9. Haunting Remnants

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Location: Valus Hill (UNSC Base)
Date: February 25th, 2023
Time: ???
Status: 15 minutes before deployment.

A muffled roar from an engine passed by Omega team, the vehicle made a right turn and parked at the garage. Omega team kept walking, knowing it was the same as any day. They were requested for a deployment and were expected to meet Jerome at the armory.

"It's nice to see some action again." Said Leon palming his fists as he was walking.

"Will we actually participate in combat?" Asked Robert looking at Leon and August.

"Maybe, we'll just have to wait and see." August responded.

The sensors of the doors detected Omega team's presence and opened. Jerome was at the middle of the room analyzing a holographic map. Omega team walked in to know what's their next mission.

"Omega team, nice to see that you've made your arrival. I'll discuss the mission details." Said Jerome as he noticed Omega team.

Jerome swapped to the right of his hand to pull up the destination on where their mission will take place.

"This is Ari Village, our intel states that a massacre took place. I want you three to investigate what happened there. If you find any survivors, you have my permission to take them as refuges. That is all." Jerome explained.

"A massacre? Just who would do such a thing to a peaceful village?" Asked Leon as balled up his right hand tightly.

"Relax Leon, we will put the people behind this to justice." Said August as she put her hand on Leon's shoulder to relax him.

-Ahem- "There will be a mastodon waiting to pick you guys up at the front entrance. It will be your transportation to the village." Said Jerome.

Omega team saluted to Jerome.

"Yes sir!" Said Omega team.

Omega team walked out of the armory. Marines passed by running, a few of marines who were engineers were in the corners repairing a crashed warthog. Omega team made a right turn to get out of the way after they noticed a batch of wolverines driving in the same direction. Leon tried breaking the ice and began talking to the other members of Omega team.

"Do you think there would be any survivors in that village?" Asked Leon.

"I hope so, I'd like to think that there's at-least one person that survived from the massacre." August responded.

Omega team arrived to the front entrance, a mastodon awaits. All of a sudden, a marine popped out from the side doors.

"Hey spartans! Get inside!" Yelled the marine.

August looked over her teammates.

"Looks like it's our queue, let's get inside." Said August.

The other members of Omega team nodded and followed August into the mastodon.

"The spartans are in, sir! We're ready for the mission!" Yelled the marine.

"Understood." Said the mastodon driver.

The mastodon was shifted into reverse and turned in a 90 degree angle. Once the mastodon was positioned correctly, the driver held down the accelerator with his foot and moved the mastodon through the front entrance. The wheels were hitting small pieces of gravel from the trail. As the mastodon continued down the trail, one of the marines wanted to break the ice.

"Quick question, have I see you guys before? Ya'll look very familiar." Asked a marine.

August stared at the marine and responded back.

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