Fat Lady Flees

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Oliver sat in the library, his face down on the table, desperately trying to steady his breathing. "Breathe, Oliver. In and out. It'll be okay. They can't hurt you," he repeated to himself.

"Ollie!" a familiar voice called out.

Oliver looked up and saw Isabella, who must have followed him to the library.

She swiftly took a seat next to him, gently grabbing his shaking hand. "What's got you so worked up?" she asked, her voice soft and soothing, as she tried to calm him down.

"I can't help it," Oliver responded, his trembling voice betraying his fear. "Just thinking about those dementors sends chills down my spine. The look in their eyes... it's just pure evil."

"I can imagine how scary that must be. Hermione told me about your encounters with them," Isabella said, her voice filled with empathy.

Oliver nodded, his expression solemn. "They were the scariest moments of my entire life."

Isabella leaned closer, her voice filled with reassurance. "You're not alone, Oliver. We have all these incredible teachers, like Professor Lupin, who will do everything in their power to protect us from any harm. There's nothing to be afraid of."

Oliver sighed, his anxiety palpable. "I know, but it's just hard to shake this feeling. It's like they keep creeping into my mind, filling it with all these demonic thoughts."

Isabella reached out and placed a gentle hand on his shoulder. "You're stronger than you think, Ollie. And surrounding yourself with love, positivity, and the light in your heart can help you overcome any darkness that tries to consume you."

"Thanks, sis," Oliver said, his voice filled with gratitude as he embraced Isabella tightly.

Isabella chuckled, returning the hug with equal affection. "Of course, Ollie. Always here for you."

As Isabella pulled away, a hint of concern flickered in her eyes. "Now, if you're going to be alright, I need to get back to class."

Oliver nodded, understanding the demands of her schedule. "I'll be okay, Isabella. Thank you, really."

With a reassuring smile, Isabella turned and began walking away. However, as Oliver continued watching her, he noticed Hermione, hidden behind a corner of a bookshelf, observing the scene with a mix of curiosity and secrecy.

Caught in her act, Hermione's cheeks flushed with embarrassment as she quickly darted back around the corner, trying to conceal herself. Oliver couldn't help but smile, his curiosity piqued by her actions. He got up from his seat and walked over to where she had disappeared.

"What are you doing?" Oliver asked, his smile growing wider.

Hermione peeked out from behind the bookshelf, her expression a mix of surprise and relief that Oliver hadn't been angered by her snooping. "I... I wasn't sure who you needed in this moment. Your family or your girlfriend," she admitted, her voice filled with sincerity and embarrassment.

Oliver's smile softened as he approached her, understanding her concern. "Thank you for caring, Hermione."

"If you're worried about the Dementors, there is a charm that repels them. It's called the Patronus Charm," Hermione said, her voice filled with confidence. "But I must warn you, Oliver, it is a particularly difficult spell to master. However, I'm sure Professor Lupin would be more than willing to teach it to you."

Oliver's eyes widened with intrigue. "Really? That sounds incredible. I'll definitely have to ask him about it."

Hermione smiled, reassured by Oliver's excitement. "I think it would be a great defense against those Dementors. With enough practice and determination, I believe you can learn it, Oliver."

"This is why you're amazing," Oliver said, a warm smile spreading across his face as he pulled Hermione into a tight hug.

Hermione blushed, her cheeks tinged with a rosy hue. "I have my moments, I guess," she replied modestly, though a glimmer of pride shone in her eyes at the recognition.

However, their moment of celebration was abruptly interrupted as Ron burst into the library, his face flushed with urgency.

"Oliver! Hermione! Come quick! The Fat Lady is gone!" he shouted breathlessly.

Startled, Oliver and Hermione exchanged alarmed glances before quickly springing into action. They ran out of the library, following Ron's lead.

As they reached the Gryffindor common room, they were met with a chaotic scene. Students were bustling around, panicked whispers filling the air. The portrait hole stood empty, the Fat Lady's absence an eerie sight.

"What happened?" Oliver asked.

Ron looked at them with wide eyes, searching for answers. "We don't know. She vanished into thin air."

Headmaster Dumbledore quickly came running up the steps to see what all the commotion was. He examined the painting, noticing the missing Fat Lady and the scratch marks left in her absence.

"Mr. Filch, gather the ghosts and instruct them to search every painting in the castle," he ordered.

"No need, sir," Filch interjected, pointing towards another painting. "She's right there."

Dumbledore turned his gaze towards the indicated painting, his eyes widening as he saw the Fat Lady cowering in fear behind a cow.

"Dear lady, who did this to you?" Dumbledore asked.

The Fat Lady trembled as she spoke, her voice filled with distress. "Eyes like the devil he's got. I mustn't dare say his name. It's him, Headmaster, the one they're all talking about."

"Secure the castle," Dumbledore said to Filch, his voice firm with authority. "Escort all the children to the Great Hall immediately!"

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