Where's Hermione?

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Oliver had gotten no sleep that night. He lay in bed, gazing out the window, and his weary eyes met the haunting gaze of the dementors lurking in the distance. Their presence seemed to forebode a restless and troubling day ahead.

As morning finally dawned, Oliver reluctantly rose from his sleepless state and made his way to his first divination class, accompanied by Harry and Ron.

Curiosity tugged at Oliver's mind, and he couldn't help but inquire, "Where's Hermione?"

Ron and Harry exchanged puzzled glances, their brows furrowing in unison. "We're not sure," Ron replied with a shrug, mirroring Harry's uncertain expression.

Oliver's concern deepened, for Hermione was known to be a diligent and punctual student. He pondered this mysterious absence in silence, his thoughts weaving intricate webs of speculation. "She definitely wouldn't ever miss a class, especially on the first day," Oliver mused to himself.

Oliver sat at the table alongside Ron and Harry as the divination lesson began. A haze of weariness consumed him, causing him to pay little attention to Professor Trelawney's words. Before he knew it, his heavy eyelids succumbed to the weight of fatigue, and he drifted off into a blissful slumber.

"What a bunch of rubbish," a voice suddenly interjected from the seat next to Oliver.

Startled, Oliver jolted upright, his heart pounding in his chest. It was Hermione, who had seemingly materialized beside him with a touch of magic.

"When... when did you get here?" Oliver stammered, rubbing his eyes in a futile attempt to dispel drowsiness.

"Me? I've been here the whole time," Hermione replied, her tone laced with a hint of amusement.

Oliver turned his gaze to Ron and Harry, who wore expressions of equal surprise at her sudden appearance. Doubt clouded Oliver's mind as he voiced his confusion, "Was she truly here the whole time?"

"I swear she wasn't," Ron chimed in, his voice tinged with bewilderment.

"Well, good to see you," Oliver said. He laid his head back down on the table, succumbing to the tempting allure of slumber once again.

Hermione glanced at Oliver. "Oliver, you can't sleep through the entire class," she admonished gently, her voice carrying a hint of teasing.

Oliver mumbled incoherently, his words muffled by the table. He mustered a feeble response, his voice barely audible, "Just a few more minutes, Hermione... I really need the sleep."

Ron and Harry exchanged knowing glances, suppressing their laughter as they observed Oliver's futile struggle against exhaustion. Hermione, ever the diligent student, couldn't resist a playful retort. "Sleeping through divination won't bring you any closer to uncovering your true fate, Oliver."

Oliver managed a drowsy smile, his eyes still closed. "I'll take my chances," he murmured playfully, surrendering once more to the sweet embrace of slumber.

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