VII. Home

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AROUND A MONTH LATER Visenya sat rocking Daimene, "shh, shh, momma's got you," she whispers.

"A natural mother," Alicent comments.

Visenya smiles at her, "thank you, you really have gotten me through this pregnancy."

"Have you not sent ravens to your mother?" Alicent asked sitting next to her.

"I have, but, I needed someone with a mother's touch, and well," Visenya smiles at her, "you made the cut... But," she smiles sweetly at her baby, "we'll be going to Dragonstone soon for a visit."

"Oh, who's we?"

"Helaena and I," Visenya told her.

THEY PACKED UP THE SHIP as they would be going by ship since Daimene is just a baby.

They got on the ship before it set sail.

"Are you excited?" Helaena asked.

Visenya nods, "very much so," she rocked Damiene who was in a fur blanket, "I miss my family so much."

They watched the sea as the ship sailed.

"I love the ocean," Visenya comments.

Helaena smiles, "so do I."

Visenya stares at Helaena for a moment before Damiene began to cry.

"Oh, baby, I'm here," Visenya whispers gently to her son, "I'm here," she rocks him and soon he stops crying.

"Your such a good mother," Helaena told her.



THEY ARRIVE AT DRAGONSTONE as Visenya sees Lucerys on shore waiting.

Visenya wore this:

"Dear sister!" Lucerys ran over to her

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"Dear sister!" Lucerys ran over to her.

Helaena was holding Damiene so Lucerys was able to hug Visenya.

"My darling brother!" Visenya smiles into the hug, "I fucking missed you so much."

He looked around, "where is Aemond?"

She laughs, "I feel as if that wouldn't have gone well if my husband came."

That's when Rhaenyra walks up, "Vis!"

"Mother!" Visenya ran into her mother's arms, "I missed you, gods, I missed you."

Rhaenyra smiles, "you have grown so much, look at you," she looks at her.

"That's what time does," Helaena comments.

"Oh there is my grandson," Rhaenyra walked over, "can I?"

"Of course," Helaena handed the babe over.

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