6. Reunion

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Location: The Ark, Spirit of Fire (Orbit)
Date: February 23rd, 2559
Time: 1700 (Military Time)

"So there's Omega team, time to wake them up.  Took me a while to find their cryopods Isabel remarked.

Isabel executed the command in the ship's cryosleep pod systems to manually wake up the three members of Omega team through force.  The pods opened and hissed cryogenic gas. Temperatures increased in the pods to remove any frost on their body or armor.  Soon, they began to wake up.

-POV Change to August-099-

"I'm... awake?" Said August who was confused on the situation.

"Seems like we all did, what's going on?" Asked Leon.

"Someone or something released from cryosleep." Robert responded to Leon.

In the corner, Isabel manifested herself ready to inform them of their new mission.  Omega team was on their guard and exited their cryopods ready for whatever is next.

"Relax yourselves, I'm the new ship's ai of the Spirit of Fire." Said Isabel reassuring Omega team.

"The new ship's ai?  What happened to Serina?" Asked Robert.

"Serina had to deactivate herself due to rampancy protocols.  I never met her, but I can tell she was an excellent ai for the ship." Said

"It's a shame she's gone." Said Robert.

"Her rampancy was always inevitable, let's try move on from it.  Anyways, what do you need from us Isabel?  We'll help anyway we can." Said August staring at Isabel.

"I've released all of you from cryosleep for a mission to assist Jerome as reinforcements on another world." Said Isabel.

"Jerome?  I'm glad to hear that he's still out there."  Said August.

"Also, Jerome is in another world?  I thought our slip-space drive is broken after the battle on Trove." Said Leon.

"There's a gate-like structure we discovered on a forerunner installation, through that gate is a whole new world with unknown species and humans." Answered Isabel.

"An unknown world that has human inhabitants, sounds interesting." August remarked.

"Right, anyways head to the armory for weapons.  There's special weapons in the armory we retrieved from the Ark.  I recommend getting those instead since they're a lot more powerful than our standard issue weapons." Said Isabel.

"Understood." Said Omega team in unison.

Omega team headed towards the armory.  They received looks from marines, ODSTs, and crewmates on their way wondering how Omega team woken up from cryosleep when it was sealed shut.  When they got there, their new weapons were available on the rack.

"Here are the weapons, make sure to choose one.  Remember to not fight for it, first come first serve." Instructed Isabel.

"Im taking that energy sword.  Im more of a melee kind of guy." Said Leon as he took the handle of the energy sword off the racks.

"That heavy weapon is mine, the red paint job looks nice on it." Said Robert taking the Banished plasma cannon from the rack.

"I guess I get the last one." Said August taking a railgun from the rack.

August holstered his railgun on his back, and Leon holstered his energy sword handle on his hip.

"Head to the hangar for deployment, you're going on a pelican for transport." Isabel instructed.

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