The Whomping Willow

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What?!" Ron asked in disbelief as he held Scabbers in his hand. "They really killed him?"

"Yup," Oliver said sadly, leaning his head against a nearby wall. "I'm gonna break Malfoy's scrawny little neck next time I see him."

"Did you actually punch him, Hermione?" Harry asked.

Hermione nodded her head.

"Wicked! I would have loved to see that," Ron said enthusiastically.

"Maybe it'll teach him not to be such a prick," Oliver said angrily, his fist connecting with the wall. "I can't believe he got Buckbeak killed. He was such a sweet and beautiful creature."

"Imagine how Hagrid feels," Hermione added, her voice filled with compassion.

Just then, Ron let out a yelp of pain. He looked down at his finger, which was now bleeding. "He bit me," he said in disbelief. "That little bugger just bit me."

Oliver turned his head and saw Scabbers scurrying away from them.

"Scabbers!" Ron called out, jumping to his feet and chasing after him. "Where are you going?"

"It's almost nighttime. He shouldn't be out there," Hermione said, concern evident in her voice.

"Let's go," Harry said, determination in his eyes as he sprinted after Ron.

The three of them raced tirelessly, a desperate pursuit that led them through the shadows until finally, Ron's hands closed around the trembling form of Scabbers.

"What was that about?" he questioned.

Hermione's eyes widened in realization as she caught sight of the Whomping Willow ominously looming not too far away. "He knows what tree that is, right?" she urgently turned to Harry and Oliver.

"Ron! Get out of there!" Oliver's voice boomed.

Ron glanced back at his friends, his face contorting swiftly into a mask of pure terror. "Behind you!" he screamed, voice choked with panic, his trembling finger pointing frantically in their wake.

The three of them spun around in terror, the breath catching in their throats as their eyes fell upon the same colossal, ominous black dog they had encountered before arriving at Hogwarts. Its dark form snarled menacingly, a guttural sound that sent shivers racing down their spines as they instinctively took several steps back, their hearts pounding in their chests.

In a split second, the giant dog lunged towards them with blinding speed. Fear gripped their hearts as they braced themselves for the imminent attack, but to their astonishment, the dog effortlessly sailed over their heads, landing forcefully in front of Ron.

Before anyone had a chance to react, its powerful jaws clamped down on Ron's leg, the sharp teeth piercing through flesh. A wave of terror washed over Ron's face as the dog dug its claws into the ground, its sheer strength dragging him helplessly across the ground.

"Harry! Oliver! Help!" Ron's anguished cry pierced the air, his voice riddled with pain and desperation as he fought against the ruthless force pushing him towards peril.

Without hesitation, Oliver's eyes blazed with determination as he sprinted towards the unfolding nightmare. Every muscle in his body strained as he pursued the savage dog, his voice commanding and filled with both strength and urgency. "Hold on, Ron! I'm coming!"

Time seemed to slow as Oliver threw himself into a desperate dive, striving to catch hold of Ron's outstretched hand. But fate had other plans, cruelly conspiring against them. His fingertips grazed the tips of Ron's trembling fingers but fell agonizingly short, as if taunted by the twisted whims of destiny.

The dog's relentless grip on Ron tightened, inexorably dragging him toward an obscure hole concealed beneath the twisted branches of the Whomping Willow. Ron's screams of sheer terror pierced the air, amplifying the heart-wrenching agony of the wretched situation. Their world turned into a cacophony of chaos and despair as Ron was swallowed whole by the dark abyss that lay beneath the sinister tree.

"No! No!" Oliver's voice rang out in sheer desperation and anguish, his eyes wide with frantic disbelief as he watched Ron being mercilessly carried away by the ferocious jaws of the monstrous dog.

In that very moment, the ominous Whomping Willow, as if awakened by the unfolding chaos, unleashed its violent wrath. Without warning, a colossal branch flew through the air with a resounding crack, striking Oliver with merciless force. Helpless against the onslaught, he was sent soaring through the air, the world spinning around him, before landing with a bone-jarring thud upon the ground.

Gasping for breath, Oliver struggled to rise from the unforgiving earth, his body aching in protest against the brutal impact. Hermione, her heart pounding in her chest, raced to his side. "Are you alright, Oliver?" Her voice quivered with genuine concern as she knelt down next to him.

"I... I think so," Oliver grunted, coughing forcefully as he tried to regain his breath. Every movement was an uphill battle, his body protesting against the pain coursing through his veins.

Harry swiftly approached, offering a steadying arm to Oliver.

"We have to get to Ron!" Harry's voice brimmed with urgency, his determination faltering not even for a moment.

The trio surged forward, their hearts pounding in sync as they faced the wrathful Whomping Willow. Like a beast defending its territory, the tree unleashed another fearsome branch, aimed directly at their vulnerable forms. Instinctively, they dropped to their knees, narrowly evading the vicious strike.

"Jump!" Hermione's voice sliced through the chaos. Yet, before they could react, another colossal branch hurtled towards them with unforeseen velocity. Harry and Hermione swiftly managed to evade its wrath, but Oliver, caught off guard, took the full force of the punishing blow.

Time seemed to slow as Oliver was sent hurtling through the air, his body arcing in a sickening display of helplessness. The sickening thud echoed through the tumultuous air as he crashed onto the unforgiving ground, stars dancing before his eyes. His vision blurred, pain radiating through his body as he spat out blood, gasping for precious air.

Amidst the chaos, Oliver strained to hear beyond the deafening sounds of their struggle. As if from a great distance, he discerned Hermione's anguished cry, her voice filled with despair and fear, tearing through the air as she screamed his name.

Oliver's body screamed with pain, every breath an agony as he fought to stand. The world blurred in a haze of stars and shadows, his vision throbbing with a pulsating ache. Through this disorienting chaos, a menacing branch loomed closer, threatening to end Oliver's struggle for survival in one devastating blow.

With her impeccable timing, Hermione emerged as a beacon of hope, swinging on a branch like a guardian angel. In a desperate act of salvation, she reached out, pulling Oliver up, narrowly saving him from the gnashing jaws of the writhing branches. The rush of adrenaline coursed through his veins as he was yanked from the path of impending doom, his face mere inches away from a grisly fate.

His feet barely touched the ground before Hermione propelled him towards the gaping hole where Ron had vanished. Gravity claimed him, stealing the air from his lungs as he plummeted into darkness, his descent punctuated by the bone-jarring impact of the hard ground. He groaned in pain, aspirating a mouthful of dirt, the unmistakable taste of defeat mingling with his bloodied spit.

Hermione, the unstoppable force that she was, followed suit, landing on top of Oliver with an audible thud. He winced under the weight, each impact igniting fresh flares of pain throughout his battered body. As she apologized, Oliver couldn't help but respond with a sardonic retort, an acerbic shield to mask his agony.

"Oh, just peachy," he quipped, a bitter smile tugging at his lips as spittle mixed with blood, his voice laced with a touch of sarcasm that betrayed the raw pain he was experiencing.

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