Chapter Ten- Revealed Secrets

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Once I got home, I decided to change into a cute white dress, and redo my makeup. Matt pulled up to my house at 7:00 sharp, just like he said.

He stepped out of his car when he saw me.

"Wow, you look beautiful." Matt said, blushing as he opened his car door for me.

"Thank you. You look handsome." I said, my cheeks turning red.

Matt drove me to a really nice restaurant, a sushi place which is my favorite food.

"Welcome, do you have a reservation?" A man working at the restaurant asked.

"Yes I do, it's under Mathew Sturniolo."

"Alright. Your table is right over here."

We sat down at a booth away from everyone else, which Matt told me he asked for specifically.

"Did I already tell you you look amazing tonight?"

I smiled. "You did."

The night was perfect. We took a little longer than expected, but we figured it was fine and the boys could wait a little longer.

"Hey so I thought about this earlier and what are we going to say when we come back home at the same time?" Matt asked.

"I don't know, I didn't think of that. I'm sure they won't even ask it'll be fine don't worry." I reassured him, and smiled.

"Alright. We should probably go now it's getting late." It was 9:30.

"I'll grab the check." He said.

As soon as we got to my dads house to let me change back, Matt parked and opened my door for me.

"Tonight was amazing I really want to do this again with you Alison." Matt said, kissing me on the cheek.

I kissed him back, on the lips this time. We stayed like that for a while lost in the moment. Today had been my first date with Matt, and our first kiss.

"Here's your birthday gift, I hope you like it." Matt smiled, handing me a small box.

I opened it and found a beautiful bracelet. I put it on, hugged him and told him thank you.
-Nick Sturniolo's POV-
It had been two hours, and me and Chris were wondering when Matt would be coming back. I called him, but he didn't answer. For 10 minutes me and Chris tried calling him and texting him but he didn't reply, his phone was off.
Hey when are you coming home- 9:07
Wya?- 9:11
dude, where the hell are you??- 9:23

So, we decided to just check his location.

We saw him at a sushi restaurant, which me and Chris thought was weird but then we realized. Alison's location was at the same restaurant.

So they lied.

Alison and Matt snuck off on some date and both lied to us. What the hell?
-Alison Hills's POV-
We must have gotten back at about 10 o clock, we lost track of time.

When me and Matt walked into the house, Nick was mad. Chris had a blank look on his face, unreadable.

"Why the hell were both of you at the same restaurant?!" Nick yelled, he rarely ever yelled (well, not like this.)

Me and Matt immediately looked over at each other.

"Uhm.. w-we were on a date." Matt stammered. He didn't look either of his brothers in the eyes.

Chris looked numb, I looked at him but had no idea what he was thinking.

"What? Why would you not tell me this?" His expression went from anger to hurt.

"Nick I'm so sorry, I just wasn't ready to tell either of you guys about us yet." Matt apologized.

"I'm sorry I need some time to think about this ok?" Nick said, walking away.

Chris didn't say anything. He just shrugged, put his hands into his pockets and walked away.

I knocked on Nicks door. "It's me. Can I come in please?"


I walked into Nicks room and sat on his bed.
"Nick I'm so sorry, I wanted to tell you I swear but Matt wasn't comfortable telling you guys. I'm so so sorry."

"Since when?"

I didn't expect that to be his response. "Oh uhm, over a month ago. This was our first date."

"So how'd he take it when you told him about your feelings for Chris?"

"Uhm.. that's the thing, I didn't tell him."

"What?! Alison you have to tell Matt about that that's serious! He doesn't even know that his own brother is in love with his girlfriend. It's gonna be worse the longer you don't tell him, you need to get it over with."

"I know, it's just that we have been so good lately that I didn't know how to tell him. It would break his heart."

Nick sighed. "Your right but you have to do it. You can't keep lying to him he doesn't deserve that and you know it."

"Alright, I'll tell him. Not tonight though there's just too much drama already."

After a few seconds of silence I asked, "Do you forgive me Nick?"

"I forgive you."

I smiled and pulled Nick into a hug.
                       -Matt Sturniolo's POV-
As I was walking into my room, I heard Matt I and Alison talking. I stopped for a second because I heard my name.

I froze there, and tears started to pour down my cheeks.

What the hell? Chris is in love with Alison, and she's in love with him.

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