1. Arrival

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"Damn, it's so dark in here." Said a Sniper.

"And you just noticed? Did you not see how pitch black it was from the outside?" Said a dumbfounded Marine.

"Calm down, I'm just pointing that out." Said the sniper defending himself.

-Face palm- "I don't even know what to say at this point." Said the Marine in disappointment.

"You two, shut it! We're about to arrive." Said the Mastodon driver.

Light shined in their eyes as they are met with a bright environment full of life. It amazed everyone who had their eyes caught in the colorful vegetation.

-POV Change to Jerome-

-Pulls up comms channel- "We've arrived sir, awaiting orders." Said Jerome.

"Good, now let's-" Said Captain Cutter but was cut off.

The sounds of a war cry can be heard over the comms.

"For the glory of the Sadera Empire!" Said by an Imperial Soldier.

The Imperial Soldier charged towards a sniper with a sword. Without hesitation, the sniper ended up killing him point blank with his rifle.

"Hostiles! Shoot to kill!" Said Jerome.

A horde of imperial soldiers charged up the hill with shields, but were killed off like flies as the shields proved to be insufficient against bullets and explosives.

-POV Change to ???-

"What kind of sorcery is this?!? They're killing our soldiers so easily! It's like the battle of Alnus hill all over again!" Said a frightened Imperial Soldier as he got killed by a tank shell near him.

"Ignore his death. Do not break formation, keep pushing!" Said an Imperial Trooper.

Unfortunately for the imperial soldiers, it was futile. The imperial soldiers were torn apart by the barrage of bullets an explosives. Stacks of bodies piled up as the amount of deaths of imperial soldiers increased.

-POV Change to Jerome-

"Keep firing, there's still more of them!" Said Jerome.

It was a never ending bloodshed. The screams of agony and crisp burning corpses can be heard throughout the battlefield. Eventually, it stopped. Completely dead silent. Captain Cutter re-opened the comms channel to get a report on the situation.

"What's going on there?" Said Captain Cutter.

"Hostile humans sir. We're not exactly sure why they attacked us first." Said Jerome.

"Can you identify who exactly they were?" Asked Captain Cutter.

"They called themselves "imperial soldiers" of the Sadera Empire who uses swords and other medieval weaponry." Answered Jerome.

"Something's off, these people appear to be primitive compared to us.  It might be that the Gate you entered leads to another galaxy or dimension of some kind." Said Captain Cutter.

"Maybe, but what should we do next?" Asked Jerome.

-Thinks Carefully- "Let's setup a base for our operations." Answered Captain Cutter.

"Got it, there's a lot of flat land nearby the hill.  Let's construct the fire-bases there." Said Jerome.

"I'll send in the supplies to create it.  I'm not going to able to send pelicans there to drop a firebase, so you're going to need to build it manually.  In the meantime, get a few units with you to explore nearby towns or cities.  We need more information about this place." Said Captain Cutter.

"Yes sir." Said Jerome.

Location: Sadera Senate
Date: ???
Time: 1800 (Military Time)

Lively chatter filled the room, questioning on why they lost against the otherworlders. It was either fear or anger for these newcomers.

"We cannot let this occur again!" Said an angry senator.

"Agreed, we've lost too many of our soldiers to those savages!" Said another senator.

The emperor himself, emperor Molt, was in disbelief after the loss of Alnus and Valus hill. He wasn't sure what to do, but tried to calm the masses with a speech of his own.

"Do not fret senators. We will retake Alnus and Valus hill. Send a message to our nearby allied kingdoms for their assistance to retake Alnus and Valus Hill! We will never lose in a battle! Not now or ever!" Said Emperor Molt.

The room was filled with cheers, and some felt disappointed by the foolish decision of fighting the otherworlders who were far more powerful than them.

Location: Valus Hill
Date: ???
Time: 1830 (Military Time)

"Captain, I have word from our scouts that the enemy human factions rallied at camps nearby our bases. We need Kodiaks and siege turrets to attack them from range." Said Isabel.

"Inform the others to set-up siege turrets to destroy their infantry. I'll send in the kodiaks through the gate for more firepower." Said Captain Cutter.

Isabel pulls up the comms channel for each individual unit on the holo-table.

"All units, we need siege turrets on our bases. We need to attack from range." Said Isabel.

"Copy that, you heard what she said! Set up those siege turrets!" Said Douglas.

Marine engineers quickly began construction of the siege turrets using leftover supplies. As they were building the siege turrets, the kodiaks arrived from the gate and locked down in position.

"The turrets and kodiaks are ready sir, awaiting signal to start our siege." Said Douglas

"Not yet, we'll wait until enemy troops step foot within our territory." Said Captain Cutter.

-Chapter End-

Author's Note: It's done! :) Hope ya enjoyed this chapter.

Halo Wars 2: Otherworlder / Gate x Halo Wars 2 (DISCONTINUED)Where stories live. Discover now