He Was Their Friend

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"Oh, look who it is, Madam Rosmerta. Ron fancies her," Hermione teased as they walked back to Hogsmeade to rejoin the festivities. Madam Rosmerta was hammering something onto the wall of her pub when a sled rode up next to her.

"Madam Rosmerta!" said the Minister of Magic as he stood up to leave.

Hagrid grabbed the door of the sled to open it for the Minister but ended up pulling it right off.

"Oh, Hagrid," the Minister said, amusement lacing his tone.

"Sorry about that," Hagrid said, visibly embarrassed, and flung the door to the side.

The Minister approached Rosmerta and said, "I hope business is treating you right."

Annoyed by his presence, she got right up in his face and swung a hammer around in anger. "It would be if dementors weren't coming into my pub every night!"

"I'm sorry, Madam, but we have a killer on the loose," the Minister replied solemnly.

Rosmerta went back to hammering the side of her pub, perplexed. "Oh, I know Sirius Black. What could possibly bring him to Hogsmeade of all places?"

Concerned, the Minister leaned in closer and whispered something in her ear, his voice barely audible over the bustling sounds of the village.

"HARRY POTTER?!" Rosmerta shouted out, shock and disbelief evident in her voice.

The Minister shushed Rosmerta and motioned for her to follow him inside the pub, accompanied by Professor McGonagall.

Before Oliver could say anything, he noticed that Harry had vanished, leaving behind a set of footprints in the snow.

"Harry!" Hermione called out anxiously.

Suddenly, the door to the pub swung open and then closed. Harry, hidden under the invisibility cloak, walked in undetected.

Ron and Hermione instinctively started to follow but Oliver quickly grabbed them by the shoulder, preventing their progress. "We can't go in there; we're underage."

"Well, there must be a window or something," Hermione determinedly suggested, taking a step towards the pub.

The trio walked around to the back of the pub and located a window. They cautiously peered inside, hoping to catch a glimpse of what was happening. Just as their curiosity piqued, Professor McGonagall's stern gaze fell upon them, and they quickly retreated, their hearts pounding.

As they scrambled away and found solace on a nearby bench, Ron voiced their collective concern. "Do you think she saw us?"

Oliver replied with a somber nod. "Definitely."

Hermione's brows furrowed with worry. "I hope Harry doesn't get into any more trouble."

They sat on the bench for what felt like an eternity until Hermione's keen observation skills picked up on something. pointed towards the fresh set of footprints emerging from the busy pub.

"Look," she whispered, her finger directed towards the snowy ground.

As their eyes followed her gesture, they noticed a bizarre incident occurring in the middle of the street. A group of Christmas carolers, who had been harmoniously singing moments ago, suddenly stumbled and fell over, one by one. The sight compelled Hermione to swiftly get up from the bench, with Oliver and Ron right behind her.

They trailed the tracks left by Harry, their footsteps crunching through the snow. Their journey led them onwards, ascending gradually into the hills overlooking Hogsmeade. As they approached, the distinct sound of sobbing became more audible, tugging at their heartstrings.

Hermione began walking towards Harry when Oliver hesitantly put a hand on her shoulder, unsure if he wanted to engage with anyone.

Undeterred by Oliver's gesture, Hermione ignored him and approached Harry, kneeling down right beside him. With utmost care, she slowly reached out her hand until she felt the invisible cloak and gently removed it from Harry.

"Harry, what happened?" she said, her voice filled with genuine concern.

Through his tears, Harry choked out, "He was their friend." In an instant, his sorrow transformed into seething anger. "He was their friend, and he betrayed them!" he shouted, his voice filled with a mixture of pain and rage.

"I hope he finds me because, if he does, I'm going to kill him myself," Harry spat out in a rage-filled declaration.

Hermione, Ron, and Oliver were left utterly taken aback by Harry's words, their shock evident on their faces.

"You don't mean that," Oliver interjected, his voice filled with disbelief.

Harry's eyes blazed with fury as he responded firmly, "Yes, I do. I'm going to make him pay for what he did to my parents." The rawness of his anger resonated in his every word, as the weight of injustice fueled his determination for revenge.

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