What a start.

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                                                                                     -Isabella Allen-

"Back to School"  were the words I was dreading to hear for the past two weeks, regarding that I have to go to a new high-school this year. Sure, it was my last year considering that I'm a Senior now... but that doesn't mean it'll pass like a breeze. This year is probably going to be the most stressful of all, actually. I have to join so many more extracurriculars so that my resume for college is good. I had my mind set on what I want my reputation to be and everything seemed fine. Orientation was quite weird though. As I was touring around the school, my eyes caught a guy who was eyeing me up and down.  I recall forming my lips into a thin line, implying that I'm not interested. Though, a light-blonde girl thought otherwise as she stood in front of him and gave me a dirty glare. I turned my head in different directions to make sure she wasn't looking at anyone else, until she cleared her throat and spoke.

"He's taken.", She says as she grabs his hands to put around her waist.


The girl rolled her eyes as she sucked on her teeth, "Obviously you've been eye-fucking my boyfriend."

"Excuse me? No, he was looking at me first.", I defended.

"Jack Martin looking at you? Babe, you're delusional." She laughed.

I scoffed as I went up to her, "Listen, blondie, I don't know who you are, but you should fix that attitude before the school year starts. I don't want your boyfriend, and if he wanted me then you can yell at him. I want to get this year over with, and I'm not letting you ruin it."

I'm assuming that I was loud enough for the whole hallway to hear, and that was proven when everyone turned their heads and started whispering to each other.

The blonde looked around in embarassment then spoke with a boost of confidence, "I can ruin anyone's lives if I fucking wanted too. I'm Everleigh Rose and I practically own this school, so if you ever wanted to throw me attitude, say goodbye to your reputation in seconds."

"Nice to meet you, Everleigh. I'm Isabella Allen, and I'm not fucking scared of you."

"Trust me, you will be.", were her last words before walking away. Her boyfriend followed her, but shot me a wink before keeping his pace.

Those words echoed in my head for the rest of the week that was following up to Senior Year. There's no way that I should be scared of her. She's a typical blue-eyed blondie who survives off of daddy's rich money, she doesn't even look like she could throw a punch. I closed my eyes, hoping that tomorrow would be a new start and I wouldn't have to see her face again.

----The Next Day---

I woke up to my alarm that was awfully louder than usual. I realized that I switched my usual ringer to a sound that was obnoxious so that I wouldn't postpone it. I sat up and took a few sips of my water on my nightstand. As soon as I stood up, I realized that I was too fast and I nearly passed out. I got my shit together and  did my morning routine. Unfortunately, I didn't plan my outfit days prior to today, so I put on a  white square-neck long sleeve bodysuit with grey sweatpants on top. When I arrived at school, I realized that multiple people were staring at me. I could see some fingers pointing at me as well.

"Hey!",  A girl with brown wavy hair and brown eyes says as she tapped my shoulder, "Were you the one who confronted Everleigh around... last week?"

"Was she the bitch that thought I wanted her boyfriend.", I laughed as I looked down.

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