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Oliver and Isabella sat in the grass in the courtyard, their gazes fixed on the beautiful expanse of the blue sky above.

"You seem lost in thought, Ollie," Isabella said softly, breaking the silence between them.

Oliver tore his eyes away from the sky, meeting Isabella's concerned gaze. "I'm just trying to make sense of everything. The past few weeks have been crazy."

Isabella nodded empathetically, her brows furrowed with worry. "Yeah, you're not wrong. How's Harry holding up?"

A pained expression crossed Oliver's face as he spoke. "He's been seething with anger ever since the Hogsmeade trip. I'm really worried about him. He said he hopes Sirius Black finds him so he can kill him."

Isabella's eyes widened with alarm and concern. "You don't actually think he would, do you?"

Oliver sighed, his worry evident in his voice. "I didn't at first, but now... I'm honestly not sure. He's been behaving differently lately, and it's hard to know what he might do."

Just then, Hermione came storming up to them, her eyes welling up with tears and her face contorted in a furious expression. "Did you hear what's happening to Buckbeak?" she demanded, her voice trembling with anger and sadness.

Oliver shot to his feet, a mix of shock and concern etched across his face. "No, Hermione, what's going on?"

Hermione took a deep breath, her words almost choking on the weight of what she was about to say. "Draco's father has given the order to put Buckbeak down for attacking his son."

"WHAT?!" Oliver and Isabella exclaimed in unison. The very thought of such an unjust decision struck them like a lightning bolt, igniting an indignant fire within their hearts.

Oliver's hands clenched into fists, his determination solidifying. "We can't let this happen. We have to save Buckbeak. He doesn't deserve that fate."

"What can we do?" Isabella asked.

Before anyone could respond, Draco Malfoy's snide voice echoed as he approached from the distance, his tone filled with malicious satisfaction. He reveled in the impending fate of Buckbeak, relishing the opportunity to revel in the misery of others. His words hung in the air, filling it with a toxic energy.

Without a moment's hesitation, Hermione's anger blazed within her, consuming her restraint. She stormed towards the source of her fury, her steps filled with purpose and her voice ringing with ferocity. "YOU!" she bellowed, the force of her anger reverberating through the surroundings.

Malfoy turned around, a smug smile dancing on his face, taunting Hermione with his cruel words. "Ah, the Mudblood. How terribly sorry I am about your precious Hippogriff," he drawled sarcastically, reveling in his own twisted satisfaction.

The fury within Hermione intensified to a boiling point. Her wand glinted in her hand as she raised it, pressing it against Draco's throat, the threat unmistakable. "You foul, loathsome, evil little cockroach!" she hissed through clenched teeth, her words saturated with a venomous wrath that dripped with disdain.

Draco was taken aback, shock etching itself across his face as his composure crumbled. Tears welled up in his eyes, his smug confidence shattered under the weight of Hermione's fierce retaliation.

Oliver, though consumed with his own frustrations and desires for retribution, recognized that this path of violence would not lead to any resolution. Despite his own simmering anger, he stepped forward, his voice a calm counterpoint to Hermione's explosive emotions. "This isn't going to help anything, Hermione," he interjected, his tone a plea for reason amidst a cacophony of chaos.

Hermione locked eyes with Draco, her gaze filled with a mixture of disappointment, anger, and a flicker of compassion. She exhaled a heavy sigh, her resolve wavering for a moment. Lowering her wand, she turned away from Draco, her silent message delivered.

Just as Draco believed he had escaped unscathed, Hermione pivoted on her heel, her anger surging forward. In one swift and powerful motion, she delivered a punch to Draco's face, her elemental strength channeled into the strike. The impact reverberated through the air, a resounding declaration of her fury and the righteous indignation she felt.

Draco swiftly fled, tears cascading down his face, his Slytherin entourage trailing behind him. The weight of Hermione's actions left Oliver and Isabella frozen in sheer disbelief, their eyes locked upon her with a mixture of astonishment and apprehension. For in all their time spent together, they had never witnessed Hermione unleash such a torrent of pent-up fury.

"That... that felt... good," Hermione exhaled, her voice trembling with a mix of relief and a hint of exhilaration, the remnants of her anger clinging to her words.

The dramatic pause that followed Hermione's admission was abruptly shattered as Oliver spoke up, unable to contain his emotions any longer. "Hermione, that... that was... kinda hot," he breathed, his own shock and admiration seeping into every syllable.

In an instant, Hermione's expression shifted, her rage giving way to a sudden wave of embarrassment that washed over her like a crimson tide. Her cheeks flushed, an unexpected mix of emotions swirling within her, leaving her momentarily speechless.

But before the silence could fully engulf them, Isabella's voice broke through, its tone brimming with admiration and a touch of awe. "You really... you really put him in his place," she marveled, her words a reverential tribute to Hermione's display of strength and defiance.

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