Chapter Forteen- L.A

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-Matt Sturniolo's POV

*one month skip*

I knew at some point I had to tell Alison, but I didn't know how to. I know she's going to be so upset, and I don't know what this means for our relationship. The last 2 months have been pure heaven, and having her as my girlfriend is all I've ever wanted and all I'll ever need. Every time I'm around her, I just cannot stop looking at her. I can't stop looking at her beautiful hazel eyes, her curly hair and the way it flows in the wind, her beautiful freckles. Every thing about her I just can't get over, she's perfect.

The truth is,
I'm moving to L.A with my brothers.

Like I said I have no idea what this means for us and our relationship, and I don't know what's going to happen when I move. I know I love her and would do anything to be with her, even if it takes us being long distance.

But that would suck. I would miss her embrace, the way she plays with my hair and the way every time she kisses me everything around me goes away. I get lost in some sort of trance, deep in our passion of a kiss. It never gets old, and it never will.
-Chris Sturniolo's POV
Everything the last few months has been so hard and it's really taken a toll on my mental health. I'm excited to move to L.A because it's a great opportunity like Nick keep saying for us and branding, with merch and collaborations.

I'm going to miss living with my family, and being so close to my mom and dad. I'm going to miss living in my house in Boston, which is gonna suck.

But most of all the thing I'm going to miss most is my friends. Mostly, Alison.

God, the last few months have been a living hell. It's so hard to just sit back and watch Alison with Matt, the way they look at each other, the way they flirt all the time, and the glint I see in Matt's eyes when he's about to kiss her. It sucks, it really does.

I honestly feel like at this point Alison doesn't think I feel the same way as I did two months ago about her, but I do. I really do. I cannot believe we are leaving her for L.A, I can't even begin to grasp the fact I won't see her everyday anymore.

Out of the three of us, I now talk to Alison the least. Matt talks to her all the time of course, because he's dating her. So does Nick, because he's her best friend. But I'm just kind of there sometimes. I can't remember the last time it was just us hanging out, whenever we did that it was honestly the best.

Sometimes it pains me to even look at her, to know that at one point she loved me the same way she loves Matt, but now that's all gone.
If only I told her sooner.
-Nick Sturniolo's POV
I hadn't really talked to Chris all week, I had been hanging out with friends and editing a lot of videos.
I walked into his room, waiting a few seconds after I knocked on his door.

"Come in." He said, giving me permission to enter his room.

"Hey I'm bored." I told Chris, laying on his bed next to him.

"Hey. Me too, I've just been scrolling on tiktok." Chris answered, looking up from his phone and giving me a slight smile.

I could tell Chris had forced to put on a smile for me, and I could tell something was off. It was like this unspoken feeling, I could feel when Chris was upset about something.

We sat in silence before i interrupted it,
"How have you been Chris? Really? How has it been with.. you know."

Chris sighed, and I could tell her wanted to tell me everything but was holding back.

"I don't if I should be telling you this Nick, I mean your her best friend. This doesn't feel right because she's also dating my brother, you know?" Chris asked, staring at the floor.

"Hey you know you can tell me anything and everything, ok? I'm here to listen and I want you to know that." I told Chris, nudging him slightly to encourage him to open up.

"Alright. But please, don't tell any of this to Matt or Alison ok? I'm trusting you." 

"I swear Chris, just tell me what's on your mind I'm here."

"Ok. Lately I've been feeling like I'm just there, i mean your her best friend and Matt is her girlfriend. I never feel like I'm actually friends with her, I'm just tagging along with the two of you. And I think about her all the time, and it fucking pains me to see the way Matt and Alison look each other in the eyes. They seem so in love, and now I'm looking back to how blind I was when I never saw how she used to look at me with the same look in her eyes. She used to love me, not him. If I had told her that sooner, it would be me dating her not Matt." Chris vented, mumbling on the last sentence which I wasn't sure if I was supposed to hear.

"Chris I'm so sorry you feel that way, and I get it. I really do. I think you need to talk to Alison about how you think you guys aren't talking anymore, it could have something to do with Matt, you know? She could have stopped talking to you as much because she's afraid of what Matt would think and or what conclusions he could draw from it. Anyways, your feelings are completely valid. You have the right to miss her, and miss the way she loved you at one point because that's totally understandable. But don't regret the fact that you didn't tell her sooner, things worked out the way they worked out and that's ok. You cannot change the past, you have to live in the moment and what is real." I told Chris as he rested his head on my shoulder.

Chris didn't say anything back to me, he just stayed quiet. After a few minutes, I saw a tear land on my pants. Chris was crying on my shoulder, and I could feel his whole body shake as he sobbed. I held him closer, and told him over and over again that it was ok. I told him that because I truly believed it, that everything  would work out in the end. I knew Chris was really hurting because he definitely wasn't one to cry. He almost never cried, I couldn't remember the last time he had. I guess it was this moment that I realized just how much Chris truly cared for Alison, and how much he loved her. I knew he loved her but I guess i hadn't processed the fact completely, but as his tears soaked my shirt I knew it. Chris Sturniolo loved Alison.
-authors note
I'm on a mini grind right now, i was going to make this chapter about Matt telling Alison about L.A but it turned into something completely different. I knew I hadn't talked about how Chris was feeling for a while, so I needed to go a little more into depth with that. But as I started to write Chris's point of view, it's like my fingers had a mind of their own and now I feel like the chapter is too long to have Matt tell Alison.
But yeah, hope you liked this chapter, and I hope you have a lovely day. <3

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