10. Delivering Hope

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Location: Ari Village
Date: February 25th, 2023
Time: ???
Status: 35 minutes after deployment.

The small child stopped hugging Robert's leg and appears from the shadows. August was awestruck that someone was able to survive the massacre.

"I take it that this child is going to be our refugee?" Asked August.

"Not just the child, an entire family." Robert responded.

Robert looked behind him and attempted to beckon the mother and father to appear from the other side.

"It's safe to come out." Said Robert.

The father sighed and gave in.  He held his wife's hand and followed Robert on the way out.

"So you're the survivors, it's nice to know that some people are still alive from this massacre." Said August.

August walked up to the father and questioned him.

"So, who or what attacked this village?" Asked August.

"I'm... not sure.  The best way I can describe them are beasts that hold wands that shoot different elements.  Although, there were a few others that appeared to be swordsmen that wielded a blue blade.  I doubt they were the same race as the beasts." The father responded.

"A beast, wands, and a blue blade.  That last part just throws me off.  There's no doubt about it, the Banished have made their way in this world." August noted.

"Then we'll have to warn Jerome about this.  If the Banished attacked this village, there's no doubt that they would do the same to other settlements." Said Leon.

"Let's take the refugees back at base.  Driver, we're ready for an extraction." August ordered.

The mastodon deployed boarding stairs downwards to the ground.  The marines climbed the small steps and sat down on the seats.  August and Leon did the same.  However, Robert stuck with the family to help them get aboard.

"Follow me, watch your steps on the way in." Said Robert as he boarded the mastodon.

The family nodded and did the same. The boarding stairs of the mastodon closed itself. Engines of the mastodon revved up, the wheels began spinning against the gravel and accelerated forward on the gravel path.

"You doing alright kid?" Asked Robert.

"I'm... doing fine." The boy responded.

Robert smiled underneath his helmet.

"That's good to hear.  We'll give you a new home for you, your mother, and your father." Robert responded back while patting his shoulder.

"T-Thank you... mister!" Said the boy who was crying with tears of joy.


Location: Valus Hill (UNSC Base)
Date: February 25th, 2023
Time: ???
Status: -Mission complete-

The mastodon driver hit the brakes when they arrived to the front entrance of the base.  The metal doors opened slowly. When it had enough space to fit in, the mastodon went forward and parked nearby a curb. Boarding stairs were deployed and the marines exited first. August took responsibility and directed the refugees to get off the mastodon. Omega team exited after them.

"The mission's complete, let's report back to Jerome along with the refugees!" Said Leon.

"Got it, now let's move!" August responded as she gestured the refugees to follow them.

Omega team and the refugees were walking on the sidewalks. The refugees were in shock and awe on the architecture of the buildings.

"How can you people build this? These buildings must be the work of gods!" Said the father.

"Not the work of gods exactly, we have a lot of talented and experienced builders who were capable of making this base." Leon responded.

"I see, you otherworlders must be so powerful!" The father remarked.

The father faced to his wife.

"Our home is going to safe place in here! We won't have to worry about the lack of food or water, and we have protection from god-like soldiers!" Said the father.

"I just hope my little boy feels comfortable here." The mother responded.

"Don't worry ma'm, we'll make sure your kid will get everything he needs and wants." Said August.

"You really mean it?" Asked the mother.

"Of course! It would be rude if we didn't." August responded.

Omega team took a right beside a corner, the refugees continued following them. Eventually, they arrived to the armory.  The sensors detected their presence and immediately opened the doors. Omega team and the refugees walked in.  Jerome turned off his holographic projector and turned to their direction.

"Greetings, Omega team. Report what happened on the investigation." Asked Jerome.

"Commander, it turns out the Banished have made their way through the gate. We've found bodies filled with plasma burns, shrapnel, and shards." August responded.

"The Banished? So now we're going to need to fight this war on two separate worlds. I'll make sure to relay this back to the captain." Jerome responded back.

"Understood, but there's also something else we need to tell you." Said August.

"What is it?" Asked Jerome.

"It's about the refugees, sir. Where exactly will they be placed?" August informed.

Jerome looked at the refugees and looked back at August.

"We have a camp ready for them, it'll have everything they need. I have marines who will direct them to the camps. They'll take it from here."Jerome answered.

"Got it." August responded.

The doors opened wide open revealing three marines.

"Sounds like that's our cue, now follow us!" Said a marine while gesturing his hand to signify the refugees.

The refugees complied and followed the marines on their way out.

"Always responding quick." Leon responded.

"Anyways-." Said Jerome before getting cut off.

A ping from the holo-table can be heard. Jerome immediately turned it back on to figure out what it is. It appears that the JSDF are calling him directly, Jerome isolated that signal to respond to it.

"Commander Jerome reporting, what do you need general?" Asked Jerome.

"We request your help to support the 3rd Recon to defend the city, preferably airborne units. I'm sending in my reinforcements as well, It'll be great if you can back them up." Said Hazama.

"Understood, I'll send Omega team along with my air units to lead them." Jerome responded.

Jerome turned off the holographic projector and turned to Omega team.

"Change of plans, I have a new mission for all of you. We're going to provide reinforcements to the JSDF. Head to the air pad, you'll be getting on a pelican for transport." Jerome ordered.

"Yes Commander!" Said Omega team in unison.

-Chapter End-

Author's Note: I finally got this chapter done, ty for reading this!

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