no way we can go back to how we were before if she doesn't feel the same way. I swore that she did though, because of that lie detector test.
But what if it wasn't me who she had feelings for? What if it was Matt?

Matt came home at about 10 o clock.

"Hey. Alison stopped by today and said she needed to talk to you." I told Matt, trying not to sound jealous.

Matt looked anxious. "Oh ok. I'll text her right now."
Alison Hills's POV
My phone dinged at 10:30. It was Matt.

-Bernard boy-

Hey. Chris told me you wanted to talk to me?

Yeah. Can we meet somewhere?

Sure, I'll meet you at the park?

Ok. Cya in 10.
The moment I saw Matt walk out of his car and start towards me, I wanted to run. But I knew I had to tell him and avoiding the situation isn't helping.

"Hey. It's nice seeing you." I said finally after a few moments of silence.

"Hey. It's nice seeing you too. It's kinda weird not having you around the house lately to eat all of our food." He chuckled.

I laughed.

"So, what did you need to talk to me about?"

I took a few breaths before I said,
"Matt, I love you too.
I always have, and I think I always will. It's you. It's always been you. And I've wanted to tell you, but I only myself figured this out a few days ago. But I was really nervous because I don't know what's going to happen next for us."

Matt took a few minutes to process what I told him.

"I don't know what's next for us either then. It's complicated because of Nick and Chris, you know?"

"Yeah, I get that.."

"Alison I like you a lot, I really do. But I don't think I can tell Nick and Chris about me having feelings for you, I'm just not ready. But I want to be with you. I want to be your boyfriend. I care about you a lot and you know that, you know I will take good care of you I can promise you that.
With that being said, will you, Alison Hills, be my girlfriend?"

"Yes Matt. Of course."

He hugged me tightly, and we stayed like that for a while. He then pulled away from me and said,
"Alison like I said I don't think I'm ready to tell Chris and Nick, But I want to be your boyfriend so badly.  So What if this was our own little secret for a little while? Just for a little bit until I'm ready."

"Ok." I smiled. I liked the idea of us having our own little secret.

He walked me back to his house, holding my hand the way there. After we got a few houses away from his house, he let go of my hand.

Matt knocked on the door, and Nick answered.

"Hey Alison! I didn't know you were coming today."

"Yeah we just took a walk at the park and she decided to come here with me." Matt replied, and Nick gave me a suspicious face but let us in.

"Oh by the way Chris left tonight he went to stay the night at a friends house."

We made a few Tik Tok's and watched some tv. Before Matt left to go to bed he said to me, "Goodnight Ali."

My cheeks turned red instantly, and butterflies exploded in my stomach. He used to call me Ali when we were younger, 9 or 10 maybe. He hadn't called me that in years.

Nick whispered to me,
"So what happened with you and Matt? You guys seem fishy to me." He gave me a suspicious face.

"Oh no no it wasn't like that, we were just hanging out I swear." It felt weird lying to Nick, because it was something I had never done before. I wasn't used to keeping secrets from him, I always told Nick everything. But, Matt said he wasn't ready.

"Mkayy.. just know you can tell me everything though." He said, smiling at me.

"Of course. Your my best friend I would never lie to you."

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