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Oliver had managed to get a little sleep during the Divination class without Professor Trelawney noticing. Their next class was Magical Creatures with Hagrid as the teacher, and they were all thrilled for Hagrid as it marked his debut as a teacher at Hogwarts.

Hermione had been enthusiastically discussing all her classes along the way. Oliver found himself somewhat tuning her out when he suddenly realized something.

"Hang on, you have two classes at the exact same time. That's impossible! You'd have to be in two places at once," Oliver exclaimed.

"Don't be silly, Oliver. No one can attend two classes simultaneously," Hermione replied.

"Then how did you manage it? Did you clone yourself?" Oliver inquired.

"If only it were that simple," she laughed. "It's called time management. You should look into it, Oliver."

"Right, because if there's anyone who could squeeze more hours into a day, it would certainly be Hermione," Harry chimed in.

"I'm glad there are no clones of you running around, then. Dealing with just one of you is quite the task," Oliver teased playfully.

"Yeah, the only thing worse than one Hermione is two of them arguing about the correct way to brew a potion," Ron laughed, joining in on the banter.

Hermione rolled her eyes at the boys, their lighthearted comments not affecting her determination. As they arrived at the spot where Hagrid had instructed them to gather for class, they scanned the area, but Hagrid was nowhere to be seen.

"Maybe you could teach Hagrid a thing or two about time management," Oliver whispered to Hermione.

"God, this place has gone to the dogs," Malfoy sneered from behind the group. "Just wait until my father hears that Hogwarts actually let this oaf teach classes."

"Shut up, Malfoy," Harry retorted, striding up to him with determination.

The entire class gasped audibly, taken aback by the confrontation. Malfoy boldly approached Harry, getting right in his face. Oliver positioned himself right beside Harry, ready to support his friend. However, Malfoy's smug expression quickly morphed into one of pure terror.

"Oliver, there's a dementor behind you!" he exclaimed, his voice filled with panic.

Oliver, along with the entire class, turned around in fear, expecting to see the looming figure of a dementor. Yet, to their surprise, there was nothing. Malfoy and the rest of Slytherin burst into laughter, reveling in their successful prank.

Anger surged within Oliver, his fist clenching tightly, but before he could act, Hermione swiftly intervened, coming over to his side and pulling him away. Her voice was a gentle whisper, urging restraint.

"It's not worth it," she cautioned.

Just then, Hagrid emerged from the woods, making his way towards the class. "Morning, class. Sorry I'm late; I was having a bit of difficulty with, uh, well, you'll see."

Emerging from the depths of the trees came a majestic, giant bird. It approached Hagrid, casting its gaze upon the gathered students.

"Say hello to Buckbeak," Hagrid announced, tossing a lifeless rodent towards the creature for it to devour.

"Hagrid, what exactly is that?" Ron asked, his voice trembling with apprehension.

"That, Ron, is a Hippogriff. The first thing you should know about them is that they are very proud creatures and easily offended. You must never insult a Hippogriff, for it could very well be the last thing you ever do," Hagrid explained, his tone grave and serious.

The Prisoner Of Azkaban - Hermione Granger x OCWhere stories live. Discover now