XIV. A Son for a Son

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ALICENT ENTERED VISENYA'S CHAMBERS where she was sitting on the balcony thinking.

"Visenya?" Alicent asked.

Visenya turned to her, "Alicent..."

"I heard..."

"Your son is the devil."

Alicent gave her a look, "you shouldn't say such things; could get you killed."

"He got me pregnant and plans on claiming them as his own," Visenya sighs, "so no, I won't be killed, not anytime soon at least."


VISENYA HELD HER BUMP as she walked through the corridors, she was close to giving birth or well if you wanna call eight months close, gods did she just want this to be over.

Visenya sighs as she reaches the gardens. She sat down, she was supposed to meet Helaena here, she sat for a good thirty minutes.

That's when Helaena's daughter Jaehaera came running for her, "Auntie Vis!"

Visenya caught her putting her on her lap, "look at you! I love your dress!"

"Thank you!"

Helaena came walking over holding Jaehaerys's hand.

"They look dashing," commented Visenya.

"What do you say, Jaehaerys?" Helaena asked her young son.

"Thank you, Auntie Vis."

Visenya smiles as Jaehaera touches her bump, "I can feel a kick!"


"Can I feel?" Jaehaerys runs over, "I wanna feel our little sibling's kick!"

Visenya's smile faded, remembering this baby is Aegon's but she put on a fake smile at them, "go ahead."

The twins felt her bump as they laughed together.

Helaena stares at them with soft eyes.

Visenya smiled at her.

VISENYA WAS WITH BLAZE as she sat on a rock with his rather large head resting on her.

That's when Aemond walked in, "no dragon rides whilst pregnant, wife."

"I know that," Visenya sent him a serious look, not over what he did to her brother, maybe she'll never be over it.

"Are you still upset?" Aemond asked.

Visenya gave him a glare, "you expect me to get over it?"

"It's been months-"

"You murdered my brother-"

"I didn't mean to-"

"I'm so done with that answer," Visenya stood up touching her bump, "Lucerys did not deserve what happened to him and I'm probably never going to get over it."

Blaze began to growl as Visenya looked at her dragon and then at Aemond, for a moment considering it, but she shook her head, "Lykiri, Blaze, Lykiri."

Aemond smiles at the fact that she still protects him like when they were little.

"That doesn't mean anything," Visenya told him, "just because I wouldn't let Blaze eat you doesn't mean anything."

AEGON CALLED FOR VISENYA as she entered the room he looked at her, "what do you want?"

"Ouch," Aegon said as he laughs, "I just wanted to see how the pregnancy is going."

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