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Oliver knocked on the door to Professor Lupin's classroom, the weight of concern pressing upon his heart.

"Come in," Lupin’s voice resonated from within, conveying a sense of weariness.

Oliver cautiously entered the room and took in the sight of Lupin, whose deteriorated state tugged at his heartstrings. Lupin's skin retained a pale, greenish hue, and he appeared alarmingly gaunt, a stark contrast to the formidable professor they had known before.

Sensing Oliver's unease, Lupin offered a reassuring smile, attempting to alleviate his fears. "Don't worry, Oliver. I've definitely looked worse before," he said softly.

Despite Lupin's attempt to dismiss the gravity of his condition, Oliver couldn't help but feel a pang of sorrow. He watched as Lupin began to pack up his belongings.

"Wait, have you been sacked?" Oliver asked.

"No, I haven't been sacked. I resigned," Lupin said, tearing up a piece of paper in his hands.

"Resigned? Why?"

"It seems as though the nature of my condition has slipped into the public. By this time tomorrow, the owls will start arriving, and parents will not want a...um...you know. I just figured it's best if I go elsewhere," Lupin explained, his voice tinged with a mixture of regret and acceptance.

"But Dumbledore-"

Lupin cut Oliver off, a hint of gratitude in his eyes. "Dumbledore has already risked enough on my behalf. And besides, people like me are...well, let's just say I'm used to it by now."

Lupin picked up his bag and threw it over his shoulder. Turning to Oliver, he spoke with sincerity, "I am deeply sorry if I hurt you or your friends last night."

Oliver shook his head, a glimmer of awe in his eyes. "Actually, you saved them! There was a whole swarm of dementors that attacked us. I was able to cast a patronus big enough to fight them all off and save my family."

A smile spread across Lupin's weary face, his pride shining through. "Well done, Oliver! I am very proud of you."

"I couldn't have done it without you, sir," Oliver replied, his voice filled with gratitude.

Lupin gently placed a hand on Oliver's shoulder, his expression filled with warmth. "Yes, you could, Oliver. I only told you how to cast the patronus. It was you who actually found the strength to cast a powerful enough patronus to fight the dementors away."

Overcome with gratitude, Oliver hugged Lupin tightly and whispered, "Thank you for everything, sir."

"I will miss you, Oliver. This is goodbye for now, but I have no doubt our paths will cross again in the future," Lupin replied.

Lupin walked out of the classroom, but before disappearing around the corner, he turned back to look at Oliver. A mischievous smile tugged at the corner of his lips as he commented, "I bet that memory powerful enough to fight the dementors had something to do with Miss Granger, didn't it?"

Embarrassed, Oliver felt his face grow hot and couldn't meet Lupin's gaze. He nodded.

Lupin chuckled softly and continued walking away, his laughter echoing down the corridor.

Oliver made his way to the hospital wing, where he was greeted by Henry lying in bed with a bandage wrapped around his head.

"Feeling any better?" Oliver asked, concerned.

"I feel like I've just been hurled off a very steep hill by a ferocious werewolf," Henry chuckled weakly. His eyes twinkled with humor, despite the discomfort.

Oliver smiled, relieved to see his brother in good spirits despite the evident pain.

"How did you even find us?"

"Isabella told me you hadn't returned to your common room, so we went out and searched for you. It was quite easy to locate you with all the screams," Henry replied, a teasing smile playing on his lips.

Overwhelmed with emotion, Oliver reached out and clasped Henry's hand tightly. "Thank you, truly. You saved my life."

Henry's eyes softened, reflecting a mix of concern and sibling camaraderie. "Don't sweat it, little bro. Just promise me one thing: please stop putting yourself in these dangerous situations. I'm serious. We're both becoming regular visitors to this hospital wing," he said, his tone half serious and half laced with humor.

Oliver nodded, his gratitude mingling with a sense of understanding.

"Anyway, enough of this sentimental crap," Henry chuckled, breaking the moment of vulnerability. "Harry told me you had quite an intense kiss last night with Hermione. Things getting serious?"

Oliver paused for a moment, a mix of emotions swirling within him. "Well... I told her I loved her."

Henry's eyebrows shot up in surprise, his playful demeanor momentarily replaced by genuine astonishment. "No way! I didn't think you'd ever be man enough for that. What did she say back?"

A warm smile spread across Oliver's face as he reminisced about the unforgettable moment. "Well, she kind of attacked me with kisses and said she loves me too."

"That's my boy!" Henry exclaimed, playfully slapping Oliver on the shoulder. "I always knew you two had a thing for each other ever since I first saw you guys together."

Oliver chuckled."Yeah, yeah, whatever."

Henry's smirk widened mischievously. "So, when's the wedding? I better be your best man, or I'll do everything in my power to ruin it!"

Oliver rolled his eyes, but his affection for Henry was evident. "Come on, man, let's not get ahead of ourselves."

Henry feigned disappointment, placing a hand over his heart. "You wound me with your lack of commitment!" he exclaimed, mock dramatics in his voice.

Both boys laughed as Oliver playfully slapped Henry in the face with a pillow.

"I should get going to the great hall. See you later," Oliver said, getting up and walking away.

"Peace, bro," Henry said, flashing a wide grin as he watched Oliver walk away.

Oliver opened the doors to the great hall and instantly spotted Hermione sitting at the table, engrossed in a book.

"Hey there, cutie," Oliver said, leaning in and giving Hermione a gentle kiss on the cheek.

Hermione's cheeks turned a delightful shade of red as a warm, genuine smile spread across her face. "Well, hello there, Ollie," she replied, her voice filled with affection. She closed her book and placed it on the table, relishing in the presence of the person who had captured her heart.

Oliver sat down next to Hermione and wrapped an arm around her, a big smile on his face.

"You seem more cheerful than you have been in the last few months," Ron observed, reaching down and picking up a wrapped package. "Have you seen Harry? This is for him."

Just then, Harry walked into the great hall, his eyes lighting up with curiosity. "What's for me?"

Ron placed the present on the table, and with eager anticipation, Harry unwrapped it. Before his eyes, a beautiful Nimbus 2000 broom, the fastest in the world, was revealed. Harry's hands instinctively covered his mouth, stunned by the gesture.

"Is that a Nimbus 2000?" Hermione exclaimed, her face filled with awe.

"Sure is," Ron replied.

"Well, come on, Harry, you have to test it out," Oliver chimed in, excitement evident in his voice.

Harry flashed a nervous grin at his friends as they made their way to the bustling courtyard. With the entire Gryffindor house eagerly watching, Harry eagerly mounted the broom, But as soon as he accelerated, it became apparent that the speed of the Nimbus 2000 was no joke.

Instead of gracefully taking flight, Harry's broom took control, spinning him around in ludicrous circles. His zigging and zagging resembled a confused, airborne pinwheel, leaving everyone in fits of laughter.

Oliver couldn't contain himself, holding onto Hermione's hand for support as he howled with laughter.

The Prisoner Of Azkaban - Hermione Granger x OCWhere stories live. Discover now