0. Prologue

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Location: Installation 00 (The Ark)
Date: February 21st, 2559

Within the empty void of space, the Spirit of Fire remains stationary in the orbit of the Ark. Captain Cutter can be shown in the bridge of the Spirit of Fire contemplating on his next move after the retreat of the Banished.

"Isabel, I've changed my mind.  Re-deploy red team with their 2 marine squads to the last known position of the banished.  I have reason to believe that the Banished survivors are still alive.  We need to ensure that they won't send reinforcements." Said Captain Cutter.

"Understood Captain, I'll call in the new orders for them." Said Isabel.

Isabel motioned her hands to pull up a comms channel to relay the command to the pelican where Jerome and other members of red team was in.

"Red team, change of plans.  We're going to eliminate stragglers from our previous battle with the Banished.  They're most likely constructing new base to fall back to at these coordinates.  There's a large mass of enemies so be careful, we need you to scout the area before we can provide reinforcements." Said Isabel.

"Understood Ma'm.  Take us to those coordinates pilot." Said Jerome.

The pelican pilot understood and nodded.

Location: Banished Citadel
Date: February 21st, 2559
Time: 1500 (Military Time)

"So it seems that they've failed to penetrate the defenses of the humans." Said Atriox searing with anger.

Atriox looks over to Shipmaster with a scowl.  The Shipmaster kneeled down out of fear.

"I need you and Colony to provide reinforcements and supplies to the remaining survivors of our last battle with the humans.  Prepare to extract them and bring them to me." Said Atriox.

"Understood..." said Shipmaster.

The Shipmaster left the war council and re-grouped with his elite rangers to escort him to Colony.

Location: Isolated Region, the Ark
Date: February 21st, 2559
Time: 1600 (Military Time)

The pelican's thrusters made its descent down to the ground, as it deployed the proper landing gear to make a safe touchdown with the ground.  The pelican emitted a calm hiss and opened a hatch that fallen downward to the ground.  With haste, red team and the marines exited the pelican.

"Captain, we arrived at the coordinates.   Awaiting orders." Said Jerome.

"We need an open area for the drop-ship to deliver a firebase to send reinforcements." Said Captain Cutter.

"Understood, let's move everyone!" Said Jerome to his team and the marines.

"Hoo-rah" said the marine squads.

Red team and the marine squads began to move towards the forest with the intent to find an open area for the base. They took a walk through a trail while looking out for enemy movement by pointing their weapons to any suspicious activity.  The vast forest that is littered with tall trees and vegetation felt too quiet.  It felt eery for the marines, but the brave spartans of red team weren't fazed and kept moving.  Jerome caught something in the corner of his eyes.  Without hesitation, he moves towards to a different direction in the bushes.  Beyond those bushes lies an excellent location for the firebase.

"We found a good spot sir, sending the coordinates now." Said Jerome.

"Understood, we're sending the firebase for construction to your location." Said Captain Cutter.

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